session by Sebastian
(Organising Front-End Components on the schedule)
Sebastian told us from his experience about how they split it:
- specific component
These deal with specific use cases. - product/project component?
A component that is specific to a product/project. - generic component
A mistake could be that such a component deals with a very specific input. That should not happen and should go into the "specific component" or "product/project component".
Translations could be done by having some kind of contract, use a translation service "give me a string"
Short side about Atomic Design:
- Atoms - Single use case component
- Molecules - Component using multiple Atoms
- Organisms - Combined Molecules
About the tree structure: "I do not look it up in the file tree, because it's too big"
Carlos brought up an idea that they use a tree which can be seen as the UI tree. If you reuse some component, it moves up into a generic component. Otherwise, the deeper you are in the tree, the more specific it gets. If you remove a component by deleting a directory, you can be pretty sure to have all dead code removed.