public Task<string> GetCurrentLanguageAsync();
This method returns the language code of the current selecting in the I18nText
service instance.
That language code is what detected from the Web browser settings, or specified by an argument of last SetCurrentLanguageAsync()
method call.
method uses the language code that this method returns to determine which language resource file should load.
public Task<string> SetCurrentLanguageAsync(string langCode);
This method changes the language code of current selecting in the I18nText service instance.
In the default configuration, the language code that passed to the argument of this method will stored in session storage of the web browser.
The language code that was stored by this method will be read at launching the Blazor app, and used to initialize the I18nText
service instance.
If you want to change this storing behavior, you can configure it at service registration (see also: AddI18nText(...)
extension method.).
public event EventHandler<I18nTextChangeLanguageEventArgs> ChangeLanguage;
This event will be invoked after the language is changed. It is invoked after the language has been changed, but before the component state has changed.
public Task<T> GetTextTableAsync<T>(ComponentBase component);
This method returns the "Text Table" object specified with type argument T
The type T
is the class auto generated from localized text source file in the building process.
The fields of "Text Table" object are initialized by Localized Resource Text JSON file which is most suitable for the language code returned by the GetCurrentLanguageAsync()
When the SetCurrentLanguageAsync(...)
method is invoked and current language of the I18nText
service instance is changed, StateHasCahnged()
method of the component that is specified to the 1st argument of this method will be invoked automatically.
By this effect, the result of rendering Blazor component will be refreshed with the after changed language's localized text.
public static IServiceCollection AddI18nText(
this IServiceCollection services,
Action<I18nTextOptions> configure = null);
This extension method registers I18nText
service into .NET Core DI (Dependency Injection) system.
You can customize the behavior of I18nText
service in configure
callback function.
public GetInitialLanguage GetInitialLanguageAsync;
This field defines the behavior of how to get a initial language code when the Blazor app loaded first.
The type of this field is a delegate that has following syntax.
public delegate Task<string> GetInitialLanguage(I18nTextOptions options);
By the default configuration, this field points to the static method that implements default behavior.
The default implements will return the language code from the web browser's local or session storage that would be stored by SetCurrentLanguageAsync(...)
method, or web browser's language settings if the storage is empty.
public PersistCurrentLanguageAsync PersistCurrentLanguageAsync;
This field defines the behavior of how to persist the current language selecting in the I18nText
service instance, when the SetCurrentLanguageAsync(...)
method is invoked.
The type of this filed is a delegate that has following syntax.
public delegate Task PersistCurrentLanguageAsync(
string langCode,
I18nTextOptions options);
By the default configuration, this field points to the static method that will or will not store the language code that is specified for the argument of the delegate.
The behavior of the default implements rely on what value is specified in thePersistanceLevel
filed of the option
public PersistanceLevel PersistenceLevel { get; set; }
This enum property allows you to control which storage is used for storing the current language selecting when the SetCurrentLanguageAsync(..)
method is invoked.
The type of this property is a enum type that has following values, and this property has one of the these enum values.
public enum PersistanceLevel
These enumerated values have the following meanings.
Value | Description |
None | the language code will not persist anywhere. |
Session | the language code will persist into web borwser's session storage. |
SessionAndLocal | the language code will persist into web borwser's session storage and local storage. |
Cookie | the language code will persist into web borwser's cookie storage. |
PersistentCookie | the language code will persist into web borwser's cookie storage with a long expiration date. |
This property value is used by the static method that is the default value of PersistCurrentLanguageAsync
If your Blazor app has SSR areas, we strongly recommend to use PersistanceLevel.Cookie
option to keep the language settings, because it is the only way to keep the language settings in the SSR areas. If your Blazor app doesn't have any SSR areas, you can use other options, such as PersistanceLevel.Session
, etc.
public string HttpClientName;
This string field is effective only on a Blazor WebAssembly app, with no effects on a Blazor Server app.
The I18nText
service running on Blazor WebAssembly app fetches localized resource text JSON files by using a named HttpClient
object which is created from IHttpClientFactory
This field specifies the name of HttpClient
for fetching those JSON files.
The I18nText
uses this name for registering the named HttpClient
to DI and also uses it for creating a named HttpClient
public ConfigureHttpClient ConfigureHttpClient;
This delegate field is effective only on a Blazor WebAssembly app, with no effects on a Blazor Server app.
The type of this filed is a delegate that has following syntax.
public delegate void ConfigureHttpClient(
IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
HttpClient client);
The I18nText
service running on Blazor WebAssembly app fetches localized resource text JSON files by using a named HttpClient
object which is created from IHttpClientFactory
The delegate in this field is invoked to configure the named HttpClient
object that is created by IHttpClientFactory
If you want to configure a HttpClient
object that is used for I18nText
service your self, you should set your implementation to this field.
If you set null
value to this field, I18nText
service will not register the named HttpClinet
to DI.
The default delegate value in this field is implementation as just configure BaseAddress
property of a HttpClient