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File metadata and controls

342 lines (244 loc) · 13.5 KB

Main tasks

Fork this repository

You have to fork this repository on GitHub and clone/download it.

If you did not create your own Google Cloud project; jump to the assignments under Deploy to your Kubernetes Cluster.

If you did create your own Goggle Cloud project and created your own cluster; fork this repo. We need this to use build triggers in the next step.

Docker containers

To create a deployment on Kubernetes, you need to specify at least one container for your application. Kubernetes will on a deploy pull the image specified and create pods with this container. Docker is the most commonly used container in Kubernetes.

In this repository you will find code for both applications in the backend and frontend directories. Each of these folders also have their own Dockerfile. Take a look at the docker files too see how they are built up:

Notice the .dockerignore files as well. This file tells the Docker daemon which files and directories to ignore, for example the node_modules directory.

We could create the Docker images locally from our computer by building it with the docker deamon, but we are going to explore build triggers in Google Cloud Platform instead.

Build triggers

  1. Go to cloud console: find Container Registry in the left side menu (under tools) and click Build triggers. If you are asked to enable the Container Builder API, do so.
  2. Click Create trigger
  3. Choose Github as build source. Click Continue
  4. Select your fork as the repository and click Continue
  5. Now its time to specify the build trigger:
    • Name: Backend trigger
    • Trigger type: Tag
    • Branch: Set tag to cv-backend-*
    • Build Configuration: Dockerfile
    • Dockerfile directory: Point to the backend Dockerfile in backend/
    • Dockerfile name: Dockerfile
    • Image name:$PROJECT_ID/backend:$TAG_NAME
  6. Click Create trigger

Now, do the same thing for the frontend application. Name it Frontend trigger, and set the directory to be /frontend/ and set the Docker image to be$PROJECT_ID/frontend:$TAG_NAME.

This sets up a build trigger that listens to new commits on the master branch of your repository. If the commit is tagged with cv-frontend-1, it will use the Dockerfile in the frontend directory to create a new Docker image.

  1. Click on the small menu on the trigger and select Run trigger to test it
  2. Once it is finished building, you can find the image under the Builder Images in the menu point.

Test the build trigger

You tried to run the build trigger manually in the previous step. Now you will test how it works on new commits on your GitHub repository.

Change the code

Open the file backend/server.js and edit the JSON responses to your name, workplace and education. You can either change the code in an editor or in GitHub directly. Commit and push your commit.

Publish your changes

We need to add a tag to notify our build triggers that the code has changed and need to rebuild. There are two ways to ad a tag:

In the terminal

If you commit from the git command line, the command to tag the latest commit is:

git tag -a cv-backend-2
git push --tags

NB: Remember to change the latest number in your tag. If cv-backend-2 already is a tag, you should use cv-backend-3

In GitHub

You can add a tag to your directly from GitHub:

  1. In the repo, Click on releases, next to contributors.
  2. Click on Draft a new release
  3. Write your new tag, i.e., cv-backend-2
  4. Create release title if you want (ex: What have you done?)
  5. Click Publish release


Go back to the Build triggers in Cloud Console and click on Build history to see whether the backend starts building. Notice that you can follow the build log if you want to see whats going on.

Deploy to your Kubernetes Cluster

It's time to deploy the frontend and backend to your cluster! The preferred way to configure Kubernetes resources is to specify them in YAML files.

In the folder yaml/ you find the YAML files specifying what resources Kubernetes should create. There is two services, one for the backend application and one for the frontend application. Same for the deployments.

  1. Open the file yaml/backend-deployment.yaml and in the field spec.template.spec.containers.image insert your backend Docker image full name. It should be something like, example:

If you did not create build triggers, use the docker image linemos/cv-backend:1.0.

There are a few things to notice in the deployment file:

  • The number of replicas is set to 3. This is the number of pods we want running at all times
  • The container spec has defined port 5000, so the Deployment will open this port on the containers
  • The label app: backend is defined three places:
    • metadata is used by the service, which we will look at later
    • spec.selector.matchLabels is how the Deployment knows which Pods to manage
    • spec.template.metadata is the label added to the Pods
  1. Open the file yaml/frontend-deployment.yaml and in the field spec.template.spec.containers.image insert your frontend Docker image full name. It should be something like If you did not create build triggers, use linemos/cv-frontend:1.0 instead.

  2. Create the resources for the backend and frontend (from root folder in the project):

kubectl apply -f ./yaml/backend-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./yaml/frontend-deployment.yaml
  1. Watch the creation of pods:
watch kubectl get pods

If you don't have watch installed, you can use this command instead:

kubectl get pods -w

When all pods are running, quit by ctrl + q.

Pods are Kubernetes resources that mostly just contains one or more containers, along with some Kubernetes network stuff and specifications on how to run the container(s). Our pods all just contains one container. There are several use cases where you might want to specify several containers in one pod, for example if your application is using a proxy.

The Pods were created when you applied the specification of the type Deployment, which is a controller resource. The Deployment specification contains a desired state and the Deployment controller changes the state to achieve this. When creating the Deployment, it will create ReplicaSet, which it owns. The ReplicaSet will then create the desired number of pods, and recreate them if the Deployment specification changes, e.g. if you want another number of pods running or if you update the Docker image to use. It will do so in a rolling-update manner, which we will explore soon.

Did you noticed that the pod names were prefixed with the deployment names and two hashes? - The first hash is the hash of the ReplicaSet, the second is unique for the Pod.

  1. Explore the Deployments:
kubectl get deployments

Here you can see the age of the Deployment and how many Pods that are desired in the configuration specification, the number of running pods, the number of pods that are updated and how many that are available.

  1. Explore the ReplicaSets:
kubectl get replicaset

The statuses are similar to those of the Deployments, except that the ReplicaSet have no concept of updates. If you run an update to a Deployment, it will create a new ReplicaSet with the updated specification and tell the old ReplicaSet to scale number of pods down to zero.

Create services

Now that our applications are running, we would like to route traffic to them.

  1. Open yaml/backend-service.yaml There are a few things to notice:

    • The protocol is set to TCP, which means that the Service sends requests to Pods on this protocol. UDP is also supported
    • The spec has defined port 80, so it will listen to traffic on port 80 and sends traffic to the Pods on the same port. We could also define targetPort if the port on the Pods are different from the incoming traffic port
    • The label app: backend defines that it should route requests to our Deployment with the same label
  2. Create the Services:

kubectl apply -f ./yaml/backend-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./yaml/frontend-service.yaml
  1. List the created services:
kubectl get service

As you can see, both services have defined internal IPs, CLUSTER-IP. These internal IPs are only available inside the cluster. But we want our frontend application to be available from the internet. In order to do so, we must expose an external IP.

Exposing your app

Ok, so now what? With the previous command, we saw that we had two services, one for our frontend and one for our backend. But they both had internal IPs, no external. We want to be able to browse our application from our browser. Lets look at another way. The Service resource can have a different type, it can be set as a LoadBalancer.

  1. Open the frontend service file again
  2. Set type to be LoadBalancer
  3. Save and run
kubectl apply -f ./yaml/frontend-service.yaml
  1. Wait for an external IP:
watch kubectl get service frontend


kubectl get service frontend -w
  1. Visit the IP in your browser to see you amazing CV online!

Rolling updates

As you read earlier, Kubernetes can update your application without down time with a rolling-update strategy. You will now update the background color of the frontend application, see that the build trigger creates a new image and update the deployment to use this in your web application.

  1. Open the file frontend/src/index.css and edit the field background-color to your favourite color
  2. Commit your changes
  3. Create a cv-frontend-2.0 tag like we did earlier.
  4. Go back to the cloud console in your browser and make sure that the build trigger finishes successfully
  5. Update the image specification on the file yaml/frontend-deployment.yaml by adding the tag :2.0
  6. Open a new terminal window to watch the deletion and creation of Pods:
watch kubectl get pods

If you don't have watch installed, you can use this command instead:

kubectl get pods -w

Don't close this window.

  1. In the other terminal window, apply the updated Deployment specification
kubectl apply -f ./yaml/frontend-deployment.yaml

and watch how the Pods are terminated and created in the other terminal window. Notice that there are always at least one Pod running and that the last of the old Pods are first terminated when on of the new ones has the status running.

Inspection and logging

Ok, everything looks good! But what if you need to inspect the logs and states of your applications? Kubernetes have a built in log feature. Lets take a look at our backend application, and see what information we can retrieve.

  1. View the logs of one container
  • First, list the pod names:

    kubectl get pods -l app=backend

    The flag l is used to filter by pods with the label app=backend.

  • Now, you can view the logs from one pod:

    kubectl logs <INSERT_THE_NAME_OF_A_POD>
  • You can also get all logs filtered by label.

    kubectl logs -l app=backend
  1. Ok, the logs were fine! Lets look at the environment variables set by Kubernetes in our containers:
kubectl exec -it <INSERT_THE_NAME_OF_A_POD> -- printenv

Here you can see that we have IP addresses and ports to our frontend service. These IP addresses are internal, not reachable from outside the cluster. You can set your own environment variables in the deployment specification. They will show up in this list as well.

  1. We can also describe our deployment, to see its statuses and pod specification:
kubectl describe deployment backend

Notice that StrategyType: RollingUpdate that we saw when we applied an updated frontend is set by default.


A cool thing in Kubernetes is the Kubernetes DNS. Inside the cluster, Pods and Services have their own DNS record. For example, our backend service is reachable on backend.<NAMESPACE>.svc.cluster.local. If you are sending the request from the same namespace, you can also reach it on backend. We will take a look at this.

  1. Get your current namespace
kubectl config view | grep namespace: 

If there is no output, your namespace is default.

  1. List pods to copy a pod name
kubectl get pods -l app=frontend
  1. We will run curl from one of our frontend containers to see that we can reach our backend internally on http://backend.<NAMESPACE>.svc.cluster.local:5000
kubectl exec -it INSERT_FRONTEND_POD_NAME -- curl -v http://backend.<NAMESPACE>.svc.cluster.local:5000

The HTTP status should be 200 along with the message "Hello, I'm alive"

  1. Run curl from the same container to see that we can reach our backend internally on the shortname http://backend:5000 as well
kubectl exec -it INSERT_FRONTEND_POD_NAME -- curl -v http://backend:5000

The output should be the same as above.


If you have time, we recommend: Proceed to the extra tasks.

Before you quit: Delete your cluster and clean up.