GeoIPlookup application made with Bash, Docker, Docker-Compose and Chef cookbook.
Built as a simple script to launch with a parameter.
./files/ [URL]
Steps: 01: We have to build the container with the Dockerfile attached.
docker build --tag geoip .
02: Insert all DNS names on the file dnsnames.txt 03: Launch the container.
docker run \
--name geoip \
-v $PWD/files/dnsnames.txt:/tmp/dnsnames.txt \
-v $PWD/files/dnslocation.txt:/tmp/dnslocation.txt \
-d geoip
04: See the results on the dnslocation.txt file.
Same as before, but just launching the docker-compose command.
docker-compose up
Cookbook created to launch the app created before.
chef-solo -c solo.rb -j geoip.json