This page describes the available APIs for LIT's Python backend. It assumes some familarity with the basic system design and the type system.
The following is intended to give a conceptual overview; for the most precise documentation, see the code in lit_nlp/api and examples in lit_nlp/examples.
To run LIT with your own models and data, you can create a custom
script that passes these to the LIT server. For example:
def main(_):
# MulitiNLIData implements the Dataset API
datasets = {
'mnli_matched': MultiNLIData('/path/to/dev_matched.tsv'),
'mnli_mismatched': MultiNLIData('/path/to/dev_mismatched.tsv'),
# NLIModel implements the Model API
models = {
'model_foo': NLIModel('/path/to/model/foo/files'),
'model_bar': NLIModel('/path/to/model/bar/files'),
lit_demo = lit_nlp.dev_server.Server(models, datasets, port=4321)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Conceptually, a dataset is just a list of examples and a model is just a
function that takes examples and returns predictions. The Dataset
and Model
classes implement this, and provide metadata (see the
type system) to describe themselves to other
For full examples, see lit_nlp/examples
Datasets (Dataset
) are
just a list of examples, with associated type information following LIT's
type system.
should return a flat dict that describes the fields in each exampleself._examples
should be a list of flat dicts
Implementations should subclass
. Usually this
is just a few lines of code - for example, the following is a complete dataset
loader for MultiNLI:
class MultiNLIData(Dataset):
"""Loader for MultiNLI development set."""
NLI_LABELS = ['entailment', 'neutral', 'contradiction']
def __init__(self, path):
# Read the eval set from a .tsv file as distributed with the GLUE benchmark.
df = pandas.read_csv(path, sep='\t')
# Store as a list of dicts, conforming to self.spec()
self._examples = [{
'premise': row['sentence1'],
'hypothesis': row['sentence2'],
'label': row['gold_label'],
'genre': row['genre'],
} for _, row in df.iterrows()]
def spec(self):
return {
'premise': lit_types.TextSegment(),
'hypothesis': lit_types.TextSegment(),
'label': lit_types.Label(vocab=self.NLI_LABELS),
# We can include additional fields, which don't have to be used by the model.
'genre': lit_types.Label(),
This implementation uses Pandas to read a TSV file, but you can also use
services like TensorFlow Datasets -
simply wrap them in your __init__()
Note that you can freely add additional features - such as genre
in the
example above - which the model may not be aware of. The LIT UI will recognize
these features for slicing, binning, etc., and they will also be available to
interpretation components such as custom metrics.
The Dataset
class also supports a limited set of transformations, similar to
but more limited in scope and aimed at supporting quick iteration:
will return a newDataset
with the same spec and a slice of the datapoints.Dataset.sample(n, seed=42)
will return a newDataset
with the same spec and a random sample of the datapoints.Dataset.remap(field_map: Dict[str, str])
will return a newDataset
with renamed fields in both the examples and spec.
The latter is a shortcut to use datasets matching one model with another; for
example, a dataset with a "document"
field can be used with a model expecting
a "text"
input via Dataset.remap({"document": "text"})
Models (Model
) are
functions which take inputs and produce outputs, with associated type
information following LIT's type system. The core
API consists of three methods:
should return a flat dict that describes necessary input fieldsoutput_spec()
should return a flat dict that describes the model's predictions and any additional outputspredict_minibatch()
should take a sequence of inputs (satisfyinginput_spec()
) and yields a parallel sequence of outputs matchingoutput_spec()
Implementations should subclass
. An example for
MultiNLI might look something like:
class NLIModel(Model):
"""Wrapper for a Natural Language Inference model."""
NLI_LABELS = ['entailment', 'neutral', 'contradiction']
def __init__(self, model_path, **kw):
# Load the model into memory so we're ready for interactive use.
self._model = _load_my_model(model_path, **kw)
# LIT API implementations
def predict(self, inputs: List[Input]) -> Iterable[Preds]:
"""Predict on a single minibatch of examples."""
examples = [self._model.convert_dict_input(d) for d in inputs] # any custom preprocessing
return self._model.predict_examples(examples) # returns a dict for each input
def input_spec(self):
"""Describe the inputs to the model."""
return {
'premise': lit_types.TextSegment(),
'hypothesis': lit_types.TextSegment(),
def output_spec(self):
"""Describe the model outputs."""
return {
# The 'parent' keyword tells LIT where to look for gold labels when computing metrics.
'probas': lit_types.MulticlassPreds(vocab=NLI_LABELS, parent='label'),
Unlike the dataset example, this model implementation is incomplete - you'll
need to customize predict()
(or predict_minibatch()
) accordingly with any
pre- or post-processing needed, such as tokenization.
Note: The Model
base class implements simple batching, aided by the
function. This is purely for convenience, since most deep
learning models will want this behavior. But if you don't need it, you can
simply override the predict()
function directly and handle large inputs
Note: there are a few additional methods in the model API - see
for details.
The above example defined a black-box model, with predictions but no access to
internals. If we want a richer view into the model's behavior, we can add
additional return fields corresponding to hidden-state activations, gradients,
or attention. For example, a BERT-based model with several such features might
have the following output_spec()
def output_spec(self):
"""Describe the model outputs."""
return {
# The 'parent' keyword tells LIT where to look for gold labels when computing metrics.
'probas': lit_types.MulticlassPreds(vocab=NLI_LABELS, parent='label'),
# This model returns two different embeddings (activation vectors), but you can easily add more.
'output_embs': lit_types.Embeddings(), # from [CLS] token at top layer
'mean_word_embs': lit_types.Embeddings(), # mean of input word embeddings
# In LIT, we treat tokens as another model output. There can be more than one,
# and the 'align' field describes which input segment they correspond to.
'premise_tokens': lit_types.Tokens(align='premise'),
'hypothesis_tokens': lit_types.Tokens(align='hypothesis'),
# Gradients are also returned by the model; 'align' here references a Tokens field.
'premise_grad': lit_types.TokenGradients(align='premise_tokens'),
'hypothesis_grad': lit_types.TokenGradients(align='hypothesis_tokens'),
# Similarly, attention references a token field, but here we want the model's full "internal"
# tokenization, which might be something like: [START] foo bar baz [SEP] spam eggs [END]
'tokens': lit_types.Tokens(),
'attention_layer0': lit_types.AttentionHeads(align=['tokens', 'tokens']),
'attention_layer1': lit_types.AttentionHeads(align=['tokens', 'tokens']),
'attention_layer2': lit_types.AttentionHeads(align=['tokens', 'tokens']),
# ...and so on. Since the spec is just a dictionary of dataclasses, you can populate it
# in a loop if you have many similar fields.
The predict()
function would return, for each example, additional dict entries
corresponding to each of these fields.
LIT components and frontend modules will automatically detect these spec fields and use them to support additional interpretation methods, such as the embedding projector or gradient-based salience maps.
You can also implement multi-headed models this way: simply add additional
output fields for each prediction (such as another MulticlassPreds
), and
they'll be automatically detected.
See the type system documentation for more details on avaible types and their semantics.
Backend interpretation components include metrics, salience maps, visualization aids like UMAP, and counterfactual generator plug-ins.
Most such components implement the
Conceptually, this is any function that takes a set of datapoints and a model,
and produces some output.2 For example,
local gradient-based salience
processes the TokenGradients
and Tokens
returned by a model and produces a
list of scores for each token.
The core API involves implementing the run()
def run(self,
inputs: List[JsonDict],
model: lit_model.Model,
dataset: lit_dataset.Dataset,
model_outputs: Optional[List[JsonDict]] = None,
config: Optional[JsonDict] = None):
# config is any runtime options to this component, such as a threshold for
# (binary) classification metrics.
Note: a more general run_with_metadata()
method is also available; this
receives a list of IndexedInput
which contain additional metadata, such as
parent pointers for tracking counterfactuals.
Output from an interpreter component is unconstrained; it's up to the frontend component requesting it to process the output correctly. In particular, some components (such as salience maps) may operate on each example independently, similar to model predictions, while others (such as metrics) may produce aggregate summaries of the input set.
Interpreters are also responsible for verifying compatibility by reading the model and dataset specs; these are also used to determine what fields to operate on. A typical implementation just loops over the relevant specs. For example, for simple gradient-based salience we might have:
def find_fields(self, output_spec: Spec) -> List[Text]:
# Find TokenGradients fields
grad_fields = utils.find_spec_keys(output_spec, types.TokenGradients)
# Check that these are aligned to Tokens fields
for f in grad_fields:
tokens_field = output_spec[f].align # pytype: disable=attribute-error
assert tokens_field in output_spec
assert isinstance(output_spec[tokens_field], types.Tokens)
return grad_fields
def run(self,
inputs: List[JsonDict],
model: lit_model.Model,
dataset: lit_dataset.Dataset,
model_outputs: Optional[List[JsonDict]] = None,
config: Optional[JsonDict] = None) -> Optional[List[JsonDict]]:
"""Run this component, given a model and input(s)."""
# Find gradient fields to interpret
output_spec = model.output_spec()
grad_fields = self.find_fields(output_spec)'Found fields for gradient attribution: %s', str(grad_fields))
if len(grad_fields) == 0: # pylint: disable=g-explicit-length-test
return None
# do rest of the work to create the salience maps for each available field
# return a dtypes.SalienceMap for each input, which has a list of
# tokens (from the model) and their associated scores.
This design adds some code overhead to interpretation components, but the benefit is flexibility - Python can be used to specify complex dependencies between fields, and multiple outputs can be easily supported in a loop.
For metrics, the
class implements the spec-matching and input-unpacking logic to satisfy the
general Interpreter
API. A subclass of SimpleMetrics
should implement an
method and a compute()
method, which is called on compatible
(prediction, label) pairs and returns a dict of named score fields. For example:
class RegressionMetrics(SimpleMetrics):
"""Standard regression metrics."""
def is_compatible(self, field_spec: types.LitType) -> bool:
"""Return true if compatible with this field."""
return isinstance(field_spec, types.RegressionScore)
def compute(self,
labels: Sequence[float],
preds: Sequence[float],
label_spec: types.Scalar,
pred_spec: types.RegressionScore,
config: Optional[JsonDict] = None) -> Dict[Text, float]:
"""Compute metric(s) between labels and predictions."""
del config
mse = sklearn_metrics.mean_squared_error(labels, preds)
pearsonr = scipy_stats.pearsonr(labels, preds)[0]
spearmanr = scipy_stats.spearmanr(labels, preds)[0]
return {'mse': mse, 'pearsonr': pearsonr, 'spearmanr': spearmanr}
The implementation of
uses the parent
key (see
type system) in fields of the model's output spec
to find the appropriate input fields to compare against, and calls compute()
accordingly on the unpacked values.
Conceptually, a generator is just an interpreter that returns new input
examples. These may depend on the input only, as for techniques such as
backtranslation, or can involve feedback from the model, such as for adversarial
attacks. Currently, generators use a separate API, subclassing
, but in
the near future this will be merged into the Interpreter
API described above.
The core generator API is:
class Generator(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Base class for LIT generators."""
def generate_all(self,
inputs: List[JsonDict],
model: lit_model.Model,
dataset: lit_dataset.Dataset,
config: Optional[JsonDict] = None) -> List[List[JsonDict]]:
"""Run generation on a set of inputs.
inputs: sequence of inputs, following model.input_spec()
model: optional model to use to generate new examples.
dataset: optional dataset which the current examples belong to.
config: optional runtime config.
list of list of new generated inputs, following model.input_spec()
Where the output is a list of lists: a set of generated examples for each input.
For convenience, there is also a generate()
method which takes a single
example and returns a single list; we provide the more general generate_all()
API to support model-based generators (such as backtranslation) which benefit
from batched requests.
As with other interpreter components, a generator can take custom arguments
through config
, such as the list of substitutions for the
word replacer.
The backtranslator generator translates text segment inputs into foreign languages and back to the source language in order to create paraphrases. It relies on the Google Cloud Translate API to perform those translations. To use it, you must have a Google Cloud project and set up Cloud Translation as described at Then, download your application credentials file locally and set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to point to that file. With that environment variable set to the correct path, LIT can make use of the backtranlator generator if you pass it as a generator in the Server constructor.
TODO: write this
We could solve this particular case by standardizing names, but one still needs to be explicit if there are multiple segments available, such as
for a QA task. ↩ -
A trivial one might just run the model and return predictions, though in practice we have a separate endpoint for that. ↩