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Building the project

This file should assist you in compiling and running the game.

Note the troubleshooting and FAQ sections.

Buildsystem Design

openage consists of a pure C++ library, libopenage, and the openage python package. There's a special python package, openage.codegen, which generates parts of the C++ binary code.

We use CMake for all our building needs. The configure is a an optional wrapper that will create a build directory, bin, and invoke cmake with the appropriate flags to build inside that directory. Likewise, the root Makefile provides some convenience options that may otherwise be accessed directly in the CMake build folder.

For more build system internals, see doc/


Dependencies are needed for:

  • C = compiling
  • R = running
  • A = asset conversion

Dependency list:

C     gcc >=4.9 or clang >=3.4 (clang >=3.5 for Mac OS X)
CRA   python >=3.4
C     cython >=0.22
C     cmake >=3.0.0
  A   numpy
  A   python imaging library (PIL) -> pillow
CR    opengl >=2.1
CR    libepoxy
 R    dejavu font
CR    freetype2
CR    fontconfig
CR    harfbuzz
CR    sdl2
CR    sdl2_image
CR    opusfile
  A   opus-tools
C     pygments

  A   An installed version of any of the following (wine is your friend).
      Other versions _might_ work; setup disk support will be added soon:

 - Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Patch 1.0c
 - Age of Empires II: Forgotten Empires
 - Age of Empires II HD

Prerequisite steps for Ubuntu users (Ubuntu 14.10)

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install cmake libfreetype6-dev python3-dev libepoxy-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libopusfile-dev libfontconfig1-dev libharfbuzz-dev opus-tools python3-pil python3-numpy python3-pygments python3-pip
  • sudo pip3 install cython

Prerequisite steps for Fedora users (Fedora 20, 21)

sudo yum install cmake gcc-c++ clang SDL2-devel SDL2_image-devel python3-devel python3-numpy python3-pillow libepoxy-devel opus-tools opusfile-devel fontconfig-devel harfbuzz-devel

Prerequisite steps for Fedora users (Fedora 22)

sudo dnf install cmake gcc-c++ clang SDL2-devel SDL2_image-devel python3-Cython python3-devel python3-numpy python3-pillow python3-pygments libepoxy-devel opus-tools opusfile-devel fontconfig-devel harfbuzz-devel

Prerequisite steps for openSUSE users (openSUSE 13.2)

If you already have python3 or one of packman/games repositories then no need to run the first two lines. If unsure then just run last line and see if all packages can be installed.

  • zypper addrepo
  • zypper refresh
  • zypper install --no-recommends cmake doxygen fontconfig-devel harfbuzz-devel gcc49-c++ graphviz libSDL2-devel libSDL2_image-devel libfreetype6 libepoxy-devel libogg-devel libopus-devel opusfile-devel pkgconfig python3-Cython python3-Pillow python3-Pygments python3-devel

Prerequisite steps for openSUSE users (openSUSE Tumbleweed)

  • zypper install --no-recommends cmake doxygen fontconfig-devel harfbuzz-devel gcc-c++ graphviz libSDL2-devel libSDL2_image-devel libfreetype6 libepoxy-devel libogg-devel libopus-devel opusfile-devel pkgconfig python3-Cython python3-Pillow python3-Pygments python3-devel

Prerequisite steps for Mac OS X users (OS X 10.10 Yosemite)

  • Install Homebrew. Other package managers and building from source might also work, but aren't supported as of now. If you figure out fixes for those other options, you're welcome to open pullrequests, as long as the Homebrew build doesn't break.
  • brew update
  • brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
  • brew tap caskroom/fonts
  • brew tap homebrew/versions
  • brew tap homebrew/python
  • brew update (yes, again)
  • brew cask install font-dejavu-sans
  • brew install python3 libepoxy freetype fontconfig harfbuzz cmake sdl2 sdl2_image opus opus-tools opusfile
  • brew install numpy --with-python3
  • brew install pillow --with-python3
  • Choose and Install a compatible compiler:
  • For clang 3.5: brew install llvm35
  • For gcc 4.9: brew install gcc49
  • Permanently add /usr/local/bin to your $PATH environment variable
  • Permanently add /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig and /usr/local/lib to your $PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
  • Then run pip3.4 install pygments cython

Prerequisite steps for Arch Linux users

This command should provide required packages for Arch Linux installation:

sudo pacman -S --needed python python-pillow python-numpy python-pygments cython libepoxy ttf-dejavu freetype2 fontconfig harfbuzz cmake sdl2 sdl2_image opusfile opus-tools python-pylint

If you don't have a compiler installed, you can select between these commands to install it:

  • sudo pacman -S --needed gcc
  • sudo pacman -S --needed clang

You can install both compilers and select the one to be used by ./configure.

Build procedure

For developers/users who want to try the project

  • (obviously) clone this repo or acquire the sources some other way
  • make sure you have everything from the dependency list
  • For *nix: ./configure --compiler=clang will prepare building
  • You could also use ./configure --mode=release --compiler=gcc here
  • For Mac OS X: use instead: ./configure --cpp-compiler=clang++-3.5
  • Or: ./configure --mode=release --cpp-compiler=g++-4.9
  • make does code generation, builds all Cython modules, and libopenage.
  • make run, ./run, ./ or python3 -m openage runs the game. try ./run --help and ./run game --help.
  • make test runs the built-in tests.

For installing on your local system (not yet fully tested)

  • On *nix: ./configure --mode=release --compiler=gcc --prefix=/usr
  • You could also use ./configure --mode=release --compiler=clang --prefix=/usr
  • On Mac OS X, use instead: ./configure --mode=release --cpp-compiler=g++-4.9 --prefix=/usr
  • Or: ./configure --mode=release --cpp-compiler=clang++-3.5 --prefix=/usr
  • make to compile the project
  • make install will install the binary to /usr/bin/openage, python packages to /usr/lib/python..., static assets to /usr/share etc. Python packages may use their own prefix, which will be printed.

For packagers

  • Don't use ./configure; instead, handle openage like a regular cmake project. In doubt, have a look at ./configure's cmake invocation.
  • For make install use DESTDIR=/tmp/your_temporary_packaging_dir, which will then be packed/installed by your package manager.


  • I wanna see compiler invocations
  • make VERBOSE=1
  • My SDL2_Image/PythonInterp/whatever is installed somewhere, but cmake can't find it!
  • You can manually tell cmake where to look. Try something along the lines of ./configure --raw-cmake-args -DSDL2IMAGE_INCLUDE_DIRS=/whereever/sdl2_image/include/
  • I get nonsensical cmake errors like unable to execute /home/user/git/openage/clang++
  • This is an issue with cmake, or rather, your usage of it. You probably invoked cmake directly, and defined a compiler even though the build directory has already been initialized. cmake is a bit "special" in this regard. Simply omit the compiler definitions, or clean the build directory.
  • I get compiler errors about missing header files
  • Make sure to install the developer version (including header files) of the library in question.



Help, it doesn't work!


Have a look at Troubleshooting above. Maybe you've found a bug...


Why did you make the simple task of invoking a compiler so incredibly complicated? Seriously. I've been trying to get this pile of utter crap you call a 'build system' to simply do its job for half an hour now, but all it does is sputter unreadable error messages. I hate CMake. I'm fed up with you. Why are you doing this to me? I thought we were friends. I'm the most massive collection of wisdom that has ever existed, and now I HATE YOU. It can't be for no reason. You MUST deserve it.


  • Coincidentally, the exact same question crosses my mind whenever I have to build an automake project, so I can sympathize.
  • Unfortunately, it's not as simple as invoking a compiler. Building openage involves code generation and the building of Cython extension modules.
  • See buildsystem/simple, which does exactly these things, manually (don't use this for production).