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E-commerce API

E-commerce API using Express and Typescript



Script Description
npm install Install all dependencies
npm run dev Execute TS files with nodemon


DAOs can be changed in 'src/apis' in 'cartapi.ts' and 'productsapi.ts' files.

Number Description
0 Memory persistence/database
1 Filesystem persistence/database
2 MySQL persistence/database
3 SQLite persistence/database
4 MongoDB Local persistence/database
5 MongoDB Atlas persistence/database
6 Firebase persistence/database



Method Route Description
GET /api/productos/listar List all products
GET /api/productos/listar/id List a product by id, if a product doesn't exist return an error message
POST /api/productos/agregar Add a product by passing a JSON Body, change isAdmin boolean in '/middleware/isAdmin.js' to true (authorized access) or false (unauthorized access)
PUT api/productos/actualizar/id Updates a product by passing the product's id and a JSON Body, change isAdmin boolean in '/middleware/isAdmin.js' to true (authorized access) or false (unauthorized access)
DELETE /api/productos/borrar/id Delete a product from the product list by passing the product's id, change isAdmin boolean in '/middleware/isAdmin.js' to true (authorized access) or false (unauthorized access)

JSON Body template:

    "title": string,
    "description": string,
    "code": string,
    "price": number,
    "thumbnail": string,
    "stock": number


Method Route Description
GET /api/carrito/listar List a cart with all the products
GET /api/carrito/listar/id List a product from the cart by id, if a product does not exist return an error message
POST /api/carrito/agregar/id Add a product from the product list to the cart by passing the product's id
DELETE /api/carrito/borrar/id Delete a product from the cart by passing the product's id

Products Queries:

Query Type Description
title string Filter products by the title
priceMin number Filter products between prices, priceMax is nedeed in order to work
priceMax number Filter products between prices, priceMin is nedeed in order to work
code string Filters products by the code
stockMin number Filter products between stocks, stockMax is nedeed in order to work
stockMax number Filter products between stocks, stockMin is nedeed in order to work

Query Examples:

Method: GET

Route: /api/productos/listar?

Example 1 (Single query paramater):


Queries can be combined with &.

Example 2 (Multiple query paramaters):
