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Here you can find course content and homework for the JavaScript 1 module
Week | Topic | Read | Homework |
1. | Git Session with Unmesh | Reading Week 1 | Homework Week 1 |
2. | • Intro JavaScript (What is it, where can you use it for) • Variables (var, let, const) • Basic Data types (Strings, Numbers, Arrays, Booleans) • Operators • Special characters and their names • Naming conventions |
Reading Week 2 | Homework Week 2 |
3. | • Git work flow 😈 • Advanced data types (objects) • Conditional execution • Statements vs Expressions • Loops (for/while) • Functions • Scope |
Reading Week 3 | Homework Week 3 |
Kind note:
We expect you to always come prepared to the class on Sunday.
A good understanding of all the above mentioned topics. Want to check your Knowledge? Go through the JavaScript Fundamentals README and research/ ask for help (Slack!) with the concepts that are not entirely clear.
The HackYourFuture curriculum is subject to CC BY copyright. This means you can freely use our materials, but just make sure to give us credit for it :)