- Josh Unger
- Software Engineer at IdeaRoom - http://www.idearoominc.com
- Please share 30 seconds if you know more about the news
- Ask questions anytime
- Drinking from the firehose...
- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4158110/
- https://html5test.com/results/desktop.html
- http://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es2016plus/
Who is using Technology Preview?
FireFox 50.0 - beta as of 9/20
- developer notes
border-image-repeat: space
- ES2017
- Web Console understand source maps!!!
- The Web Console now displays stack traces for XHR or Fetch() network requests
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
- [cookie name prefixes
] Referrer-Policy
with two r'saddEventListener('click', myClickHandler, { once: true });
- The interface NodeList are now iterable and the methods forEach(), values(), NodeList.entries() and NodeList.keys()
- DOMTokenList are now iterable and the methods forEach(), values(), DOMTokenList.entries() and DOMTokenList.keys()
- drag and drop multiple items with
- MediaStream work
- File and Directory Entries API work
FireFox 51 - release in 1/2017
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox/Releases/51
- mozCaptureStream() - see Chrome
- const and let are now fully ES2015-compliant
FireFox 52 - nightly, release 3/2017
- es support at 91%!!!!!!!!
- async/await support
- display whitespace in dom inspector
- Firefox 52 ESR to be the last version to support Window XP and Vista
- ui for
input type="time"
- turn on
and selectionchange
- WebStorm 2016.3 EAP (163.6110) on Oct 14th
- TypeScript language service
- Code Inspections - var/let, require/import, convert to arrow
- WebStorm 2016.3 EAP (163.6512) on Oct 20th
- Debugging React Native apps
- WebStorm 2016.2.4 on Oct 19th
- Scrolling on macOS Sierra
- angular
- react/redux
- es7
- webpack
- vue
Internet Explorer