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File metadata and controls

396 lines (310 loc) · 12.6 KB

JWT Authentication

We'll implement token-based authentication with JWT (JSON Web Tokens). Tutorial with tests is here.

rails g model User name:string email:string password_digest:string
rails db:migrate

Our user model defines a 1:m relationship with the todo model and also adds field validations. Implement the user.rb model:

class User < ApplicationRecord
  # encrypt password

  # Model associations
  has_many :todos, foreign_key: :created_by

  # Validations
  validates_presence_of :name, :email, :password_digest

Add the bcrypt gem to the Gemfile for encrypting the password:

# Use ActiveModel has_secure_password
gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7'

JSON Web Token

We'll make use of the jwt gem to manage JSON web tokens(jwt). Let's add this to the Gemfile and install it:

gem 'jwt'
bundle install

Our class will live in the lib directory since it's not domain specific; if we were to move it to a different application it should work with minimal configuration. But ss of Rails 5, autoloading is disabled in production because of thread safety. This is a huge concern for us since lib is part of auto-load paths. To counter this change, we'll add our lib in app since all code in app is auto-loaded in development and eager-loaded in production.

mkdir app/lib

touch app/lib/json_web_token.rb

Define the jwt singleton in app/lib/json_web_token.rb:

class JsonWebToken
  # secret to encode and decode token
  HMAC_SECRET = Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base

  def self.encode(payload, exp = 24.hours.from_now)
    # set expiry to 24 hours from creation time
    payload[:exp] = exp.to_i
    # sign token with application secret
    JWT.encode(payload, HMAC_SECRET)
  def self.decode(token)
    # get payload; first index in decoded Array
    body = JWT.decode(token, HMAC_SECRET)[0] body

    # rescue from expiry exception
  rescue JWT::ExpiredSignature, JWT::VerificationError => e
    # raise custom error to be handled by custom handler
    raise ExceptionHandler::InvalidToken, e.message

This singleton wraps JWT to provide token encoding and decoding methods. The encode method will be responsible for creating tokens based on a payload (user id) and expiration period. Since every Rails application has a unique secret key, we'll use that as our secret to sign tokens. The decode method, on the other hand, accepts a token and attempts to decode it using the same secret used in encoding. In the event token decoding fails, be it due to expiration or validation, JWT will raise respective exceptions which will be handled in the Exception Handler module.

Add to the exception_handler.rb file:

# Define custom error subclasses - rescue catches `StandardErrors`
class AuthenticationError < StandardError; end
class MissingToken < StandardError; end
class InvalidToken < StandardError; end

included do
    # Define custom handlers
    rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, with: :four_twenty_two
    rescue_from ExceptionHandler::AuthenticationError, with: :unauthorized_request
    rescue_from ExceptionHandler::MissingToken, with: :four_twenty_two
    rescue_from ExceptionHandler::InvalidToken, with: :four_twenty_two

    rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |e|
      json_response({ message: e.message }, :not_found)

    rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid do |e|
      json_response({ message: e.message }, :unprocessable_entity)


# JSON response with message; Status code 422 - unprocessable entity
def four_twenty_two(e)
    json_response({ message: e.message }, :unprocessable_entity)

# JSON response with message; Status code 401 - Unauthorized
def unauthorized_request(e)
    json_response({ message: e.message }, :unauthorized)

We've defined custom Standard Error sub-classes to help handle exceptions raised. By defining error classes as sub-classes of standard error, we're able to rescue_from them once raised.

Authorize API Request

This class will be responsible for authorizing all API requests making sure that all requests have a valid token and user payload.

Since this is an authentication service class, it'll live in app/auth.

# create auth folder to house auth services
$ mkdir app/auth
$ touch app/auth/authorize_api_request.rb

The AuthorizeApiRequest service should have an entry method call that returns a valid user object when the request is valid and raises an error when invalid. In the authorize_api_request file, add:

class AuthorizeApiRequest
  def initialize(headers = {})
    @headers = headers

  # Service entry point - return valid user object
  def call
      user: user


  attr_reader :headers

  def user
    # check if user is in the database
    # memoize user object
    @user ||= User.find(decoded_auth_token[:user_id]) if decoded_auth_token
    # handle user not found
  rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e
    # raise custom error
      ("#{Message.invalid_token} #{e.message}")

  # decode authentication token
  def decoded_auth_token
    @decoded_auth_token ||= JsonWebToken.decode(http_auth_header)

  # check for token in `Authorization` header
  def http_auth_header
    if headers['Authorization'].present?
      return headers['Authorization'].split(' ').last
      raise(ExceptionHandler::MissingToken, Message.missing_token)

The AuthorizeApiRequest service gets the token from the authorization headers, attempts to decode it to return a valid user object.

Now we also create a singleton Message class to house all our messages; this an easier way to manage our application messages. We'll define it in app/lib as message.rb since it's non-domain-specific:

class Message
  def self.not_found(record = 'record')
    "Sorry, #{record} not found."

  def self.invalid_credentials
    'Invalid credentials'

  def self.invalid_token
    'Invalid token'

  def self.missing_token
    'Missing token'

  def self.unauthorized
    'Unauthorized request'

  def self.account_created
    'Account created successfully'

  def self.account_not_created
    'Account could not be created'

  def self.expired_token
    'Sorry, your token has expired. Please login to continue.'

Authenticate User

This class will be responsible for authenticating users via email and password. Since this is also an authentication service class, it'll live in app/auth.

touch app/auth/authenticate_user.rb

The AuthenticateUser service also has an entry point #call. It should return a token when user credentials are valid and raise an error when they're not. Let's go ahead and implement the class.

class AuthenticateUser
  def initialize(email, password)
    @email = email
    @password = password

  # Service entry point
  def call
    JsonWebToken.encode(user_id: if user


  attr_reader :email, :password

  # verify user credentials
  def user
    user = User.find_by(email: email)
    return user if user && user.authenticate(password)
    # raise Authentication error if credentials are invalid
    raise(ExceptionHandler::AuthenticationError, Message.invalid_credentials)

Authentication Controller

This controller will be responsible for orchestrating the authentication process making use of the auth service we have just created.

# generate the Authentication Controller
rails g controller Authentication

The authentication controller should expose an /auth/login endpoint that accepts user credentials and returns a JSON response with the result:

# return auth token once user is authenticated
def authenticate
    auth_token =[:email], auth_params[:password]).call
    json_response(auth_token: auth_token)


def auth_params
    params.permit(:email, :password)

Notice how slim the authentication controller is, we have our service architecture to thank for that. Instead, we make use of the authentication controller to piece everything together; to control authentication.

We also need to add routing for authentication action. In the routes.rb file, add:

post 'auth/login', to: 'authentication#authenticate'

In order to have users to authenticate in the first place, we need to have them signup first. This will be handled by the users controller.

rails g controller Users

The user controller should expose a /signup endpoint that accepts user information and returns a JSON response with the result. Add the signup to the routes.rb file:

post 'signup', to: 'users#create'

Now we implement the controller in users_controller.rb:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  # POST /signup
  # return authenticated token upon signup
  def create
    user = User.create!(user_params)
    auth_token =, user.password).call
    response = { message: Message.account_created, auth_token: auth_token }
    json_response(response, :created)


  def user_params

The users controller attempts to create a user and returns a JSON response with the result. We use Active Record's create! method so that in the event there's an error, an exception will be raised and handled in the exception handler.

We've wired up the user authentication bit but our API is still open; it does not authorize requests with a token. To fix this, we have to make sure that on every request (except authentication) our API checks for a valid token. To achieve this, we'll implement a callback in the application controller that authenticates every request. Since all controllers inherit from application controller, it will be propagated to all controllers.

In the application_controller.rb file, add:

# called before every action on controllers
before_action :authorize_request
attr_reader :current_user


# Check for valid request token and return user
def authorize_request
    @current_user = ([:user]

On every request, the application will verify the request by calling the request authorization service. If the request is authorized, it will set the current user object to be used in the other controllers.

Notice how we don't have lots of guard clauses and conditionals in our controllers, this is because of our error handling implementation.

Let's remember that when signing up and authenticating a user we won't need a token. We'll only require user credentials. Thus, let's skip request authentication for these two actions.

First the authentication action in authentication_controller.rb:

skip_before_action :authorize_request, only: :authenticate

# return auth token once user is authenticated
def authenticate
  auth_token =[:email], auth_params[:password]).call
  json_response(auth_token: auth_token)


def auth_params
  params.permit(:email, :password)

Then the user signup action in users_controller.rb:

skip_before_action :authorize_request, only: :create

Adding Users to the Todos Controller

Add users to our Todos controller by refining the index and create actions in the todos_controller.rb file:

# GET /todos
def index
    @todos = current_user.todos

# POST /todos
def create
    @todo = current_user.todos.create!(todo_params)
    json_response(@todo, :created)

Start up the server and do some manual testing

# Attempt to access API without a token
http :3000/todos

# Signup a new user - get token from here
http :3000/signup name=ash [email protected] password=foobar password_confirmation=foobar

# Get new user todos
http :3000/todos

# create todo for new user
http POST :3000/todos title=Beethoven Authorization:"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJleHAiOjE0OTQxOTc4Mjh9.i-cAtprOPuFJ36ueEoLCzkRF-AXUfFXhipLCtBEG8_Y"

# Get create todos
http :3000/todos

The next and final part is on API versioning, pagination and serialization.