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Use Case Scanner Documentation

This file contains instructions for Parameter Estimation when applying the HMMScan method to a use case dataset. The instructions can be used either to replicate the use case in the paper results or to run HMMScan on a new sequence.

Required Inputs

  1. sequence_name: string, name of lot sequence (e.g., dfa_by_date_ex_iqr_outliers or dfa_by_date).
  2. ae_type: string, name of AE type (e.g., serious_std). This is either serious_std, exp_no_admin_std, serious_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling, or exp_no_admin_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling for paper result replication.
  3. s_max: integer, maximum number of candidate HMM states. This is 4 for paper result replication.
  4. c_max: integer, maximum number of candidate HMM mixture components. This is 9 for paper result replication.
  5. output_subdir: string, name of subdirectory of ae-project/results/use_case/random_initializations to store the HMM fitting results.

1. Input Data Setup

Ensure that the file ae-project/data/use_case/[sequence_name].csv has been created. If providing your own sequence, not replicating the paper results, then see the User-Provided Input Data for details.

Paper Result Replication

Ensure that the ae-project repository has been downloaded locally (see the repo readme file here for instructions). If this repository is downloaded, then the necessary input data files will already be available.

2. Run the scanner on Engaging cluster

From the top level of this directory on Engaging, run the following command for each combination of sequence_name and ae_type to fit 1 state models:

sbatch --array=0-49 --time=0-00:30:00 hmmscan/cluster/ seed_starter [sequence_name] [ae_type] 1 [output_subdir]

Then, run the following command for each combination of sequence_name and ae_type for each state from 2 to s_max.

sbatch --array=0-[c_max * 50 - 1] --time=0-01:00:00 hmmscan/cluster/ grid_component_seed_starter [sequence_name] [ae_type] [n_states] [output_subdir]

Paper Result Replication

The commands above must be run for each of the following sequence_name, ae_type combinations. Items 7-12 create results for Section S5 in Online Resource 1:

  1. dfa_by_date_ex_iqr_outliers, serious_std
  2. dfb_by_date_ex_iqr_outliers, serious_std
  3. dfc_by_date_ex_iqr_outliers, serious_std
  4. dfa_by_date_ex_iqr_expedited, exp_no_admin_std
  5. dfb_by_date_ex_iqr_expedited, exp_no_admin_std
  6. dfc_by_date_ex_iqr_expedited, exp_no_admin_std
  7. dfa_by_date, serious_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling
  8. dfb_by_date, serious_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling
  9. dfc_by_date, serious_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling
  10. dfa_by_date, exp_no_admin_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling
  11. dfb_by_date, exp_no_admin_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling
  12. dfc_by_date, exp_no_admin_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling

Here is the command for the single state model fitting for items 1-6. Use by_date for the final argument for items 7-12.

sbatch --array=0-49 --time=0-00:30:00 hmmscan/cluster/ seed_starter [sequence_name] [ae_type] 1 by_date_ex_iqr

Here is the command for the multiple state model fitting. This is run for n_states equal to 2, 3, then 4.

sbatch --array=0-449 --time=0-01:00:00 hmmscan/cluster/ grid_component_seed_starter [sequence_name] [ae_type] [n_states] by_date_ex_iqr

Step 2 generates a file for each combination of sequence_name, ae_type, number of hidden states, number of mixture components, and random initialization in ae-project/results/use_case/random_initializations/[output_subdir].

3. Aggregate the parameter estimation information

On Engaging, run the following commands in an interactive session:

  1. Load R 4.1: module load R/4.1.0.
  2. Run aggregate_scan_results.R: Rscript hmmscan/scripts/scans/aggregate_scan_results.R scans/use_case/random_initializations/[output_subdir]

This script will generate a CSV file called ae-project/results/scans/use_case/random_initializations/[output_subdir].csv.

Paper Result Replication

Use these commands:

Rscript hmmscan/scripts/scans/aggregate_scan_results.R scans/use_case/random_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr Rscript hmmscan/scripts/scans/aggregate_scan_results.R scans/use_case/random_initializations/by_date

4. Choose the best random initialization for each model structure

On Engaging, run the following commands in an interactive session:

  1. Load R 4.1: module load R/4.1.0.
  2. Run get_best_initializations.R: Rscript hmmscan/scripts/scans/get_best_initializations.R [output_subdir].csv

This script will generate a CSV file called ae-project/results/scans/use_case/best_initializations/[output_subdir].csv.

Paper Result Replication

Use these commands:

Rscript hmmscan/scripts/scans/get_best_initializations.R by_date_ex_iqr.csv Rscript hmmscan/scripts/scans/get_best_initializations.R by_date.csv

5. Run state prediction

For this section, you will need to look at the CSV file generated in step 4 and find the best number of states and mixture components for each sequence_name and ae_type combination. The best structure is referred to below as best_n_states and best_n_mix_comps.

On Engaging, run the following commands in an interactive session:

  1. Load python 3.9: module load python/3.9.4.
  2. Run scripts/ python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/[output_subdir].csv use_case [sequence_name] [ae_type] [best_n_states] [best_n_mix_comps].

This script will generate a file in ae-project/results/state_prediction/use_case for each sequence_name, ae_type, best_n_states, and best_n_mix_comps.

Paper Result Replication

Run these commands, where items 7-12 create results for Section S5 in Online Resource 1:

  1. python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr.csv use_case dfa_by_date_ex_iqr_expedited exp_no_admin_std 3 3
  2. python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr.csv use_case dfb_by_date_ex_iqr_expedited exp_no_admin_std 2 2
  3. python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr.csv use_case dfc_by_date_ex_iqr_expedited exp_no_admin_std 1 3
  4. python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr.csv use_case dfa_by_date_ex_iqr_outliers serious_std 3 2
  5. python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr.csv use_case dfb_by_date_ex_iqr_outliers serious_std 3 3
  6. python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr.csv use_case dfc_by_date_ex_iqr_outliers serious_std 2 3
  7. python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr.csv use_case dfa_by_date serious_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling 3 2
  8. python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr.csv use_case dfb_by_date serious_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling 3 3
  9. python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr.csv use_case dfc_by_date serious_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling 2 3
  10. python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr.csv use_case dfa_by_date exp_no_admin_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling 3 2
  11. python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr.csv use_case dfb_by_date exp_no_admin_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling 2 3
  12. python -m hmmscan.scripts.state_prediction.state-prediction scans/use_case/best_initializations/by_date_ex_iqr.csv use_case dfc_by_date exp_no_admin_std_iqr_outlier_ceiling 1 3

6. Visualize the results

It is probably easiest to generate the necessary plots locally off Engaging. To do so, copy ae-project/results/scans/use_case/best_initializations/[output_subdir].csv and the contents of ae-project/results/state_prediction/use_case into the same relative file locations in your local version of ae-project.

Then, you can run hmmscan/scripts/viz/bic.R to view the BICs of the HMM model candidates, and hmmscan/scripts/viz/best_model_dists_and_predictions.R to view the characteristics of the models with the best BICs.

If you are using your own lot sequence and not replicating the paper results, then you will need to adjust these visualization scripts.