The following examples use the PHPCS sniffs supported by their respective communities, and the same phpmd file. The result should be a somewhat objective comparison of how each code base meets its own code style, as well as the checks from PHPMD, such as complexity or unused variables.
Note: these GPA's are likely out of date, so verify the commit Code Climate has matches with the latest commit.
- GitHub fork for drupal/drupal:7.x
- GitHub fork for drupal/drupal:8.0.x
- GitHub fork for drupal/drupal:8.1.x
- GitHub fork for drupal/drupal:8.2.x
- GitHub fork for drupal/drupal:8.3.x
- GitHub fork for drupal/drupal:9.x
- GitHub fork for drupal/workbench_moderation:8.x-1.x
- GitHub fork for drupal/multiversion:8.x-1.x
- GitHub fork for drupal/drupal-deploy:8.x-1.x
- GitHub fork for drupal/drupal-relaxed:8.x-1.x
- GitHub fork for drupal/group:8.x-1.x