QEsg is a plugin developed for the software Qgis in order to assist in the design of sewage networks.
The plugin uses the facilities and resources inherent to a GIS (Geographic Information System) environment to support the organization, development, design and final presentation of the project of a sewer network.
Figure 1 - Typical screen of a sewage network with QESg plugin.
Figure 2 - Sewage network with multiple basins in Qgis Environment.
Figure 3 - Result of a DXF file exported through the Plugin (from version 1.1) in CAD environment.
Figure 4 - Detail of DXF file exported by Plugin (from version 1.1) in CAD environment.
The network structure complies with the following principles:
- The plugin considers the network formed by one or more collectors pipe.
- The main collector pipe has the final manhole of the network.
- The collector pipes are divided into one or more reaches.
Other basic details are given in the following application example.
Download of files used in this tutorial:
Raw file (Initial), Network Lines shapefile with 3 three sewer collectors.
Finished Files, Network shapefile calculated with the plugin.
- Set the project to the UTM coordinates, according to the local meridian range.
- Load a vector file (shape) with the sewage system. Alternatively you can create a line shapefile and draw the sewer network using the features of QGIS, in this case follow the recommendations below to create the file:
- Save the file (ex.: Pipes) using a Coordinate Reference System (CRS) in UTM (Universal Transverse de Mercator) projection type for the local meridian strip.
- Always draw the reaches attempting to the flow direction (from upstream to downstream).
- It is not necessary to create any field when creating the shapefile Pipes.
- Save the Project. At this point the project window will look like Figure 5.
- Open Pipes attribute table where there will be one line for each collector and only one field with null values (see Figure 5).
Figure 5 - Initial appearance of the project, after loading or digitizing the sewage network.
On click shows a window as Figure 6 .
Figure 6 - BUTTON 00 Window – Settings |
Figure 7 - BUTTON 00 Window– Settings after basic data fill in |
Fill in the basic information in the open window.
- In the Layers group select the layer that you saved as Pipes name, with the pipe network.
- In this example, we will include only two input parameters Data of input tab (warning: Do not enter thousands separator and point is the decimal separator):
- Initial Population: (enter) 10000
- Final Population: (enter) 13000
- Keep the standard parameters of tabs Pipes and Calculation Options. The window will look like Figure 7.
- Click the OK button to save the general parameters of the project
By pressing this button the plugin checks if the shape Pipes, with the design of the network, has the default fields. If it does not have the fields it offers the possibility to create them automatically, as shown in Figure 8. Accept this option.
Reopen the attribute table of Pipes with the sewage system (see Figure 9). You will see that a set of fields have been created for each pipe reach. The values contained in these fields will be nulls or zeros (no information yet).
Figure 8 - Message for creating the default fields in the shape of the sewage network. |
Figure 9 - Sewage network table, after the creation of the standard fields. |
Clicking on this button checks if the sewer is composed of single segments (individual line segments between consecutive vertices). If there is any network element with more than two vertices, a message similar to Figure 10 appears.
Figure 10 - Message subdivision of collectors in stretches.
In our example, before you click for the first time, the shape Pipes has three main collectors downstream (see Figure 9) defined by open polygonal (a collector with 5 vertices and two collectors with 3). In the message similar to Figure 10 click on Yes .
Message to the subdivision of collectors in reaches. There are (...) elements. Do you want to convert them to simple lines? (see Figure 10 ). Click on Yes .
Figure 11 - Message subdivision of collectors in reaches.
This opens a window similar to Figure 11, which is fixed on the right side in the QGIS environment. Please follow the steps below.
- Check that the <Manifold> box is filled with the value 1. If not, Enter the value 1.
- Check that the <Number of digits> box is filled with the value 1. If not, Enter the value 1.
- Check the option <Only undefined reaches> is selected.
- Click the button the <Select Upstream>.
- Move the cursor and click the button left (primary) in the middle of the upstream main manifold reach. All reaches changes to the yellow (standard selection color of QGIS), as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12 - Selection of the upstream main manifold reach.
- Click the button <Renumber> from Rename Network window. The first time, the style of shape Pipes changes, representing the vertices and the direction of flow, as illustrated in Figure 13. Information about renamed manifold is shown as: Manifold-reach name and upstream and downstream Manhole names.
Figure 13 - Renumbered manifold
- Click the button <New Manifold>. The Manifold number will increase by 1 and the previous renamed manifold will be unselected.
- Check the option <Only undefined reaches> continue selected.
- Select the upstream reach of the second manifold (in our example, the downstream one), as illustrated in Figure 14. The pipe color changes to yellow from upstream to the manhole of previous pipe intersection.
Figure 14 - Selection of the upstream reach of the second manifold
- Click <Renumber>. The selected manifold will be renamed and numbered, similarly to the first manifold, as illustrated in Figure 15.
Figure 15 - Second renumbered manifold.
- Repeat the process for the third manifold, consisting of: click the button <New Manifold>, click on the manifold upstream reach (as shown in Figure 16), click the button <Renumber> (as shown in Figure 17). The remane process of network will be finished.
Figure 16 - Click on the upstream reach to select the third manifold.
Figure 17 - All reaches of the three manifolds renumbered.
- Save the Pipes shape and stop the Editing process.
In shape Pipes were filled in the fields: Coletor (Manifold), Trecho (Reach), DC_ID, PVM and PVJ
- On click this button is opened the window to save the node shapefile (point format). Selecione o local e nomes adequados a este shape, para este exemplo escolha como nome Nos . Click on Save BUTTON to finish file save. The file is automatic added to the QGis Project.
- Warning for Linux: When this tutorial was been writing it had a bug. It was necessary to type the filename with the extension (*.shp) to have the file automatic added to the QGis project.
- Enable editing to the Node Layer to fill in all ground elevation data for each Node.
- Save the Node Shape and disable editing
- Save the project.
On Click this button:
- All Null fields from Pipes shape are automatic fill in;
- All elevation fields Upstream and Downstream Manhole from Pipes are overwritten
- The Length Field is overwritten with the current geometric value.
- The ground elevations are copied from Node shape to CTM and CTJ fields of Pipes
- Save Pipes Shape and finish editing mode.
This field is created for identify reaches that does not receive contribuitions from any other upstream manhole. This identification is necessary when the upstream manhole can have more than one exit connection, situation not allowed by Brazilians Standards. The Dead End is manually informed on Pipes shape attributes table, field (column) PONTA_SECA, typing S (Sim) or N (Não) for Yes or No respectively as shown in Figure 18 .
Figure 18 - Upstream reaches condition change to “Dead End”
After this modification the upstream node representation changes as shown in the Figure 19 .
Figure 19 - Upstream initial reaches hydraulic conditions change to “Dead End”
Save changes to attribute Pipes shapes e finish editing mode. Save the project.
On click this button the accumulated flows along all pipe reaches of each manifold are calculated, results are written to Pipes shape.
The pipes representations changes to show Name, Length, Diameter and Flow for each reach.
Figure 20 - All reaches of the three manifolds with calculated flows.
On click this button, all pipes reaches from the sewer network are calculated. The representation changes to show: Name, Length, Nominal Diameter and Grading as shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21 - Calculated network.
All network calculated results are in the shapefile Pipes attributes table. If you want you can open the table select all, copy and paste in any other electronic worksheet (MS-Excel, Libreoffice-Calc or other)
It is a quick reference design tool for user analyze the designed network manifolds. On click this button is shown a Pop up menu for the Manifold selection as Figure 22. Select manifold to draw and click OK button.
Figure 22 - Pop up Menu for Manifold selection.
A Figure 23 similar window is shown (in this example was selected Manifold 1).
Figure 23 - Selected Manifold Profile.
Order |
Name |
Unit |
Type |
Field Length |
Accuracy |
Description |
1 |
- |
String |
10 |
- |
Identification |
2 |
m |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Ground Elevation |
Order |
Name |
Unit |
Type |
Field Length |
Accuracy |
Description |
1 |
- |
QString |
10 |
- |
Reach Identification |
2 |
- |
QString |
10 |
- |
Upstream MH Identification |
3 |
- |
QString |
10 |
- |
Downstream MH Identification |
4 |
m |
Real |
10 |
1 |
Reach Length |
5 |
m |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Ground Elevation (Upstream) |
6 |
m |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Ground Elevation (Downstream) |
7 |
m |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Invert Elevation (Upstream) |
8 |
m |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Invert Elevation (Downstream) |
9 |
m |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Water Elevation (Upstream) |
10 |
m |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Water Elevation (Downstream) |
11 |
m |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Depth (Upstream) |
12 |
m |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Depth (Downstream) |
13 |
mm |
Real |
10 |
1 |
Diameter |
14 |
m/m |
Real |
10 |
5 |
Slope |
15 |
Dimensionless |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Manning Roughness Coefficient |
16 |
L/s |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Point Demand (Initial) |
17 |
L/s |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Point Demand (Final) |
18 |
L/s |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Result Flow (Initial) |
19 |
L/s |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Result Flow (Final) |
20 |
m/s |
Real |
10 |
2 |
Speed (Initial) |
21 |
m/s |
Real |
10 |
2 |
Speed (Final) |
22 |
m/s |
Real |
10 |
2 |
Critical Speed |
23 |
Pa |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Friction tension |
24 |
Dimensionless |
Real |
10 |
4 |
Water depth/diameter (Initial) |
25 |
Dimensionless |
Real |
10 |
2 |
Water depth/diameter (Final) |
26 |
Dimensionless |
Real |
10 |
2 |
Water depth/Diameter maximum relation |
27 |
m |
Real |
10 |
2 |
Minimum covering |
28 |
- (1) |
Integer |
1 |
- |
Lateral inflow type (0,1 or 2) |
29 |
- (2) |
Integer |
1 |
- |
Stage |
30 |
- (3) |
QString |
1 |
- |
Dead End (S/N) |
31 |
- |
QString |
30 |
- |
Observations |
* MH=Manhole
Allowed values:
(1) : No inflow = 0, One-side inflow = 1 and Two-side = 2
(2) : Existing reach = 0, First stage reach = 1, Second stage reach = 2
(3) : Is Dead End = S, Not Dead End = N
Order |
Name |
Unit |
Type |
Length |
Accuracy |
Description |
1 |
- |
31 |
10 |
- |
Inteference Identification |
2 |
- (1) |
QString |
2 |
- |
Inteference Type |
3 |
CS |
m |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Upper edge elevation |
4 |
CI |
m |
Real |
10 |
3 |
Lower edge elevation |
Allowed Values
(1) : TN for Ground Elevation, other for interference (including null).
When type is 'TN', input ground elevation in field 'CS' and maximum design pipe upper edge in field 'CI'.
Plugin developed by Jorge Almério Sousa Moreira, Civil Engineer.
Issues, requests and comments are welcome.
Email: [email protected]
Plugin Site:
Issues and requests:
Juan Santiago Ramseyer
This plugin is subject to the terms of the license “ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007 ”, so any damage or consequences of using the plugin and its results in any way is full responsibility of the end user. the developers shall be exempt from any technical or legal liability inherent in the use with or without inability to use the same, even in the event of any proven failure of the plugin..
If this plugin is useful for you, please consider to donate to the author.