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785 lines (668 loc) · 70.3 KB

Feathers Release Notes

Noteworthy changes in official, stable releases of Feathers.


  • New Component: AutoComplete, a TextInput that provides a pop-up list of suggestions.
  • New Component: SpinnerList, a list that changes selection when scrolling to an item.
  • New Component: StackScreenNavigator, a variation of ScreenNavigator with a history stack that you can push and pop.
  • New Component: WebView, displays a native web browser using StageWebView, but may be positioned in local coordinates. Available in AIR only.
  • New Layout: VerticalSpinnerLayout, the default layout for the new SpinnerList component.
  • New Transitions: ColorFade, Cover, Cube, Fade, Flip, Reveal, Slide.
  • New Example: TransitionsExplorer demonstrates each transition.
  • Unit tests: created unit tests for a number of Feathers components.
  • Help: help files are now distributed with Feathers for offline use.
  • AnchorLayout: fixed issue where items positioned relative to horizontalCenterAnchorDisplayObject or verticalCenterAnchorDisplayObject were not positioned correctly whent he anchor was at a higher depth.
  • Button: added scaleWhenDown and scaleWhenHovering properties to scale the button in these states.
  • BaseDefaultItemRenderer: fixed issue where data that is == null would be ignored in some cases by changing to stricter === null check.
  • BitmapFontTextRenderer: fixed issue where a runtime error could be thrown if a character in the bitmap font had a width or height of 0.
  • BitmapFontTextEditor, TextBlockTextEditor: fixed issue where clearing the text on focus would cause the selection range to be invalid.
  • BitmapFontTextEditor, TextBlockTextEditor: listens for instead of Ctrl/Command+A with a keyboard event because it didn't work properly on Mac.
  • BitmapFontTextRenderer: fixed issue where the last word of a line would sometimes appear on the next line.
  • CalloutPopUpContentManager, DropDownPopUpContentManager, VerticalCenteredPopUpContentManager: detects if pop-up is removed from stage externally so that Event.CLOSE is properly dispatched.
  • DropDownPopUpContentManager: fixed issue where the source would close the pop-up while validating, but the pop-up was being positioned, causing a runtime error, so now checks if open after source is validated.
  • FeathersControl: added move() convenience function to set x and y properties, similar to how setSize() sets width and height.
  • FeathersControl: the styleProvider property may be changed after initialization.
  • FeathersControl: changes to styleNameList after initialization now causes the styleProvider to be re-applied.
  • FeathersControl: may now flatten even when not initialized or on stage.
  • FEATHERS_VERSION: new constant that can be used to see the version of Feathers being used.
  • FocusManager: both containers and their children may receive focus separately (to allow the container to scroll with the keyboard), thanks to the new IFocusContainer interface.
  • HierarchicalCollection: added removeAll() function, similar to ListCollection.
  • HorizontalLayout, VerticalLayout: when alignment is justified, the size of the item renderer is reset so that an accurate measurement can be taken instead of using the old justified size.
  • HorizontalLayout: added requestColumnCount property for more control over width auto-measurement.
  • HorizontalLayout, VerticalLayout: fixed issue where the number of item renderers didn't remain constant when using hasVariableItemDimensions when all item renderers were the same size.
  • ILayout: added getNearestScrollPositionForIndex() function to support scrolling when changing selected index in components like List.
  • Label: added backgroundSkin, backgroundDisabledSkin, and padding properties.
  • LayoutGroup: added LayoutGroup.ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_TOOLBAR.
  • LayoutGroup: added autoSizeMode property to specify that it should fill the stage.
  • List, GroupedList: fixed issue where scrolling backwards would sometimes cause item renderers to jump around instead of scrolling smoothly with a virtual layout with variable item dimensions where an item resized. Layout may adjust scroll position, if needed.
  • List, GroupedList: updates scroll position, if needed, when using arrow keys to change selection.
  • List, GroupedList: dispatches Event.TRIGGERED when an item renderer is triggered. The event data is the item from the data provider.
  • List, GroupedList: added stricter === null check when checking if a typicalItem has been set because values like 0 could match == null.
  • List, GroupedList: fixed issue where layout didn't update after an item renderer resized while the list wasn't validating.
  • List, GroupedList: fixed issue where the typical item renderer resized, but the layout wasn't updated.
  • List, GroupedList: fixed issue where changing the index of a typical item chosen from the data provider would not update the index of its item renderer.
  • ListCollection: setting data property to null keeps null instead of removing all items from existing data.
  • NumericStepper: added valueFormatFunction and valueParseFunction properties to support custom formatting.
  • Panel: added new title and headerTitleField properties to use instead of going through headerProperties.
  • Panel: fixed issue where outerPaddingBottom was ignored if the panel didn't have a footer.
  • PanelScreen: added missing DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_FOOTER constant for use in themes.
  • PickerList: dispatches Event.OPEN and Event.CLOSE when the pop-up list opens and closes.
  • PickerList, TabBar: fixes issue where Event.CHANGE was incorrectly dispatched on disposal because dataProvider was set to null.
  • Scale3Textures, Scale9Textures: fixed validation of region sizes when using a scaled texture that doesn't match Starling.contentScaleFactor.
  • ScreenNavigator: fixes issue where new screen wasn't resized properly by validating self if validation queue is currently busy.
  • ScreenNavigator: adds a delay of two frames before starting a transition animation because it significantly improves the performance of the transition.
  • ScreenNavigator: added isTransition active property to indicate if a transition is currently in progress.
  • ScreenNavigator: fixed issue where clearing a screen didn't dispatch FeathersEventType.TRANSITION_START.
  • ScreenNavigator: added support for transitions that may cancel themselves.
  • ScreenNavigator: added optional transition function argument to showScreen() and clearScreen().
  • ScreenNavigator: fixes issue where active screen wasn't properly cleared if removed with removeScreen() or removeAllScreens().
  • ScreenNavigator: dispatches FeathersEventType.TRANSITION_IN_START, FeathersEventType.TRANSITION_IN_COMPLETE, FeathersEventType.TRANSITION_OUT_START, and FeathersEventType.TRANSITION_OUT_COMPLETE on screens (not on self). Screens may listen for these events instead of the events dispatched by ScreenNavigator.
  • ScreenNavigatorItem: added setFunctionForEvent() and setScreenIDForEvent().
  • ScreenNavigatorItem: The properties getter will always be a valid object. It won't return null.
  • ScrollBar: hides thumb when ranging is infinite.
  • ScrollBar: sets touchable to false on tracks when range is 0 or infinite.
  • Scroller: performance improvements from less garbage collection.
  • Scroller: added support for scrolling horizontally with vertical scroll wheel.
  • Scroller: can receive focus to control scroll position with keyboard.
  • Scroller: fixed issue where snapToPages was ignored when using mouse wheel or throwing.
  • Scroller: fixed issue where animation for elastic snapping would restart on every touch when the distance was less than 1 pixel, causing it to appear that the item renderers could not be touched.
  • ScrollContainer: added autoSizeMode property to specify that it should fill the stage.
  • ScrollContainer: fixed issue where outer container didn't invalidate when adding or removing children, or when children are resized, causing validate() to have no effect.
  • StageTextTextEditor, TextFieldTextEditor: fixes issue where focus remained when parent was set invisible.
  • StyleNameFunctionTheme: the getStyleProviderForClass() function is now public.
  • TabBar, ToggleGroup, List, GroupedList, PickerList: fixed issue where Event.CHANGE was not dispatched when removing an item and the selectedIndex remains the same, but the selectedItem is different.
  • TabBar: default selectedIndex is -1 until the data provider is set.
  • TabBar: Event.CHANGE is dispatched immediately when selectedIndex property changes instead of waiting for validation. Makes it more consistent with other components, like List.
  • TextFieldTextEditor: fixed issue where HTML formatting is lost if edited when isHTML is true.
  • TextFieldTextEditor: fixed issue where snapshot wasn't updated when size changed, but data or styles did not.
  • TextFieldTextEditorViewPort: added padding properties.
  • TextFieldTextEditorViewPort: fixed issue where the selection index was wrong from touch.
  • TextFieldTextRenderer, TextBlockTextRenderer: fixed issue where native filters could cause the text renderer to create a texture that is larger than the maximum dimensions allowed.
  • TextFieldTextRenderer, TextBlockTextRenderer: fixed issue where only the first texture (if multiple textures were required) was positioned properly when using native filters.
  • TextFieldTextRenderer, TextBlockTextRenderer: fixed issue where texture snapshots could be clipped too small when using native filters.
  • VerticalLayout: added requestRowCount property for more control over height auto-measurement.

2.1 BETA Deprecated APIs

All deprecated APIs are subject to the Feathers deprecation policy. Please migrate to the new APIs as soon as possible because the deprecated APIs will be removed in a future version of Feathers.

The nameList property on the IFeathersControl interface has been deprecated, and it is replaced by the styleNameList property. The name property is no longer connected to style names, and situations where it failed to work with getChildByName() have been resolved. The styleName property has been added to replace the former usage of the name property as a concatenated version of nameList (now, styleNameList). The nameList property was deprecated in Feathers 2.0.0, and it remains deprecated in Feathers 2.1.0.

The manageVisibility property on layouts has been deprecated. In previous versions, this property could be used to improve performance of non-virtual layouts by hiding items that were outside the view port. However, other performance improvements have made it so that setting manageVisibility can now sometimes hurt performance instead of improving it. The manageVisibility property was deprecated in Feathers 2.0.0, and it remains deprecated in Feathers 2.1.0.

Similar to how the nameList property was renamed styleNameList in Feathers 2.0.0, properties such as customThumbName on the Slider component have have been renamed too. In this case, customThumbName is deprecated and replaced by customThumbStyleName. Similarly, the static constant Slider.DEFAULT_CHILD_NAME_THUMB has been deprecated and renamed Slider.DEFAULT_CHILD_STYLE_NAME_THUMB. Similarly, the static constant Button.ALTERNATE_NAME_BACK_BUTTON has been deprecated and renamed Button.ALTERNATE_STYLE_NAME_BACK_BUTTON. On all components, APIs that refer to the name of sub-components have been deprecated and they have been replaced by a similar API that refers to the style name instead. For brevity, the list below shows the mapping between the old naming conventions and the new naming conventions instead of listing each renamed property individually.

  • custom*Name => custom*StyleName

The List and GroupedList components had some properties that didn't follow the original custom*Name naming convention. In both classes, the itemRendererName property has been deprecated and replaced by customItemRendererStyleName. In GroupedList, firstItemRendererName, lastItemRendererName and singleItemRendererName have been deprecated and replaced by customFirstItemRendererStyleName, customLastItemRendererStyleName, and customSingleItemRendererStyleName respectively. Similarly, headerRendererName and footerRendererName have been deprecated and replaced by customHeaderRendererStyleName and customFooterRendererStyleName respectively. With this change, these properties no longer diverge from the naming convention used for similar properties on other components.

2.1 BETA API Changes


The getNearestScrollPositionForIndex() method has been added to the ILayout interface. Custom implementations of ILayout created before Feathers 2.1.0 will have compiler errors until the required changes are made.

This method is meant to calculate an updated scroll position for a specific index that requires the minimum amount of scrolling to fully display the specified index within the container's view port. It was added so that components like List could update the scroll position when changing the selected index with the keyboard when the component has focus.

To maintain the existing behavior (where the container doesn't scroll at all) to simply bypass the compiler error, the following implementation will return the existing scroll position:

public function getNearestScrollPositionForIndex(index:int, scrollX:Number, scrollY:Number, items:Vector.<DisplayObject>, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, result:Point = null):Point
		return new Point(scrollX, scrollY);
	result.setTo(scrollX, scrollY);
	return result;

Scroller now implements IFocusDisplayObject

With the addition of the new IFocusContainer interface, it is now possible for a container and its children to both appear in the tab focus chain when the FocusManager is enabled. Previously, subclasses of Scroller, like List or ScrollContainer, could not receive focus to allow the user to control the scroll position with the keyboard because the children wouldn't be able to receive focus too. Now, with the new interface and an updated focus manager, that restriction is lifted, and Scroller implements IFocusDisplayObject to support keyboard scrolling.

Subclasses of Scroller that need to support passing focus to children must now implement IFocusContainer. List, ScrollContainer, GroupedList have been updated, obviously, but custom subclasses of Scroller may need to be updated to support focus. IFocusContainer requires one property, isChildFocusEnabled. For convenience, you may copy following implementation of isChildFocusEnabled into a subclass of Scroller:

protected var _isChildFocusEnabled:Boolean = true;

public function get isChildFocusEnabled():Boolean
	return this._isEnabled && this._isChildFocusEnabled;

public function set isChildFocusEnabled(value:Boolean):void
	this._isChildFocusEnabled = value;


  • AddOnFunctionStyleProvider: fixed issue where function passed into constructor would be ignored.
  • LayoutGroup: fixed issue where background skin would not validate after setting its dimensions.
  • Scale3Image, Scale9Image, TiledImage: updated to listen for Event.FLATTEN to validate instead of overriding flatten() to remain compatible with the new flatten() function signature in Starling 1.6.
  • StageTextTextEditor: fixed issue where StageText.stage was null, and calling drawViewPortToBitmapData() resulted in a runtime error.
  • StageTextTextEditor: fixed issue where setFocus() didn't work if StageText.stage was null.
  • TextInput: fixed issue where runtime error would be thrown after changing prompt from null to a valid string after input had validated.
  • Themes: fixed issue in desktop themes where assets displayed at 4x instead of 2x on HiDPI Macs.
  • Themes: fixed issue in desktop themes where PanelScreen and ScrollScreen would incorrectly use mobile scroll bars and behaviors.
  • Themes: fixed issue where a subclass would add a style function for the ToggleSwitch class, and that would cause some ToggleSwitch instances to be missing skins.
  • Themes: fixed issue where wrong arguments were passed to Texture.fromBitmap().
  • Added workarounds for stack overflow runtime errors when compiling with legacy Flex 4.6 compiler.


  • New style provider architecture for skinning and themes.
  • Components may always be validated, even if they are not on the display list yet.
  • New Text Editor: TextBlockTextEditor is a desktop-only text editor built on FTE, similar to TextBlockTextRenderer.
  • New Text Editor: BitmapFontTextEditor is a desktop-only text editor built on bitmap fonts, similar to BitmapFontTextRenderer.
  • All Components: subComponentProperties pattern is now stricter. If properties that don't exist are set, a runtime error will be thrown.
  • BitmapFontTextRenderer: properly redraws when isEnabled is changed.
  • BitmapFontTextRenderer: if textFormat is null, generates a default value so that something will be displayed (using Starling's embedded BitmapFont.MINI).
  • Button: added minGap property that is used when gap is set to Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
  • Button: pulled out toggle functionality into a subclass: ToggleButton.
  • Button: removed now-useless autoFlatten property.
  • Button: added new hasLabelTextRenderer that may be set to false to avoid creating the text renderer (for things like scroll bar or slider button sub-components).
  • Button: fixed issue where button didn't return to up state when focus is changed with keyboard while in another state.
  • Callout: added stagePadding property to set stagePaddingTop, stagePaddingRight, stagePaddingBottom, and stagePaddingLeft properties all at once.
  • Callout: fixed issue where touch listener was removed when callout was removed, but it wasn't re-added when the same callout instance was shown again.
  • DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer: fixed issue where content wasn't disabled when isEnabled changed.
  • Drawers: added optional overlaySkin property to fade in a display object over the content when a drawer is opened.
  • Drawers: checks if event types are null before adding listeners.
  • Drawers: open and close events now pass the display object in the event data.
  • Drawers: fix for issue where wrong toggle duration may used sometimes.
  • DropDownPopUpContentManager: added new gap property.
  • FeathersControl: enforced as an abstract class. If you need a generic Feathers component wrapper for layoutData and things, use LayoutGroup.
  • FeathersControl: added styleName and styleNameList property to replace nameList. The name property is no longer used for styling, and it will work for getChildByName() in the rare situations where it was broken. The nameList property is deprecated.
  • FeathersControl: fixed issue where changing minTouchWidth or minTouchHeight did not update the hit area if the width or height wasn't changed at the same time.
  • FeathersControl: fixed issue where component would validate when disposed.
  • FeathersControl: fixed issue in setSize() where scaled dimensions weren't updated.
  • FocusManager: support for custom IFocusManager instances and support for multiple Starling stages.
  • FocusManager: fixed issue where disabled components could receive focus.
  • Header: added useExtraPaddingForOSStatusBar property to support iOS 7 status bar behavior.
  • Header: getters for leftItems, rightItems, and centerItems no longer duplicate the array.
  • Header: now disposed leftItems, rightItems, and centerItems by default. Can be controlled with new disposeItems property.
  • Header: fixed issue where title text renderer's isEnabled property wasn't properly updated.
  • Header: fixed issue where the touchable property was incorrectly set to false on some children.
  • IFocusDisplayObject: added new focusOwner property to allow pop-ups to be owned by another component. Allows the focus manager to manage focus order better with components like PickerList.
  • ImageLoader: checks for lost context before creating a texture from a loaded URL.
  • ImageLoader: fixed issue where isLoaded getter didn't always return true if the source is a texture.
  • ImageLoader: fixed issue where loaded textures could be uploaded to wrong Starling instance if multiple Starling instances were active.
  • Item Renderers: added skinField, skinFunction, and itemHasSkin for background skins from the data provider.
  • Item Renderers: added isSelectableOnAccessoryTouch property to control whether the selection will change or not when the accessory is touched.
  • Item Renderers: added minGap and minAccessoryGap properties that are used when gap or accessoryGap are set to Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
  • ITextEditor, ITextRenderer: extend a new IBaselineTextControl interface that defines a common baseline property.
  • Layouts: fixed issue where they didn't account for pivotX and pivotY.
  • Layouts: when centering items, rounds the x and y positions to the nearest integer.
  • LayoutGroup: added new backgroundSkin and backgroundDisabledSkin properties.
  • List, GroupedList: if dataProvider property is changed, or the collection dispatches CollectionEventType.RESET, automatically behaves as if updateItemAt() were called on all item renderers.
  • ListCollection, HierarchicalCollection: added dispose() function to support a way to dispose things like display objects or textures in items.
  • NumericStepper: claims exclusive touch so that it won't repeat while scrolling with touch.
  • NumericStepper: fixes for obscure situations where text input changes are not reflected in the value.
  • NumericStepper: improved auto-measurement for values that are not integers.
  • NumericStepper: added textInputGap and buttonGap properties.
  • PageIndicator: added new interactionMode property to allow alternate precise selection of symbols on tap, instead of previous back/next behavior.
  • Panel: added new outerPadding properties to support padding that is around the everything, including the header and footer. The existing (inner) padding properties only apply to the content between the header and footer.
  • PanelScreen: turns on clipping by default.
  • PickerList: added toggleButtonOnOpenAndClose property.
  • PickerList: implements IFocusDisplayObject and manages focus of children better.
  • PickerList: closes on enter key to match native behavior.
  • PopUpManager: when centering a pop-up, rounds the x and y positions to the nearest integer.
  • ProgressBar: fixed vertical fill so that it starts from the bottom and fills up.
  • PropertyProxy: added toString() function to allow a PropertyProxy to be output to console.
  • Scale3Image, Scale9Image, fixed issue where scaling smaller than the minimum size would cause overlapping instead of distortion when end regions weren't the same size.
  • Scale3Textures, Scale9Textures: fixed rendering of textures with a scale property that isn't equal to 1.
  • Screens: removed dpiScale, pixelScale, originalWidth, and originalHeight properties. The kinds of calculations these values were used for should be handled in the theme (or somewhere else outside of the screen if not using a theme).
  • ScrollBar: increment and decrement buttons are hidden, like the thumb, if the minimum is equal to the maximum. The track fills the full dimensions.
  • ScrollBar: fix for wrongly positioned track when direction is horizontal.
  • ScrollContainer: fixed wrong measurement when using no layout with children at negative coordinates.
  • Scroller: fixed issue where a floating scroll bar wouldn't disappear.
  • Scroller: refactored scrolling behavior to more closely match iOS native scrolling.
  • Scroller: touch overlay and background skins are added and removed instead of changing visible property. Works better with Monster Debugger.
  • Scroller: fixes issue where events were dispatched for a completed scroll when the scroll position didn't actually change from calling throwTo().
  • Scroller: added support for a view port that doesn't necessarily auto-size to show its full content. In other words, a view port can choose to measure so that it needs to scroll.
  • Scroller: fixed issue where background wasn't sized property when isEnabled was changed.
  • Scroller: skips some unnecessary code when dimensions are explicit to improve performance.
  • Scroller: added new measureViewPort property that can be set to false to exclude the view port from auto-measurement and only use the background skin.
  • Scroller: automatically sets direction property on scroll bars, so that you don't need to, thanks to the new IDirectionalScrollBar interface.
  • ScrollText: added disabledTextFormat property.
  • ScrollText: may receive focus and use keyboard arrow keys to scroll.
  • Slider: added new trackInteractionMode property to control whether touching the track updates the value by page or jumps directly to the nearest value.
  • SmartDisplayObjectValueSelector: fixed issue where getValueTypeHandler() function had an extra parameter.
  • SmartDisplayObjectValueSelector: added support for null value other than the default.
  • SmartDisplayObjectValueSelector: stricter reuse of display objects. Type must match exactly. Fixes issue where Image is incorrectly reused because it is a subclass of Quad.
  • StageTextTextEditor: fixed issue where measurement was wrong when text was an empty string.
  • StageTextTextEditor: fixed issue on iOS where characters were masked immediately instead of showing in the clear for a moment.
  • StageTextTextEditor: fixed issue where the clipboard menu appeared unexpectedly when multiline is true.
  • StageTextTextEditor: draws StageText to BitmapData with double dimensions on Mac HiDPI, thanks to Adobe's bug fix.
  • TabBarSlideTransitionManager: fixes bug where switching between tabs quickly would break the transition.
  • Text: will use non-power-of-two textures for snapshots, if the Stage 3D profile supports it.
  • Text: if a renderer or editor supports native filters, does some extra cleanup in dispose() that is actually unnecessary, but will ease some pressure if there's a memory leak.
  • Text: fixed issue where snapshot wasn't updated when isEnabled changed.
  • TextBlockTextRenderer: if elementFormat is null, generates a default value so that something will be displayed.
  • TextBlockTextRenderer: fixed issue where width was calculated wrong when text ended in whitespace.
  • TextFieldTextEditor, TextFieldTextRenderer: added useGutter property to allow removal of the 2-pixel "gutter" that Flash adds to a TextField.
  • TextInput, TextArea: added hasFocus getter to allow checking focus, even if there is no focus manager.
  • TextInput, Text Editors: added new selectionBeginIndex and selectionEndIndex properties.
  • TextInput: fixes issue where prompt text renderer's isEnabled property wasn't updated.
  • TextInput: added new verticalAlign property to support top, middle, bottom, or justify.
  • TextInput: won't throw an error if there's no background skin, but auto-measurement will result in a width and height of 0, unless typicalText is set.
  • TextInput: improved support for text editors that are completely on the Starling display list without a native overlay.
  • TextInput: doesn't create prompt text renderer if prompt is null.
  • TextArea: added stateToSkinFunction, similar to Button background skin.
  • TextArea: fixed issue where background skin was sometimes missing.
  • TextArea: added clearFocus() function match API of TextInput.
  • TextArea: further improvements to positioning and scaling of texture snapshot.
  • Text Editors: improved support for Mac HiDPI.
  • Text Editors: added disabled font styles.
  • Text Renderers: uses generateFilterRect() when using nativeFilters for improved texture dimensions.
  • Text Renderers: ITextRenderer now has a first-class wordWrap property that is required by all renderers.
  • TiledColumnsLayout, TiledRowsLayouts: fixed result of getScrollPositionForIndex() when paging is disable to allow the item to be properly centered.
  • TiledColumnsLayout, TiledRowsLayouts: fixed calculation of tile count when padding is used.
  • TiledColumnsLayout, TiledRowsLayout: added requestedRowCount and requestedColumnCount properties.
  • ToggleSwitch: fixed issue where the isEnabled property of text renderers wasn't properly updated.
  • ToggleSwitch: added toggleThumbSelection property to update the isSelected property of the thumb (if it's a ToggleButton) to match the isSelected property of the switch.
  • ToggleSwitch: fixed issue where selection change wasn't animated when triggered with the keyboard instead of a touch.
  • ToggleSwitch: added new setSelectionWithAnimation() method so that programmatic selection changes can be optionally animated.
  • Examples: override initialize() instead of listening for FeathersEventType.INITIALIZE.
  • Example Themes: rewritten using the new style provider system.
  • Example Themes: tweaked padding, gap, dimensions, and other values to be based on a simple grid system for more consistency.

2.0.0 Deprecated APIs

All deprecated APIs are subject to the Feathers deprecation policy. Please migrate to the new APIs as soon as possible because the deprecated APIs will be removed in a future version of Feathers.

The nameList property has been deprecated, and it is replaced by the styleNameList property. The name property is no longer connected to style names, and situations where it failed to work with getChildByName() have been resolved. The styleName property has been added to replace the former usage of the name property as a concatenated version of nameList (now, styleNameList).

The manageVisibility property on layouts has been deprecated. In previous versions, this property could be used to improve performance of non-virtual layouts by hiding items that were outside the view port. However, other performance improvements have made it so that setting manageVisibility can now sometimes hurt performance instead of improving it.

2.0.0 Default Behavior and API Changes

This is a major update to Feathers, so it includes more breaking changes than usual. Be sure to read this section thoroughly to see if any of these changes will affect your apps.

TextFieldTextRenderer and TextFieldTextEditor now have a useGutter property that controls whether the 2-pixel gutter around the edges of the flash.text.TextField will be used in measurement and layout. In previous versions of Feathers, the gutter was always enabled. The gutter is now disabled by default to allow text controls based on TextField to more easily align with other text controls.

The ITextRenderer and ITextEditor interfaces now extend the ITextBaselineControl interface. In the case of ITextEditor, a new baseline getter is required.

The ITextRenderer interface now requires a wordWrap property.

The IFocusDisplayObject interface now requires a focusOwner property.

Properties including dpiScale, pixelScale, originalWidth, originalHeight, and originalDPI have been removed from Screen, ScrollScreen and PanelScreen. The calculations previously offered by these properties should be handled in skinning code, such as the theme.

The Button class no longer supports selection. This functionality has been moved into a subclass, ToggleButton.

The autoFlatten property has been removed from the Button class.

Setting the properties of a sub-component, such as using thumbProperties on a Slider to set properties on the slider's thumb sub-component, is now stricter. Previously, when a property did not exist, it was silently ignored. Now, an error will be thrown.

If no text format is defined, BitmapFontTextRenderer defaults to using BitmapFont.MINI so that the text will always be rendered. Previously, it would render nothing.

If no element format is defined, TextBlockTextRenderer defaults to using a new ElementFormat with default arguments so that the text will always be rendered. Previously, an error was thrown.

A trackInteractionMode property has been added to Slider. In previous versions, Slider behaved as if trackInteractionMode were set to Slider.TRACK_INTERACTION_MODE_BY_PAGE. Now, the default value is Slider.TRACK_INTERACTION_MODE_TO_VALUE.

A verticalAlign property has been added to TextInput. In previous versions, TextInput behaved as if verticalAlign were set to TextInput.VERTICAL_ALIGN_JUSTIFY. Now, the default value is TextInput.VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE.

The FeathersControl class is now considered abstract. It will throw a runtime error if instantiated directly instead of being subclassed. If you need a generic Feathers component as a wrapper for another display object, use LayoutGroup instead.

The leftItems, rightItems, and centerItems getters on the Header class no longer make a copy of their storage variables. Take care when modifying these values directly.

Focus management now supports multiple Starling stages (for AIR desktop apps). The static isEnabled property has been removed. Instead, you should use the static setEnabledForStage() function:

FocusManager.setEnabledForStage( Starling.current.stage, true );

All layouts now account for the pivotX and pivotY properties when positioning display objects. In previous versions, these properties were ignored.

When the direction property of a ProgressBar is equal to ProgressBar.DIRECTION_VERTICAL, the fill now starts at the bottom and fills up.

The increment button and decrement button sub-components of a ScrollBar are now hidden when the scroll bar's maximum scroll position is equal to its minimum scroll position, just like how the thumb is hidden. The track will be resized to fill the extra space where the buttons were previously rendered.

When replacing the dataProvider of a List or GroupedList (or replacing the data property of a ListCollection or HierarchicalCollection), it is no longer necessary to call updateItemAt() on the new collection if it contains some of the same items as the previous collection. This behavior will happen automatically.


  • NumericStepper: fixed issue where using step to calculate a new value didn't account for the minimum value.
  • NumericStepper: fixed issue where only some text was selected after changing value.
  • TextInput: fixed issue where FOCUS_OUT event wasn't dispatched when used with a NumericStepper and FocusManager.isEnabled is true, causing NumericStepper to fail to update its value properly.
  • Slider: fixed issue where using step to calculate a new value didn't account for the minimum value.
  • Button: validates skin if the skin implements IValidating so that the skin resizes properly if button dimensions are tweened.
  • Callout: fixed issue where callout incorrectly stopped content from resizing.
  • Callout: fixed issue where content resizing wouldn't reposition callout to point to origin.
  • TextInput: fixed issue where sometimes focus was not cleared on removal.
  • TextBlockTextRenderer: fixed issue where sometimes an infinite loop was triggering when attempting to truncate.
  • TextFieldTextEditor: fixed issue where existing text did not render with new text format.
  • StageTextTextEditor, TextFieldTextEditor: fixed issue where multiple FOCUS_OUT events could be dispatched.
  • TextArea: fixed positioning of texture snapshot when scrolling.
  • TiledRowsLayout, TiledColumnsLayout: fixed issue where some tiles would be incorrectly invisible with top or left padding and manageVisibility.
  • LayoutGroup: respects includeInLayout when no layout is specified.
  • TextInput: fixed selection position on touch when displaying an icon.
  • Gallery Example: updated to use HTTPS URLs since Flickr will soon require it.
  • YouTubeFeeds Example: switched to category feeds since the older feeds were deprecated and displayed the wrong data.


  • New Component: ScrollScreen is new base class for ScreenNavigator screens that supports scrolling similar to ScrollContainer.
  • New Component: TextBlockTextRenderer is a new text renderer that renders text with flash.text.engine.TextBlock, with a texture snapshot similar to TextFieldTextRenderer.
  • More performance improvements with the help of Adobe Scout.
  • Improved support for multiple windows in desktop AIR apps.
  • Improved support for using scaleX and scaleY with Feathers components.
  • Added support for Mac HiDPI resolutions.
  • HorizontalLayout: added support for percentWidth and percentHeight with HorizontalLayoutData.
  • VerticalLayout: added support for percentWidth and percentHeight with VerticalLayoutData.
  • AnchorLayout: added support for percentWidth and percentHeight with AnchorLayoutData.
  • HorizontalLayout: added optional firstGap and lastGap properties.
  • VerticalLayout: added optional firstGap and lastGap properties.
  • HorizontalLayout: added distributeWidths property to available divide available width equally to all items.
  • HorizontalLayout: added distributeHeights property to available divide available height equally to all items.
  • AnchorLayout: performance improvements.
  • PickerList: added openList() and closeList() functions to open and close pop-up list programmatically.
  • Screen: now extends LayoutGroup to support layouts.
  • Scroller: final removal of scrollerProperties, which was deprecated in version 1.1.0.
  • Scroller: support for placing the vertical scroll bar on the right for right-to-left locales.
  • Scroller: added mouseWheelScrollStep property to support different steps on scroll bar and mouse wheel.
  • ScrollText: now chooses exclusively between styleSheet or textFormat to avoid runtime error.
  • ScrollText: added support for hyperlinks, including a new Event.TRIGGERED event when a link is clicked/tapped.
  • TextFieldTextRenderer: now chooses exclusively between styleSheet or textFormat to avoid runtime error.
  • TextFieldTextRenderer: added nativeFilters property to support rendering text with filters.
  • BitmapFontTextRenderer: fixed issue where truncation happened when it wasn't necessary.
  • BitmapFontTextRenderer: fixed kerning when font size is scaled.
  • ImageLoader: added textureFormat property to specify a Context3DTextureFormat value.
  • List: reuses its typical item renderer instead of creating a new one when measurement is required.
  • ScrollContainer: added IScrollContainer interface including functions for "raw" children.
  • Themes: "quiet" buttons now have a transparent up skin to blend into toolbars.
  • Themes: broke apart initialize() function into multiple functions for better organization.
  • Themes: support for optionally loading assets at runtime instead of embedding.
  • Themes: now available as SWCs for easier project setup.
  • MetalWorksMobileTheme: uses the new TextBlockTextRenderer.
  • LayoutGroup: fix for empty spaces when an item is added more than once.
  • ILayout: added new requiresLayoutOnScroll property to improve performance for static layouts.
  • IValidating: new interface for objects that support validation.
  • Scale9Image: implements IValidating to support forced validation and to put it in the ValidationQueue.
  • Scale3Image: implements IValidating to support forced validation and to put it in the ValidationQueue.
  • TiledImage: implements IValidating to support forced validation and to put it in the ValidationQueue.
  • TabBar: support for more layout properties similar to ButtonGroup.
  • Header: added optional centerItems property to support items in the center to replace the title.
  • Item Renderers: added selectableField and selectableFunction to allow some item renderers to be selectable and some that are not selectable.
  • Item Renderers: added enabledField and enabledFunction to allow some item renderers to be enabled and some that are not enabled.
  • Item Renderers: added iconLabelField and iconLabelFunction similar to accessoryLabelField and accessoryLabelFunction.
  • Item Renderers: support truncation of accessory label.
  • DisplayListWatcher: extends EventDispatcher so that subclasses (themes) can dispatch events.
  • DisplayListWatcher: now processes all matching named initializers instead of only the first match.
  • PopUpManager: added IPopUpManager to support custom pop-up managers.
  • PopUpManager: better support for multiple Starling instances.
  • Alert: fixed issue where button group was disposed on close and caused runtime error.
  • AnchorLayout: fixes for broken layouts with certain ordering of children.
  • AnchorLayout: fixes to avoid runtime error when using children that don't implement ILayoutDisplayObject.
  • Button: fix to long press duration being treated as an integer instead of floating point.
  • Button: small fixes to layout edge cases.
  • ButtonGroup: fix to allow buttons to be disabled and re-enabled.
  • ButtonGroup: fix to properly remove event listners from data provider when data provider changes.
  • BitmapFontTextRenderer: fix for centered text being blurred because its position wasn't rounded to an integer.
  • Item Renderers: minor fixes to layout edge cases.
  • StageTextTextEditor: fix for StageText not being properly hidden when text is empty.
  • TextInput: fix for icon positioning using wrong padding value.
  • ImageLoader: added optional textureQueueDuration property to upload textures after a short delay while delayTextureCreation is true. Previously, textures would not upload at all until delayTextureCreation was set to false again.
  • ProgressBar: no longer sets touchable to false on skins.
  • Panel: fix for failing to detect header and footer resizing.
  • Drawers: fix for failing to detect drawer resizing.
  • Scroller: fix for issue where an animated scroller with the scroll policy set to SCROLL_POLICY_OFF would incorrectly stop scrolling when touched.
  • Scroller: fix for incorrect calculation of maximum scroll positions when pageWidth or pageHeight is set.
  • TextFieldTextRenderer: fix for wrapping bug.
  • HorizontalLayout: fix for getScrollPositionForIndex() to properly calculate scroll position for indices less than beforeVirtualizedItemCount.
  • VerticalLayout: fix for getScrollPositionForIndex() to properly calculate scroll position for indices less than beforeVirtualizedItemCount.
  • ScreenNavigator: fix for edge case where the screen was not resized properly with AUTO_SIZE_MODE_CONTENT.

1.3.0 Deprecated APIs

All deprecated APIs are subject to the Feathers deprecation policy. Please migrate to the new APIs as soon as possible because the deprecated APIs will be removed in a future version of Feathers.

The scrollerProperties property on scrolling components, including List, GroupedList, ScrollText and ScrollContainer was originally deprecated in Feathers 1.1.0, and it has now been removed. Because these components now extend Scroller instead of adding a Scroller as a child, all of the properties that could be set through scrollerProperties can now be set directly on the components.

1.3.0 API Changes

Some changes have been made to Feathers that have the potential to break code in existing projects. Changes of this type may be considered exceptions to the Feathers deprecation policy, and careful consideration is made to limit the impact of these changes on existing projects. Most developers using Feathers will not be affected by these changes, except perhaps, to observe improved stability and consistency.


One change has been made to the ILayout interface. Custom implementations of ILayout created before Feathers 1.3.0 will have compiler errors until the required changes are made.

The property requiresLayoutOnScroll has been added to ILayout to provide improved performance for static layouts that don't change when a container scrolls.

This property can easily simulate the old behavior from Feathers 1.2.0, if required. The following implementation of requiresLayoutOnScroll can easily be copied into a custom implementations of ILayout to quickly migrate existing Feathers 1.2.0 implementations to behave exactly the same in Feathers 1.3.0:

public function get requiresLayoutOnScroll():Boolean
	return true;


  • New Component: Alert
  • New Component: Drawers
  • New Component: LayoutGroup
  • New Component(s): LayoutGroupListItemRenderer, LayoutGroupGroupedListItemRenderer, LayoutGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer
  • FeathersControl: better support for scaleX and scaleY. Width and height are scaled.
  • FeathersControl: dispatches FeathersEventType.CREATION_COMPLETE after the first validation.
  • FeathersControl: added isCreated flag to indicate if FeathersEventType.CREATION_COMPLETE has been dispatched.
  • FeathersControl: ensures that keyboard focus is ignored if disabled.
  • FeathersControl: new protected functions setInvalidationFlag() and getInvalidationFlag() for better re-invalidation during draw().
  • FeathersControl: getChildByName() uses nameList.contains(). Doesn't work when an IFeathersControl is in a non-Feathers display object.
  • Button: added FeathersEventType.LONG_PRESS event.
  • Button: updates isEnabled on label text renderer and icon, if applicable.
  • Button: label is always on top of the icon.
  • List, GroupedList: Setting a new data provider will clear selection. Now, selection cannot be set before data provider is passed in. If the same selection is desired after a data provider change, it should be done manually.
  • List, GroupedList: improved invalidation when various properties are changed.
  • List, GroupedList: better handling of typical item to improve performance an accuracy of layout calculations.
  • List, GroupedList: support for item renderers that can be deselected if multiple selection isn't enabled.
  • ListCollection: removeAll() checks if length is 0 to avoid dispatching an event.
  • GroupedList: improved handling of updateItemAt() to properly update whole groups.
  • ImageLoader: added loadingTexture and errorTexture properties.
  • ImageLoader: support for loading ATF files from URL.
  • ToggleSwitch: on and off labels can be created with separate factories.
  • Panel: header and footer contents can receive keyboard focus.
  • ButtonGroup: properly resizes when data provider changes.
  • ButtonGroup: support for padding around buttons.
  • ButtonGroup: dispatches its own Event.TRIGGERED when any button is triggered.
  • ButtonGroup: support for horizontal and vertical alignment.
  • ButtonGroup, TabBar: better handling of custom names for first and last items.
  • Callout: backgroundSkin is no longer required.
  • Callout: show() function adds an argument for a custom overlay factory.
  • Scale9Image, Scale3Image: support for scaling edge regions down to zero. Causes distortion, but removes overlapping.
  • Scale9Image, Scale3Image, TiledImage, BitmapFontTextRenderer: uses batchable property from QuadBatch for improved performance.
  • BitmapFontTextRenderer: fix for center and right alignment when using maxWidth.
  • BitmapFontTextRenderer: fix for center and right alignment when no width or maxWidth is set.
  • Scroller: support for minimum scroll positions less than zero.
  • Scroller: improved draw() function to avoid extra invalidation.
  • Scroller: new interactionMode value INTERACTION_MODE_TOUCH_AND_SCROLL_BARS.
  • Scroller: added minimumDragDistance and minimumPageThrowVelocity.
  • Scroller: fixed vertical page snapping.
  • Scroller: supports custom page dimensions for snapping.
  • Scroller: won't scroll with mouse wheel when scroll policy is off.
  • Text editors: visibility fixes when text is empty.
  • TextFieldTextEditor: support for rotation.
  • StageTextTextEditor: doesn't clear text when displayAsPassword is changed.
  • StageTextTextEditor: better scaling and support for rotation.
  • TextFieldTextRenderer: supports using multiple textures if text width or height is greater than 2048 pixels.
  • TextFieldTextRenderer: added disabledTextFormat property.
  • TextInput, text renderers: dispatches soft keyboard events.
  • TextInput: supports icon.
  • TextInput: alternate name for search input.
  • Screen, PanelScreen: better handling of back button that accounts for depth.
  • ScreenNavigator: properly resizes if content is resized.
  • ScreenNavigator: clears screen if removeScreen() is called for the active screen.
  • ToggleGroup: added getItemIndex() and setItemIndex().
  • VerticalCenteredPopUpContentManager: touch must begin and end outside of content to close the content.
  • DisplayListWatcher: added initializeObject() function to initialize display objects that are already added when a theme is created.
  • PropertyProxy: support for QName values.
  • SmartDisplayObjectValueSelector: fix to support uint values for Quads.
  • SmartDisplayObjectValueSelector: support for ConcreteTexture.
  • State value selectors: strict equality checks for null to support 0 values.
  • VerticalLayout, HorizontalLayout: improved item validation to account for justify alignment.
  • AnchorLayout: better measurement when using horizontalCenter or verticalCenter values.
  • ValidationQueue: items are added to the queue faster with better sorting.
  • ExclusiveTouch: allows a component to claim a touch so that nested scrolling components won't be in conflict.
  • Label: added ALTERNATE_NAME_HEADING for larger text and ALTERNATE_NAME_DETAIL for smaller text.
  • Default item renderers: better handling of data and fields.
  • Default item renderers: support for delaying texture creation on scroll in ImageLoaders.
  • Default item renderers: updates isEnabled on accessory, if applicable.
  • Default item renderers: accessory is cleared if itemHasAccessory is set to false.
  • Default item renderers: fix for measurement when label is missing and gap isn't needed.
  • DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer: contentLabel maxWidth is used for proper wrapping, if needed.
  • DefaultGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer: added support for justify alignments.
  • Many performance improvements with the help of Adobe Scout.
  • All built-in components ensure that sub-components are validated.
  • Examples: use drawers component where applicable.
  • Examples: new DrawersExplorer example.
  • Examples: new DragAndDrop example for DragDropManager.
  • Themes: updated to support new properties and alternate names.
  • Documentation: many properties now list default values.
  • Documentation: createSubComponent() and autoSizeIfNeeded() patterns are now documented parts of the architecture.
  • Fixes to better support iOS 7.
  • New minimum runtime versions. Target SWF version rolled back to 18 (Flash Player 11.5 and AIR 3.5) to offer easier BlackBerry 10 support.

1.2.0 Deprecated APIs

All deprecated APIs are subject to the Feathers deprecation policy. Please migrate to the new APIs as soon as possible because the deprecated APIs will be removed in a future version of Feathers.

The scrollerProperties property on scrolling components, including List, GroupedList, ScrollText and ScrollContainer is deprecated. Because these components now extend Scroller instead of adding a Scroller as a child, all of the properties that could be set through scrollerProperties can now be set directly on the components. The scrollerProperties property was deprecated in Feathers 1.1.0, and it remains deprecated in Feathers 1.2.0.

1.2.0 API Changes

Some changes have been made to Feathers that have the potential to break code in existing projects. Changes of this type are considered exceptions to the Feathers deprecation policy, and careful consideration is made to limit the impact of these changes on existing projects. Most developers using Feathers will not be affected by these changes, except perhaps, to observe improved stability and consistency.


Two changes have been made to the PopUpManager.

The function isTopLevelPopUp() has been modified to indicate if a pop-up is above the top-most modal overlay. Previously, this function indicated if a pop-up is the single top-most pop-up.

When a pop-up is centered when calling PopUpManager.addPopUp(), the PopUpManager will automatically realign the pop-up if the stage or the pop-up is resized. If you prefer that the pop-up isn't realigned, change the argument to false and call PopUpManager.centerPopUp() instead. It will align the pop-up only once. If you previously manually repositioned the pop-up to keep it centered when it or the stage resized, you may remove that code. However, if the code remains, it should not cause conflicts with the new behavior.


Three changes have been made to the IVirtualLayout interface. Custom implementations of IVirtualLayout created before Feathers 1.2.0 will have compiler errors until the required changes are made. It is expected that a small number of Feathers developers have created custom implementations of IVirtualLayout, so this change will have no impact on the majority of projects that are upgraded from older versions of Feathers.

The typicalItemWidth and typicalItemHeight properties may be removed completely from custom IVirtualLayout implementations. In their place, the typicalItem property must be added. Components like List previously passed pre-calculated width and height values for a typical item display object. However, a layout may need to manipulate the typical item before calculating its dimensions. By giving more control to the layouts, their estimation of virtualized items will be more accurate.

The new typicalItem property might be declared as follows:

 * @private
protected var _typicalItem:DisplayObject;

 * @inheritDoc
public function get typicalItem():DisplayObject
	return this._typicalItem;

 * @private
public function set typicalItem(value:DisplayObject):void
	if(this._typicalItem == value)
	this._typicalItem = value;

Usage of the new typicalItem property may depend on factors that are specific to each implementation. In general, an implementation will measure the typical item at the beginning of most of its public functions, including layout(), getScrollPositionForIndex(), getVisibleIndicesAtScrollPosition(), and measureViewPort(). If the typical item is a Feathers control, it should be validated. The following snippet shows the most basic case for how to request the typical item's dimensions:

var measuredTypicalItemWidth:Number = 0;
var measuredTypicalItemHeight:Number = 0;
if( this._useVirtualLayout && this._typicalItem )
	if( this._typicalItem is IFeathersControl )
		//validate the typical item so that it reports the correct width and height

	measuredTypicalItemWidth = this._typicalItem.width;
	measuredTypicalItemHeight = this._typicalItem.height;

If the typical item is a Feathers control, validate() should be called before requesting its dimensions. Optionally, the dimensions of a Feathers control may be reset to NaN in order to ask the control for its ideal dimensions. This will match the behavior introduced Feathers 1.1.x. However, in Feathers 1.2.0, the built-in layouts have chosen to reset the typical item's dimensions only when a flag is enabled. For many layouts, resetting the dimensions of the typical item is rarely required, and it may be undesireable. This change reverts the behavior to match Feathers 1.0.x, while still allowing advanced developers to re-enable the behavior introduced in Feathers 1.1.x.

For more advanced code, take a look at one of the built-in layout classes, such as VerticalLayout.

Note: The built-in layout classes repurpose the typicalItemWidth and typicalItemHeight properties that were removed from IVirtualLayout to work with a new resetTypicalItemDimensionsOnMeasure property. By default, setting these properties outside of a component like List will have no effect, which exactly matches the behavior from all older versions of Feathers. Custom layouts may elect to provide this same capability, but it is not required by the IVirtualLayout interface.


The typicalHeader and typicalFooter properties have been removed from GroupedList to support the better handling of typical items in virtual layouts, as discussed above. From now on, the typicalItem on a GroupedList is the only way to provide hints to the layout used by a GroupedList.


This release includes minor updates to support Starling Framework 1.4 and a number of minor bug fixes.

  • Switches to Starling's implementation of the clipRect property.
  • Uses Texture onRestore for internally managed textures, like in text controls.
  • StageTextTextEditor: fix for displayAsPassword clearing the text.
  • Panel: won't scroll if mouse wheel or touch occurs in header or footer.
  • Panel: header and footer can be touched when content is scrolling.
  • AeonDesktopTheme: uses a better disabled text color.
  • SmartDisplayObjectStateValueSelector: properly supports uint color value of 0.
  • Item Renderers: smarter handling of accessory resizing.
  • Item Renderers: better measurement to account for NaN.
  • Item Renderers: properly checks for _data, in addition to _owner, in commitData().
  • Label: sets proper text renderer dimensions if height is explicitly set.
  • Radio: better handling of setting toggleGroup to avoid accidentally adding to defaultRadioGroup.
  • Scroller: properly updates isEnabled on scroll bars when they are first created.
  • Scroller: child touches are blocked until throw animation finishes to match native behavior.
  • Scroll bars: better isEnabled handling.
  • TextInput: better handling of focus when not visible.
  • TextInput: better prompt handling.
  • TextInput: fix to allow TextFieldTextEditor to be selected on focus in.
  • TextInput: added clearFocus() to allow programmatic removal of focus in NumericStepper.
  • TextFieldTextEditor: snapshot is properly hidden when text is cleared.
  • ButtonGroup: properly resizes when data provider changes.
  • GroupedList: requests proper typical item from data provider.
  • ScrollText: better padding getter.
  • PickerList: closes pop-up list on Event.TRIGGERED.
  • PickerList: properly disposes pop-up list and IPopUpContentManager.
  • NumericStepper: if TextInput sub-component is editable, it will be selected on focus in.
  • TiledRowsLayout, TiledColumnsLayout: fixed manageVisibility implementation.
  • TiledRowsLayout, TiledColumnsLayout: fixed bad positioning when useSquareTiles is true.


  • New Beta Component: NumericStepper. Add and subtract from a numeric value with buttons. Optional text editing.
  • New Beta Component: TextArea. A multiline text input. Recommended for desktop only. Not recommended for mobile.
  • New Beta Component: Panel. A new container subclassing ScrollContainer that adds a header and an optional footer.
  • New Beta Component: PanelScreen. An IScreen implementation (similar to Screen) based on Panel.
  • New Beta Layout: AnchorLayout. Added to support fluid layouts and relative positioning. Can position relative to parent container and also to other children of the parent container.
  • Added FocusManager for keyboard navigation and interaction. Not intended for mobile. Use a desktop theme or set FocusManager.isEnabled = true. TextInput cannot use StageTextTextEditor when focus management is enabled. TextFieldTextEditor is recommended.
  • All Components: sub-components are created from factories and can receive custom names for theming.
  • Added ILayoutObject interface to support extra data for layouts to use, like includeInLayout property.
  • List: support for optional multiple selection.
  • TextInput: supports prompt/hint
  • TextInput/StageTextTextEditor: supports multiline on mobile.
  • PickerList: supports prompt when no item is selected.
  • Slider: measurement now includes thumb dimensions and a new property called trackScaleMode has been added.
  • Callout: disposal is more consistent. Set combination of disposeOnSelfClose and disposeContent.
  • Callout: doesn't close when origin is touched. origin should now separately determine correct behavior.
  • Callout: added origin and supportedDirections properties to make Callout capable of switching origins after creation.
  • Item Renderers: properly handle accessory resizing if accessory is a FeathersControl.
  • Item Renderers: fixes for a number of layout order, gap, and alignment combinations.
  • PickerList: doesn't close when touching scroll bar. only item renderer touch will trigger a close.
  • PopUpManager: Supports custom root to place pop-ups somewhere other than the stage.
  • PopUpManager: modal pop-ups receive a different focus manager.
  • ScreenNavigator: added hasScreen(), getScreen(), and getScreenIDs().
  • ScreenNavigator: added autoSizeMode property to select between sizing to fit stage or to fit content.
  • ScreenNavigator: fix for broken transition if showScreen() is calleed before transition begins but after new screen is added to stage.
  • Transitions: fix for quickStack constructor argument.
  • ScrollContainer, List, GroupedList: better auto-sizing with a background skin.
  • ScrollContainer: new alternate name for toolbar style.
  • TextInput: exposed isEditable, maxChars, restrict, and displayAsPassword properties.
  • BitmapFontTextRenderer, Scale3Image, Scale9Image: option to turn off the use of a separate QuadBatch.
  • TextFieldTextEditor: better selection on mobile.
  • TextFieldTextEditor: properly dispatches FeathersEventType.ENTER.
  • Text Renderers and Editors: better snapshot disposal.
  • TextFieldTextRenderer: better measurement to workaround runtime dimensions being wrong.
  • TiledRowsLayout, TiledColumnsLayout: supports separate horizontal and vertical gaps.
  • TiledRowsLayout, TiledColumnsLayout: more stable virtualized item renderer count to improve performance.
  • TiledRowsLayout, TiledColumnsLayout: fixes for certain issues with paging.
  • ButtonGroup: supports isEnabled as a property in the data provider.
  • ImageLoader: added delayTextureCreation flag to avoid creating textures while scrolling (or during any action that requires best performance).
  • Scroller: adds an invisible overlay during scrolling to block touch events on children.
  • Scroller: exposes horizontal and vertical page count properties.
  • Scroller: added FeathersEventType.SCROLL_START event.
  • Scroller: scroll bars are hidden when stopScrolling() is called.
  • Scroller: fix for velocity calculation.
  • Button: better detection of click to avoid other display objects moving on top of button before TouchPhase.ENDED.
  • Button: new styles for themes, including back, forward, call-to-action, quiet, and danger.
  • List: if items are added or removed, selected indices are adjusted.
  • List, GroupedList, ScrollContainer, and ScrollText all extend Scroller, instead of using it as a sub-component. The scrollerProperties property on each of these is now deprecated because all public properties of Scroller are now direct public properties of these components. Theme initializers that target Scroller will break because Scroller is no longer a sub-component, but a super class of classes like List. Move this stuff into initializers for List, GroupedList, ScrollContainer, and ScrollText.
  • FeathersControl: setSizeInternal() is now stricter. It can never receive a NaN value for width or height. This is a common source of bugs, and throwing an error here will help make it easier to find those bugs.
  • IVariableVirtualLayout: added function addToVariableVirtualCacheAtIndex() for more specific control over the cache of item dimensions.
  • IVariableVirtualLayout: added function removeFromVariableVirtualCacheAtIndex() for more specific control over the cache of item dimensions.
  • ScrollText: now properly handles visible and alpha properties.
  • ListCollection: added removeAll(), addAll(), addAllAt() and contains().
  • Scroller: scrolling animates for mouse wheel.
  • List, VerticalLayout, HorizontalLayout: optimized case where useVirtualLayout is true and hasVariableItemDimensions is false.
  • HorizontalLayout, VerticalLayout, TiledRowsLayout, TiledColumnsLayout: added manageVisibility property to set items to false when not in view. Set to true to improve performance.
  • Item Renderers: added stopScrollingOnAccessoryTouch property to make accessory touch behavior configurable.
  • Screen: default value of originalDPI is DeviceCapabilities.dpi. It used to be 168. Can still be changed.
  • MetalWorksMobileTheme and MinimalMobileTheme: major overhaul with improved skins and new alternate skins.
  • AeonDesktopTheme: added some missing skins, like TabBar.
  • AeonDesktopTheme: uses FocusManager.
  • AzureMobileTheme: removed this example theme. Please feel free to continue using the old version, if desired.
  • ComponentsExplorer: better button screen to show off various styles of buttons.
  • Todos: new example.
  • All Examples: Use PanelScreen instead of Screen and Header where appropriate.
  • All Examples: Use AnchorLayout where appropriate.
  • All Examples: Uses NumericStepper instead of Slider where appropriate.
  • Added 96x96 icons to examples for Android xhdpi. Requires AIR 3.7.
  • Extended API documentation with inline examples and improved descriptions.
  • Added many new articles to the Feathers Manual.
  • Now built with ASC 2.0.

1.1.0 Deprecated APIs

All deprecated APIs are subject to the Feathers deprecation policy. Please migrate to the new APIs as soon as possible because the deprecated APIs will be removed in a future version of Feathers.

The scrollerProperties property on scrolling components, including List, GroupedList, ScrollText and ScrollContainer is deprecated. Because these components now extend Scroller instead of adding a Scroller as a child, all of the properties that could be set through scrollerProperties can now be set directly on the components.

1.1.0 API Changes

Some changes have been made to Feathers that have the potential to break code in existing projects. Changes of this type are considered exceptions to the Feathers deprecation policy, and careful consideration is made to limit the impact of these changes on existing projects. Most developers using Feathers will not be affected by these changes, except perhaps, to observe improved stability and consistency.


Two changes have been made to the IVariableVirtualLayout interface. Custom implementations of IVariableVirtualLayout created before Feathers 1.1.0 will have compiler errors until the required changes are made. It is expected that a very small number of Feathers developers have created custom implementations of IVariableVirtualLayout, so this change will have no impact on the vast majority of projects that are upgraded from older versions of Feathers.

The functions addToVariableVirtualCacheAtIndex() and removeFromVariableVirtualCacheAtIndex() have been added to IVariableVirtualLayout to provide lower-level control over the cache of item dimensions. Instead of clearing the entire cache, a component may insert or remove a specific index from the cache. For instance, the List component uses these functions when its data provider is manipulated. These functions allow the layout to provide more accuracy to its virtualization and to improve performance.

These two functions can easily simulate the old behavior from Feathers 1.0.x, if required. The following implementations of addToVariableVirtualCacheAtIndex() and removeFromVariableVirtualCacheAtIndex() can easily be copied into a custom implementations of IVariableVirtualLayout to quickly migrate existing Feathers 1.0.x implementations to behave exactly the same in Feathers 1.1.0:

public function addToVariableVirtualCacheAtIndex(index:int, item:DisplayObject = null):void

public function removeFromVariableVirtualCacheAtIndex(index:int, item:DisplayObject = null):void


This release includes a number of bug fixes.

  • Scroller: FeathersEventType.SCROLL_COMPLETE always dispatched after last Event.SCROLL.
  • ScrollBar, SimpleScrollBar: thumb position properly accounts for padding.
  • Scroller: mouse wheel detection properly accounts for contentScaleFactor.
  • ScreenNavigator: calling clearScreen() during a transition no longer causes a stack overflow.
  • ScrollBar, SimpleScrollBar: can drag to minimum and maximum if they aren't a multiple of the step.
  • Header: Fix for runtime error when rightItems aren't IFeathersDisplayObjects
  • TextInput: better selection/cursor recovery when changing text programmatically.
  • TextInput: Moved fontSize contentScaleFactor multiplication into StageTextTextEditor.
  • FeathersControl: requires isInitialized to be true before it can validate.
  • FeathersControl: clipRect properly accounts for scale.
  • GroupedList: added missing documentation for setSelectedLocation().
  • ImageLoader: does a better job keeping aspect ratio when only one dimension is explicit.
  • ImageLoader: properly scales content when dimensions are explicit.
  • ImageLoader: no runtime errors if content loads after dispose.
  • ScrollContainer, List, GroupedList, ScrollText: fix for detecting changes in scrollToPageIndex().


No major API changes since 1.0.0 BETA. Mostly bug fixes and minor improvements.

  • Fix for memory leaks in List, GroupedList, and ImageLoader
  • PageIndicator properly handles ImageLoader or other IFeathersControl as symbol
  • IGroupedListHeaderOrFooterRenderer extends IFeathersControl
  • Header: fix for "middle" vertical alignment
  • Updated for Starling Framework 1.3

1.0.0 BETA

Initial release. The following major changes happened in the last month or two leading to the beta.

  • GTween library removed as a dependency. All animations switched to the Starling Tween class.
  • as3-signals library removed as a dependency. Switched to Starling events.
  • TextInput: supports swappable text editors, similar to the text renderers used for uneditable text. The default StageTextTextEditor uses StageText to allow text input, which is ideal for mobile. The TextFieldTextEditor uses a TextField of TextFieldType.INPUT instead, and it may be a better choice for desktop. A static function, defaultTextEditorFactory, has been added to FeathersControl.
  • TextInput: now has events for focus in and out.
  • Item renderers: Switched to ImageLoader for icon and accessory textures, which has a source property that supports Texture instances or String URLs to load textures from the web. Properties like iconTextureField and accessoryTextureFunction now have new names like iconSourceField and accessorySourceFunction because values other than textures are now allowed. Similarly, iconImageFactory and accessoryImageFactory have been renamed to iconLoaderFactory and accessoryLoaderFactory.
  • Item renderers: accessory may be positioned. See layoutOrder and accessoryPosition properties.
  • Added dispose() method to AddedWatcher so that theme resources like textures be disposed.
  • Added ScrollText component to display text in an overlay on the native display list. Useful for long passages of text that may be too large to convert to a texture.
  • ScreenNavigator: added events for transition start and complete.