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File metadata and controls

88 lines (83 loc) · 5.73 KB

New in version 4.0.0

This version is a major upgrade from the v3.x branch. Completely refactored and with a lot of exciting new functionality and opportunities to extend the existing functionality!

  • Vastly improved setup and installation process - quick and easy!
  • Added web interface to dial, see what planet an incoming wormhole is from, run tests, and more
    • Dialing by pressing symbol buttons in a web browser
    • Dialing by clicking on an entry in the Address Book (both Movie Gates, and Fan Gates)
    • Shows what type of wormhole (incoming/outgoing), if any, and what planet is connected
    • Shows the approximate time-to-disengage (~38 minutes max)
    • Dialing a black hole is dangerous - you shouldn't do that. But if you did it's dangerous. You've been warned!!
    • Testing functions:
      • Cycle Chevrons individually
      • Move the symbol ring
      • Turn on ALL of the chevron LEDs
      • Turn off ALL of the LEDs on the Gate
      • Instantly open a wormhole
      • Close any open wormhole
      • Simulate an incoming wormhole (most requested feature)
      • Enter a DHD Test Mode, wherein pressing a button will toggle it's LED on/off
    • Administrative functions:
      • Volume up/down (+/-5%/click) Volume level is saved and persists between reboots
      • Restart the Stargate Software
      • Reboot the Raspberry Pi
      • Shutdown the Raspberry Pi (no more dirty shutdowns!)
    • In-App Subspace Network configuration: no more typing commands in SSH!
    • Shows helpful debug information, internet & subspace connection status, and software update information.
    • Responsive Web UI (Bootstrap+JQuery) UI works well on Mobile Devices, too.
    • Configuration of all aspects of the software is available in the web interface.
      • Type and value validation of all input data ensures system stability
    • A Symbol Overview page details all of the symbols on the gate/DHD, their keyboard mappings and symbol numbers, and provides links to Wikipedia pages for more information about each constellation
    • Helpful FAQs and links to resources for building and troubleshooting your gate
    • A System Information page provides information about the Raspi and Stargate Software running
    • Lifetime Statistics track the number of failed dialing attempts, count of inbound/outbound wormholes established to different types of gates, the amount of time connected.
  • The software will run as normal even if hardware isn't connected or is not connected correctly. The gate will gracefully degrade to a "hardware simulation" state, where everything works as it should, just without actually controlling the hardware.
  • Startup and shutdown are now graceful, and the software cleans up it's threads on exit.
  • Completely restructured the code for readability, adherence to industry/language standards, and facilitating further extension of the software.
  • Configurations have been moved out of static Python code into JSON configuration files to allow easy, dynamic reconfiguration all in one place
  • Migrated to an HTTP-based API for retrieving Fan Gates and Software Updates - previously done via SQL server direct query.
  • Fan Gates are automatically updated every 30 minutes. Previously required a reboot.
  • Software Updates are checked every 6 hours. Previously required a reboot.
  • Software now runs as a systemd daemon. Manage the daemon with these commands:
sudo systemctl start stargate.service
sudo systemctl stop stargate.service
sudo systemctl restart stargate.service
sudo systemctl status stargate.service
  • Added avahi / Bonjour so the 'Gate can be accessed as stargate.local - you don't need to know it's IP address anymore!
  • Adopted SemVer versioning
  • Fully documented Web/HTTP API
  • Code is linted with pylint
  • Lots of behind the scenes stuff to make development, extension and debugging easier
  • Installation script and pre-prepared disk image (for the Raspi 3B+) make installation a breeze
  • Adds the Stargate Loopback Address (27, 7, 15, 1, 2), analogous with to allow simulating incoming wormholes
  • Security enhancements
  • Better exception handling to prevent crashes
  • Improved memory management
  • Added firewall (UFW) to limit access. This is redundant and complementary to the firewalling that occurs on the Subspace Network.
  • Improved logging - threads don't step on STDOUT anymore
  • Added logrotate, so log files don't get huge and slow things down or fill up the drive. Retains 30 days of daily log file backups, FIFO.
  • Automatic configuration of the audio devices to prevent snafus.
  • Multi-universe support

FEATURES on the backlog for possible future development

  • Scheduled Iris open/closed times
  • Scheduled mute times
  • Button in Web to open/close the Iris
  • Button in Web to connect/disconnect from subspace
  • Incoming wormhole alert in Web
  • Configure WiFi via Bluetooth (WebBluetooth in a browser), so you can skip the wpa_supplicant part of setup.
  • Implement homing
  • Support for the Milky Way Main Board
  • More Web stuff: fun interfaces, alternate "keyboard layouts," hidden movie references, etc.
  • Upload your own, additional sound clips
  • Play sound clips by clicking buttons in the Web UI
  • "Call Log" in Web: Shows last 25 incoming and outgoing wormholes, duration established, and what planet.
  • Show log files in Web (WebSocket streaming?)
  • Consider moving API away from polling to use WebSockets? Polling was just the quick/easy way out.
  • More granularity in hardware fall-back modes

New in version 3.7:

  • The Stargate server will now also start with eth0 interface only. (If subspace or wlan is missing)

New in version 3.6:

  • DHD detection update. Planet/stargate name is used in the log instead of the IP.

New in version 3.5:

  • Fix an issue with audio output. The program will now edit the alsa.conf file to set the USB audio adapter as output.