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IndexError: node child "Out" not found #133

farhanrao895 opened this issue Dec 24, 2017 · 0 comments

IndexError: node child "Out" not found #133

farhanrao895 opened this issue Dec 24, 2017 · 0 comments


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farhanrao895 commented Dec 24, 2017

I have this error(IndexError: node child "Out" not found) while converting yall1.m to c++ it will be very helpful if you give solution to this error as early as possible. Thanks

this is the code of yall1.m

function [x, Out] = yall1(A, b, opts)
% A solver for L1-minimization models:
% min ||Wx||{w,1}, st Ax = b
% min ||Wx||
{w,1} + (1/nu)||Ax - b||1
% min ||Wx||
{w,1} + (1/2rho)||Ax - b||2^2
% min ||x||
{w,1}, st Ax = b and x > = 0
% min ||x||_{w,1} + (1/nu)||Ax - b||1, st x > = 0
% min ||x||
{w,1} + (1/2
rho)||Ax - b||_2^2, st x > = 0
% where (A,b,x) can be complex or real
% (but x must be real in the last 3 models)
% Copyright(c) 2009-2011 Yin Zhang, Junfeng Yang, Wotao Yin
% --- Input:
% A --- either an m x n matrix or
% a structure with 2 fields:
% 1) A.times: a function handle for Ax
% 2) A.trans: a function handle for A'y
% b --- an m-vector, real or complex
% opts --- a structure with fields:
% opts.tol -- tolerance *** required ***
% -- values > 0 for L1/L1 model
% opts.rho -- values > 0 for L1/L2 model
% opts.basis -- sparsifying unitary basis W (W
W = I)
% a struct with 2 fields:
% 1) times: a function handle for W
% 2) trans: a function handle for W'*y
% opts.nonneg -- 1 for nonnegativity constraints
% opts.nonorth -- 1 for A with non-orthonormal rows
% see the User's Guide for all other options
% --- Output:
% x --- last iterate (hopefully an approximate solution)
% Out --- a structure with fields:
% Out.exit --- exit information
% Out.iter --- #iterations taken
% Out.cputime --- solver CPU time
% Out.y --- dual variable
% Out.z --- dual slack
% ..... --- and some more
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% define linear operators
[A,At,b,opts] = linear_operators(A,b,opts);

m = length(b);
L1L1 = isfield(opts,'nu') && > 0;
if L1L1 && isfield(opts,'weights')
opts.weights = [opts.weights(:); ones(m,1)];

% parse options
posrho = isfield(opts,'rho') && opts.rho > 0;
posdel = isfield(opts,'delta') && > 0;
posnu = isfield(opts,'nu') && > 0;
nonneg = isfield(opts,'nonneg') && opts.nonneg == 1;
if isfield(opts,'x0'); x0 = opts.x0; else x0 = []; end
if isfield(opts,'z0'); z0 = opts.z0; else z0 = []; end

% check conflicts % modified by Junfeng
if posdel && posrho || posdel && posnu || posrho && posnu
fprintf('Model parameter conflict! YALL1: set delta = 0 && nu = 0;\n'); = 0; posdel = false; = 0; posnu = false;
prob = 'the basis pursuit problem';
if posrho, prob = 'the unconstrained L1L2 problem'; end
if posdel, prob = 'the constrained L1L2 problem'; end
if posnu, prob = 'the unconstrained L1L1 problem'; end
disp(['YALL1 is solving ', prob, '.']);

% check zero solution % modified by Junfeng
Atb = At(b);
bmax = norm(b,inf);
L2Unc_zsol = posrho && norm(Atb,inf) <= opts.rho;
L2Con_zsol = posdel && norm(b) <=;
L1L1_zsol = posnu && bmax < opts.tol;
BP_zsol = ~posrho && ~posdel && ~posnu && bmax < opts.tol;
zsol = L2Unc_zsol || L2Con_zsol || BP_zsol || L1L1_zsol;
if zsol
n = length(Atb);
x = zeros(n,1);
Out.iter = 0;
Out.cntAt = 1;
Out.cntA = 0;
Out.exit = 'Data b = 0';
% ========================================================================

% scaling data and model parameters
b1 = b / bmax;
if posrho, opts.rho = opts.rho / bmax; end
if posdel, = / bmax; end
if isfield(opts,'xs'), opts.xs = opts.xs/bmax; end

% solve the problem
t0 = cputime;
[x1,Out] = yall1_solve(A, At, b1, x0, z0, opts);
Out.cputime = cputime - t0;

% restore solution x
x = x1 * bmax;
if L1L1; x = x(1:end-m); end
if isfield(opts,'basis')
x = opts.basis.trans(x);
if nonneg; x = max(0,x); end


function [A,At,b,opts] = linear_operators(A0, b0, opts)
% define linear operators A and At
% (possibly modify RHS b if nu > 0)
b = b0;
if isnumeric(A0);
if size(A0,1) > size(A0,2);
error('A must have m < n');
A = @(x) A0*x;
At = @(y) ((y'*A0)');
elseif isstruct(A0) && isfield(A0,'times') && isfield(A0,'trans');
A = A0.times;
At = A0.trans;
elseif isa(A0,'function_handle')
A = @(x) A0(x,1);
At = @(x) A0(x,2);
error('A must be a matrix, a struct or a function handle');

% use sparsfying basis W
if isfield(opts,'basis')
C = A; Ct = At; clear A At;
B = opts.basis.times;
Bt = opts.basis.trans;
A = @(x) C(Bt(x));
At = @(y) B(Ct(y));

% solving L1-L1 model if nu > 0
if isfield(opts,'nu') && > 0
C = A; Ct = At; clear A At;
m = length(b0);
nu =;
t = 1/sqrt(1 + nu^2);
A = @(x) ( C(x(1:end-m)) + nu*x(end-m+1:end) )t;
At = @(y) [ Ct(y); nu
y ]t;
b = b0

if ~isfield(opts,'nonorth');
opts.nonorth = check_orth(A,At,b);


function nonorth = check_orth(A, At, b)
% check whether the rows of A are orthonormal
nonorth = 0;
s1 = randn(size(b));
s2 = A(At(s1));
err = norm(s1-s2)/norm(s1);
if err > 1.e-12; nonorth = 1; end

%%%% solver %%%%%
function [x, Out] = yall1_solve(A,At,b,x0,z0,opts)

% yall1_solve version 1.4 (July, 2011)
% Copyright(c) 2009-2011 Yin Zhang

%% initialization
m = length(b); bnrm = norm(b);
[tol,mu,maxit,print,nu,rho,delta, ...
w,nonneg,nonorth,gamma] = get_opts;
x = x0; z = z0;
if isempty(x0); x = At(b); end
n = length(x);
if isempty(z0), z = zeros(n,1); end
if isfield(opts,'nonorth') && opts.nonorth > 0
y = zeros(m,1); Aty = zeros(n,1);
if print; fprintf('--- YALL1 v1.4 ---\n'); end
if print; iprint1(0); end;

mu_orig = mu;
rdmu = rho / mu;
rdmu1 = rdmu + 1;
bdmu = b / mu;
ddmu = delta / mu;

Out.cntA = 0; Out.cntAt = 0;
rel_gap = 0; rel_rd = 0;
rel_rp = 0; stop = 0;

%% main iterations
for iter = 1:maxit

%% calculations
xdmu = x / mu;
if ~nonorth; % orthonormal A
    y = A(z - xdmu) + bdmu;
    if rho > 0;
        y = y / rdmu1;
    elseif delta > 0
        y = max(0, 1 - ddmu/norm(y))*y;
    Aty = At(y);
else     % non-orthonormal A
    ry = A(Aty - z + xdmu) - bdmu;
    if rho > 0; ry = ry + rdmu*y; end
    Atry = At(ry);
    denom = Atry'*Atry;
    if rho > 0, denom = denom + rdmu * (ry'*ry); end
    stp = real(ry'*ry)/(real(denom) + eps);
    Out.cntAt = Out.cntAt + 1;
    y = y - stp*ry;
    Aty = Aty - stp*Atry;

z = Aty + xdmu;
z = proj2box(z,w,nonneg,nu,m);

Out.cntA  = Out.cntA  + 1;
Out.cntAt = Out.cntAt + 1;

rd = Aty - z; xp = x;
x = x + (gamma*mu) * rd;
%% other chores
if rem(iter,2) == 0, 
    check_stopping; update_mu; 
if print > 1; iprint2; end
if stop; break; end 

end % main iterations

% output
Out.iter = iter; = [mu_orig mu];
Out.obj = [objp objd];
Out.y = y; Out.z = z;

if iter == maxit; Out.exit = 'Exit: maxiter'; end
if print; iprint1(1); end

%% nested functions
function [tol,mu,maxit,print,nu,rho,delta, ...
w,nonneg,nonorth,gamma] = get_opts
% get or set options
tol = opts.tol;
mu = mean(abs(b));
%mu = norm(b)/numel(b);
maxit = 9999;
print = 0;
nu = 0;
rho = eps;
delta = 0;
w = 1;
nonneg = 0;
nonorth = 0;
gamma = 1.; % ADM parameter
if isfield(opts,'mu'); mu =; end
if isfield(opts,'maxit'); maxit = opts.maxit; end
if isfield(opts,'print'); print = opts.print; end
if isfield(opts,'nu'); nu =; end
if isfield(opts,'rho'); rho = opts.rho; end
if isfield(opts,'delta'); delta =; end
if isfield(opts,'weights'); w = opts.weights; end
if isfield(opts,'nonneg'); nonneg = opts.nonneg; end
if isfield(opts,'nonorth'); nonorth = opts.nonorth; end
if isfield(opts,'gamma'); gamma = opts.gamma; end

function z = proj2box(z,w,nonneg,nu,m)
    if nonneg
        z = min(w,real(z));
        if nu > 0 %L1L1 model
            z(end-m:end) = max(-1,z(end-m:end));
        z = z .* w ./ max(w,abs(z));

function check_stopping
    q = 0.1; % q in [0,1)
    if delta > 0; q = 0; end
    % dual residual
    rdnrm = norm(rd); 
    rel_rd = rdnrm / norm(z);
    % duality gap
    objp = sum(abs(w.*x));
    objd = b'*y;
    if delta > 0, objd = objd - delta*norm(y); end
    if rho > 0
        rp = A(x) - b; 
        rpnrm = norm(rp); 
        Out.cntA = Out.cntA + 1;
        objp = objp + (0.5/rho)*rpnrm^2;
        objd = objd - (0.5*rho)*norm(y)^2;
    rel_gap = abs(objd - objp)/abs(objp);
    % check relative change
    xrel_chg = norm(x-xp)/norm(x);
    if xrel_chg < tol*(1 - q)
        Out.exit = 'Exit: Stablized'; 
        stop = 1; return; 
    % decide whether to go further
    if xrel_chg >= tol*(1 + q); return; end
    gap_small = rel_gap < tol;
    if ~gap_small; return; end
    d_feasible = rel_rd < tol;
    if ~d_feasible; return; end

    % check primal residual
    if rho == 0, 
        rp = A(x) - b; 
        rpnrm = norm(rp);
        Out.cntA = Out.cntA + 1; 
    if rho > 0;
        p_feasible = true;
    elseif delta > 0
        p_feasible = rpnrm <= delta*(1 + tol);
        p_feasible = rpnrm < tol*bnrm;
    if p_feasible, stop = 1; Out.exit = 'Exit: Converged'; end        

function iprint1(mode)
    switch mode;
        case 0; % at the beginning
            rp = A(x) - b;
            rpnrm = norm(rp);
            fprintf(' norm( A*x0 - b ) = %6.2e\n',rpnrm);
        case 1; % at the end
            rp = A(x) - b;
            objp = sum(abs(w.*x));
            objd = b'*y;
            if rho > 0
                objp = objp + (0.5/rho)*(rp'*rp);
                objd = objd - (0.5*rho)*( y'*y );
            if delta > 0; objd = objd - delta*norm(y); end
            dgap = abs(objd - objp);
            rel_gap = dgap / abs(objp);
            rdnrm = norm(rd);
            rel_rd = rdnrm / norm(z);
            rpnrm = norm(rp);
            rel_rp = rpnrm / bnrm;
            fprintf(' Rel_Gap   Rel_ResD  Rel_ResP\n');
            fprintf(' %8.2e  %8.2e  %8.2e\n',rel_gap,rel_rd,rel_rp);

function iprint2
    rdnrm = norm(rd);
    rp = A(x) - b;
    rpnrm = norm(rp);
    objp = sum(abs(w.*x));
    objd = b'*y;
    if rho > 0
        objp = objp + (0.5/rho)*rpnrm^2;
        objd = objd - (0.5*rho)*(y'*y);
    if delta > 0; 
        objd = objd - delta*norm(y); 
    gap = abs(objd - objp);
    if ~rem(iter,50)
        fprintf('  Iter %4i:' ,iter);
        fprintf('  Rel_Gap  %6.2e',gap/objp);
        fprintf('  Rel_ResD %6.2e',rdnrm/norm(z));
        fprintf('  Rel_ResP %6.2e',norm(rp)/norm(b));
    if ~isfield(opts,'xs'), return; end
    if isfield(opts,'nu') &&, return; end
    if iter <= 1, 
        Out.objd = []; Out.rd = []; 
        Out.objp = []; Out.rp = [];
        opts.xsnrm = norm(opts.xs);
        Out.relerr = [];
    Out.objd = [Out.objd objd];
    Out.objp = [Out.objp objp];
    Out.rd = [Out.rd rdnrm];
    Out.rp = [Out.rp rpnrm];
    err = norm(x-opts.xs)/opts.xsnrm;
    Out.relerr = [Out.relerr err];

function update_mu    % added to v14
    mfrac = 0.1; big = 50; nup = 8;
    mu_min = mfrac^nup * mu_orig;
    do_update = rel_gap > big*rel_rd;
    do_update = do_update && mu > 1.1*mu_min;
    do_update = do_update && iter > 10;
    if ~do_update, return; end
    % do update
    mu = max(mfrac*mu,mu_min);
    rdmu = rho / mu; rdmu1 = rdmu + 1;
    bdmu = b / mu; ddmu = delta / mu;
    if print>1; fprintf('  -- mu updated\n'); end


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