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jonasbjurel edited this page Oct 21, 2015 · 1 revision

Fuel@OPNFV developers pipeline - Q&A:

Question: What is required to run the pipe-line?

Answer: No straight answers can be provided as of yet: Ubuntu 14.04, a machine with 16 hyper-threads, 32GB RAM, 500 GB disk.

Question: Why isn’t the Developer’s CI-pipeline part of the OPNFV repositories?

Answer: It is not part of OPNFV deliverables and don’t want to compete with the OPNFV CI-engine release artifact.

Question: What is the licensing conditions for this pipeline?

Answer: Apache 2.0/Creative Commons 2.0

Question: Why isn’t Yardstick part of the test-pipeline?

Answer: From R1 SR1 and onwards it will be included – help wanted!

Question: The dashboard is somewhat flakey why is that?

Answer: It is still early and experimental and needs more work – it will not be formally included before the R2 release.

Question: The dashboard requires apache2 to run as (security flaw), will that change?

Answer: YES, and soon – in mean time, limit web-access to local host!

Question: Will other OPNFV installers than Fuel be supported?

Answer: Hopefully yes – pending engagement.

Question: Will other OSes than Ubuntu be supported?

Answer: Hopefully yes – pending engagement.

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