Setup Istio in a Kubernetes cluster by following the instructions in the Installation Guide.
Deploy the Bookinfo sample application.
Envoy can be used to set up global rate limits for your mesh. Global rate limiting in Envoy uses a gRPC API for requesting quota from a rate limiting service. A reference implementation of the API, written in Go with a Redis backend, is used below.
- Apply
here.$ kubectl apply -f ./code namespace/ratelimit created configmap/ratelimit-config created service/redis created deployment.apps/redis created service/ratelimit created deployment.apps/ratelimit created envoyfilter.networking.istio.io/filter-ratelimit created envoyfilter.networking.istio.io/filter-ratelimit-svc created envoyfilter.networking.istio.io/ef-ratelimit-pre-handle created
- Test result is expected. below
We have below two requirements:
Security Concern
- For each client IP, limit the number of requests per minute.
- For some IP from known parnter cluster, we think it is securer, do not limit on this IP.
- All projects need to apply this security purpose ratelimit.
Business Concern
- For tanent who has paid, for each api, limit the number of requests per minute to a high value.
- For tanent who has not paid, for each api, limit the number of requests per minute to a low value.
- Project owner can choose whether project api apply business purpose ratelimit or not.
- The logic is complex, if we implement with upper
Quick Start
orFurther Practice
- We can use a pre-handler envoyfilter, handle the complex logic.
- Generate the additional request headers in the pre-handler envoyfilter.
- Ratelimit is based on these new generated request headers.
- Security Purpose Ratelimit
- Get client IP from request header
. - Add this client IP as new request header
. - Define a list of partner cluster IP, if client IP is in this list, do not limit, set new request header
with valuefalse
. Otherwise, setratelimit-enabled-secure
with valuetrue
. - In ratelimit envoyfilter, based on
, configured as below- key: header_match value: oc-ratelimit-enabled-secure # enable_ratelimit_secure descriptors: - key: CLIENTIP # ratelimit-source-ip rate_limit: unit: minute requests_per_unit: 12 # number here is for testing purpose
- Get client IP from request header
- Business Purpose Ratelimit
Get project name from request authority, add to new request header
. -
Define a list of project which want to apply business purpose ratelimit, if project name is in this list, set new request header
with value "true". Otherwise, setratelimit-enabled-business
with value "false". -
Get tenant_id from request token or request header, add to new request header
. -
Define a list of paid tanent, if tenant_id is in this list, set new request header
with valuepremium
. Otherwise, setratelimit-level
with valuetrail
. -
In order to support ratelimit for path like "/user/acde070d-8c4c-4f0d-9d8a-162843c10333" (Get user details), covert path to "/user/{uuid}", and add to new request header
. -
In ratelimit envoyfilter, based on
configured as belowdescriptors: - key: header_match value: oc-ratelimit-enabled-business # ratelimit-enabled-business descriptors: - key: PROJECT # ratelimit-project descriptors: - key: PATH # ratelimit-path descriptors: - key: METHOD # header :method descriptors: - key: TENANTID # ratelimit-tenantid descriptors: - key: TLEVEL # ratelimit-level value: premium rate_limit: unit: minute requests_per_unit: 8 # number here is for testing purpose - key: TLEVEL value: trial rate_limit: unit: minute requests_per_unit: 4 # number here is for testing purpose
Include below code:
- 00-namespace-ratelimit.yaml # For namespace creation
- 10-configmap-ratelimit.yaml # For configmap for ratelimit
- 20-service-ratelimit-redis.yaml # For ratelimit deploy creation, redis creation.
- 30-envoyfilter-ratelimit.yaml # For ratelimit envoyfilter
- 40-envoyfilter-ratelimit-svc.yaml # For ratelimit envoyfilter
- 50-ef-ratelimit-pre-handle.yaml # The pre-handler envoyfilter, make logic simple
This code structure is simple, easy to maintain.
- 00, 10, 20, 30, 40 need not change.
- Only some variable in 50-ef-ratelimit-pre-handle.yaml need be changed,when requirments change, as below:
-- Define a list of partner cluster IP, if client IP is in this list, do not enable secure limit secure_platform_ips = { [""]=true, [""]=true, [""]=true, [""]=true } -- Assume only three projects enabled ratelimit, includes project1, project3, project5 project_enabled_ratelimit = { ["project1"]=true, ["project3"]=true, ["project5"]=true } -- Assume tenant01 and tenant02 are premium tenant, the others are trial tenant premium_tenants = { ["tenant01"]=true, ["tenant03"]=true }
- For better understanding, this sample enabled debug mode for ratelimit envoyfilter. The client can get response header like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... ... x-ratelimit-limit: 12, 12;w=60 # The limit is 12/min x-ratelimit-remaining: 3 # The remaining access count is 3 in this minute x-ratelimit-reset: 2 # The remaining value will be reset to 12 after 2 seconds.
- For better understanding, you can enable ingressgateway pod log.
$ kubectl exec -ti -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway-7485484874-rw4nm -- curl -XPOST localhost:15000/logging?lua=debug $ curl -I "http://svc11-project2.sample.sandbox-uw2.hponecloud.io/productpage" -H "X-OneCloud-Tenant-ID: tenant01"; $ kubectl logs -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway-7485484874-rw4nm -f ... ... remote_ip: tenant_id: tenant01 level: premium project: project2 path: /productpage enable_ratelimit_business: false enable_ratelimit_secure: true
- For better understanding, you can view the values in redis:
$ kubectl exec -ti -n ratelimit redis-7bd7d98b4c-4wpn7 -- redis-cli> KEYS * 1) "onecloud-ratelimit_header_match_oc-ratelimit-enabled-secure_CLIENTIP_192.168.52.62_1695543780"> GET "onecloud-ratelimit_header_match_oc-ratelimit-enabled-secure_CLIENTIP_192.168.52.62_1695543780" "9"
- Note:
- For below testing, you need care x-ratelimit-reset in http response, make sure run testing within one minute. Otherwise, it may inaccurate because of ratelimit resetting.
- This is an AWS example, you need create route53 record, point "*.sample.sandbox-uw2.hponecloud.io" to "aadadf0fd85374ecca2d5256a064d3b7-1498085909.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com" before testing.
# project1 is in projects enabled list, so busniness ratelimit is enabled.
# tenant01 is in premium_tenants list, so ratelimit value is 8.
$ for i in {1..9}; do curl -I "http://svc11-project1.sample.sandbox-uw2.hponecloud.io/productpage" -H "X-OneCloud-Tenant-ID: tenant01"; done;
# First 8 times, return 200
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-ratelimit-limit: 8, 8;w=60
x-ratelimit-remaining: 1
x-ratelimit-reset: 23
# For 9th time, return 429
HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
x-envoy-ratelimited: true
x-ratelimit-limit: 8, 8;w=60
x-ratelimit-remaining: 0
x-ratelimit-reset: 21
- Analyze
- For project1, should enable business ratelimit;
- For tenant01, it is premium level, so its limit value is 8.
- Test result is correct.
# project1 is in projects enabled list, so busniness ratelimit is enabled.
# tenant02 is not in premium_tenants list, so ratelimit value is 4.
$ for i in {1..5}; do curl -I "http://svc11-project1.sample.sandbox-uw2.hponecloud.io/productpage" -H "X-OneCloud-Tenant-ID: tenant02"; done;
# First 4 times, return 200
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-ratelimit-limit: 4, 4;w=60
x-ratelimit-remaining: 0
x-ratelimit-reset: 17
# For 5th time, return 429
x-envoy-ratelimited: true
x-ratelimit-limit: 4, 4;w=60
x-ratelimit-remaining: 0
x-ratelimit-reset: 16
- Analyze
- For project1, should enable business ratelimit;
- For tenant02, it is trial level, so its limit value is 4.
- Test result is correct.
# This client IP is not in partner cluster IP list. Secure ratelimit is enabled.
$ curl ifconfig.io
# project16 is not in projects enabled list, so busniness ratelimit is not enabled.
$ for i in {1..15}; do curl -I "http://svc2-project16.sample.sandbox-uw2.hponecloud.io/productpage" -H "X-OneCloud-Tenant-ID: tenant03"; done;
# First 12 times, return 200
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
x-ratelimit-limit: 12, 12;w=60
x-ratelimit-remaining: 1
x-ratelimit-reset: 34
# From 13th time, return 429
HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
x-envoy-ratelimited: true
x-ratelimit-limit: 12, 12;w=60
x-ratelimit-remaining: 0
x-ratelimit-reset: 32
- Analyze
- For project16, should not enable business ratelimit;
- For client ip
, it should enable secure ratelimit since it is not in partner ip list. The limit is 12 per minute. - 12 requests return 200, then return 429 from 13th request.
- Test result is correct.
# This client IP is in partner cluster IP list. Secure ratelimit is not enabled.
$ curl ifconfig.io
# project8 is not in projects enabled list, so busniness ratelimit is not enabled.
$ for i in {1..30}; do curl -I "http://svc11-project8.sample.sandbox-uw2.hponecloud.io/productpage" -H "X-OneCloud-Tenant-ID: tenant01"; done
# All return 200
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Analyze
- For test client ip
, it is in partner cluster list. secure ratelimist is disabled - For project8, should not enable business ratelimit;
- Here is logs in ingress-gateway pod.
... ... remote_ip: tenant_id: tenant01 level: premium project: project8 path: /productpage enable_ratelimit_business: false enable_ratelimit_secure: false
- Test result is correct.
- For test client ip
# Clean up ratelimit value in redis.
$ k exec -ti -n ratelimit redis-7bd7d98b4c-k6tgf -- redis-cli> FLUSHALL
# This client IP is not in partner cluster IP list. Secure ratelimit is enabled.
$ curl ifconfig.io
# project5 is in projects enabled list, so busniness ratelimit is enabled.
# tenant01 is in premium_tenants list, so ratelimit value is 8.
$ for i in {1..9}; do curl -I "http://svc2-project5.sample.sandbox-uw2.hponecloud.io/productpage" -H "X-OneCloud-Tenant-ID: tenant01"; done;
# Eight requests return 200
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
# The ninth request return 429
HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
# project5 is in projects enabled list, so busniness ratelimit is enabled.
# tenant03 is in premium_tenants list, so ratelimit value is 8.
$ for i in {1..8}; do curl -I "http://svc2-project5.sample.sandbox-uw2.hponecloud.io/productpage" -H "X-OneCloud-Tenant-ID: tenant03"; done;
# The first three requests are 200
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
# The later request return 429
HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
x-ratelimit-limit: 12, 8;w=60, 12;w=60
x-ratelimit-remaining: 0
x-ratelimit-reset: 10
- Analyze
- Either
Secure ratelimit
orBusiness ratelimit
is reached, return 429. - Here is details:
- For test client ip
, it is not in partner cluster list. secure ratelimist is enabled. - For project5, should enable business ratelimit;
- For tenant01/ tenant03, it is premium whose limit is 8.
- For nine tenant01 requests, return eight 200, the ninth is 429. (Correct)
- For later eight tenant03 requests, its business limit rest remaining to 8 again, so it return 200 again for first three requests.
- For fourth tenant03 requests, its secure ratelimit reach 12 (9 + 4 > 12), so return 429 again.
- For test client ip
- Test result is correct.
- Either
- You can clean up like below.
~/istiocon2023/samples/ratelimit$ kubectl delete -f ./code namespace "ratelimit" deleted configmap "ratelimit-config" deleted service "redis" deleted deployment.apps "redis" deleted service "ratelimit" deleted deployment.apps "ratelimit" deleted envoyfilter.networking.istio.io "filter-ratelimit" deleted envoyfilter.networking.istio.io "filter-ratelimit-svc" deleted envoyfilter.networking.istio.io "ef-ratelimit-pre-handle" deleted