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About |
/about/ |
I am stribika. I write code and I tweet. Also, stackoverflow.
- PGP fingerprint:
9AB5 E3A6 0AE3 F091 0B86 056F CFB7 F248 7B01 6D87
and public key - OTR fingerprint:
4218BF59 537FED11 30D72874 423FECC4 75D849D8
- BTC address:
If you are not a spambot, you can contact me here: CnpicC5idHhocUBueHZvdmVnZiA6ZXJvb25XCnpicC55dm56dEBueHZvdmVnZiA6eXZuei1S
The NSA has not been here.