Function names are prefixed, and lowercase snake case. The Epic Online Services SDK has it's one standards and style guide.
This follows, more or less, Microsoft's C# style guide.
While not strictly enforced, the current idea for commit messages is to use something like the following:
<type>[optional scope]: <description>
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
fix(dll_loading)!: Change how DLLs are loaded to fix big bad bug.
There was a nasty bug. It's gone now.
Here is an incomplete list of 'types'
fix: Fixes a bug.
feat: Adds a new feature.
docs: Changes to the documentation, not code.
refactor: Code change that does not directly fix a bug.
perf: A code change aimed at increasing performance
chore: Small changes that are needed to maintain something. Examples of chores are: Updating Keys, adding comments, or style changes.
revert: used to mark a reverted commit. The footer should have the sha
upgrade: Upgrade a third-party dependency. These often are a combonation of a chore, fix, refactor, and feat, and thus deserve their own type
Scopes are somewhat more free form in nature. It is preferred that they are nouns, and required that they are single words. If a given commit has multiple scopes it affects, then commas may be used
(style): Changes to a either code or documentation that are style only.
(comments): Used for changes that only add comments.
More details here
TODO: There isn't a changelist yet, but it will probably follow
TODO: Expand this with an inline defintion. Probably going to follow follow .