This is a dream project of mine for a while. Until I can price out a spec sheet that is under $300, I won't start building any hardware.
5 axis
At least 45 degrees of motion
- +/- 22.5 degrees, modeled by D series pickup in BeamNG
Somewhat accurate bump simulation, very fast acceleration
- roughly 3,800 m/s/s to simulate a 45 degree ramp (1 x 1 meter) at 100km/h
- enough to feel back pain
Compatibility across games
- Problems
- Too expensive for my taste
- Motors cost $120 a piece, they need 6 of them
- Good
- I like the design, it simplifies the design of moving in all of the axis
- Easy calculations, all based on triangulation
- Better
- Using the actuator layout, I think I can implment a pneumatic air system. As long as my HFT compressor can keep up with air demands, this shouldn't be an issue.
- Cost cuts
- No point in yaw for driving, sway and surge can be simulated. This leaves me with only needing 3 actuators
- ultimate goal
- Use FPGA instead of microcontroller for processing, for lowest latency
- Serial port communication
- Race controls
- Ebay ricer steering wheel and seat
- Junkyard throttle body and accelerator pedal
- Junkyard brake and clutch booster
- Accurate feel H pattern shifter
- usb to rs232
- Altera ep2c5t144C8 for triangulation calculations
- Pneumatic solenoids
- Custom driver board
- Figure out how to grab data from BeamNG, either by simulating a controller, or directly grabbing lua
- FPGA dev, find the equations for caluclating triangle based on the input data
- DIY 3" pipe as pneumatic cylinders
- lengths of actuators for a equalateral triangle seat base of 1m sides
- tan(20) = ~14", I will make it 24"
- 3" air cylinder diameter
- air compressor spec requirement
- cylinder volume: 0.097801 cubic feet
- total cylinder volume: .2934 cubic feet
- harbor freight compressor: 4.5 CFM, derate by 75% to 3.375 CFM
- equates to 11.5 full inflates per minute (moving from bottom to top)
- if this becomes a problem I'll pickup this bad boy and a shitty toyota engine
- RS-232
- Altera ep2c5t144C8 for triangulation calculations
- Custom driver board
- C# implementation of sending BeamNG MotionSim data to a serial port, with a UI to control the strength etc.
- FPGA dev, find the equations for caluclating triangle based on the input data
- dumping the air compressor idea because of the major lack of portability.
- HFT corded drills attached to a rack and pinion system, or belt drive.
- lengths of actuators for a equalateral triangle seat base of 1m sides
- tan(20) = ~14", I will make it 24"
- 3" air cylinder diameter