At some point you'll probably want to type a number, symbol, diactrical letter (e.g. an accented e), or currency symbol...
The numbers & symbols keyboards
To get to the 'Numbers & Symbols' keyboard select the 'Numbers & Symbols' key directly from the main 'Alpha' (letters) keyboard:
要打开 “数字和符号(Numbers & Symbols)” 键盘,直接从主 “字母(Alpha) 键盘中选择 “数字和符号(Numbers & Symbols)” 键。
Alternatively select the 'Numbers & Symbols' key from the menu keyboard:
或者从菜单键选择 “数字和字符(Numbers & Symbols)” 键:
1.Select the 'Menu' key:
1.选择 “菜单(Menu)” 键:
2.Select the 'Numbers & Symbols' key:
2.选择 “数字和符号(Numbers & Symbols)” 键:
The 'Numbers & Symbols' keyboards look like this:
"数字和符号(Numbers & Symbols)” 键盘:
There are too many symbols to fit on one screen (in fact there are 3 screens of symbols). You can toggle between the screens by selecting the keyboard number key, which progresses to the next keyboard and then loops back to the first again:
At any time you can select the Alpha key to go back to the main (A-Z letters) keyboard:
在任何时候,可以通过点击 Alpha 键回到主(A-Z字母)键盘:
The diacritics keyboards
If you want diacritical letters (letters with accents etc): 如果你想要变音符字母(例如有一些音调的字母):
1.Select the 'Menu' key: 1.选择 “菜单(Menu)” 键:
2.Select the 'Diacritics' key: 2.选择 “读音符(Diacritics)” 键:
The diacritics keyboards look like this: 读音符键盘:
You can toggle between the diacritic keyboard screens by selecting the keyboard number key. As always, the Alpha key takes you back to the letters keyboard. 你可以通过选择键盘的数字键在读音符键盘各屏间切换,同样的,使用 Alpha 键返回到字母键盘。
The currency keyboards
If you want currency symbols: 打开货币符号选择:
1.Select the 'Menu' key: 1.选择 “菜单(Menu)” 键:

2.Select the 'Currency' key:
The currency keyboards look like this: 货币键盘:
You can toggle between the currency keyboard screens by selecting the keyboard number key. As always, the Alpha key takes you back to the letters keyboard. 你可以通过键盘的数字键在货币键盘屏幕间切换。同样的,使用 Alpha 键返回到字母键盘。