Try out Spyglass here!
This repository is meant to support the paper:
Lee, K.H.*, Denovellis, E.L.*, Ly, R., Magland, J., Soules, J., Comrie, A.E., Gramling, D.P., Guidera, J.A., Nevers, R., Adenekan, P., Brozdowski, C., Bray, S., Monroe, E., Bak, J.H., Coulter, M.E., Sun, X., Broyles, E., Shin, D., Chiang, S., Holobetz, C., Tritt, A., Rübel, O., Nguyen, T., Yatsenko, D., Chu, J., Kemere, C., Garcia, S., Buccino, A., Frank, L.M., 2024. Spyglass: a data analysis framework for reproducible and shareable neuroscience research. bioRxiv. 10.1101/2024.01.25.577295.
* Equal contribution
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