From cdce944a9ba4aa98091755f08b536aaa8b35f212 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tako Schotanus <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2025 18:32:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Undeprecate ConsolePrompt methods

Fixes #1141
 .../jline/consoleui/prompt/ |  46 ++--
 .../java/org/jline/consoleui/   | 205 +++++++++---------
 .../org/jline/consoleui/examples/   | 194 ++++++++---------
 .../consoleui/examples/      |  52 +++--
 .../jline/consoleui/examples/    |  43 ++--
 .../consoleui/examples/     |  43 ++--
 6 files changed, 278 insertions(+), 305 deletions(-)

diff --git a/console-ui/src/main/java/org/jline/consoleui/prompt/ b/console-ui/src/main/java/org/jline/consoleui/prompt/
index 4d1e9b313..d66ef2335 100644
--- a/console-ui/src/main/java/org/jline/consoleui/prompt/
+++ b/console-ui/src/main/java/org/jline/consoleui/prompt/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 package org.jline.consoleui.prompt;
@@ -30,12 +31,12 @@
  * ConsolePrompt encapsulates the prompting of a list of input questions for the user.
-public class ConsolePrompt implements AutoCloseable {
+public class ConsolePrompt {
     protected final LineReader reader;
     protected final Terminal terminal;
     protected final UiConfig config;
-    private Attributes attributes;
-    private List<AttributedString> header = new ArrayList<>();
+    protected Attributes attributes;
+    protected List<AttributedString> header = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ public ConsolePrompt(Terminal terminal) {
     public ConsolePrompt(Terminal terminal, UiConfig config) {
         this(null, terminal, config);
      * @param reader the lineReader.
@@ -69,14 +71,18 @@ public ConsolePrompt(LineReader reader, Terminal terminal, UiConfig config) {
-        attributes = terminal.enterRawMode();
-        terminal.puts(InfoCmp.Capability.enter_ca_mode);
-        terminal.puts(InfoCmp.Capability.keypad_xmit);
-        terminal.writer().flush();
-    @Override
-    public void close() {
+    protected void open() {
+        if (!terminalInRawMode()) {
+            attributes = terminal.enterRawMode();
+            terminal.puts(InfoCmp.Capability.enter_ca_mode);
+            terminal.puts(InfoCmp.Capability.keypad_xmit);
+            terminal.writer().flush();
+        }
+    }
+    protected void close() {
         if (terminalInRawMode()) {
@@ -105,7 +111,6 @@ private boolean terminalInRawMode() {
      * @throws IOException  may be thrown by terminal
      * @throws UserInterruptException if user interrupt handling is enabled and the user types the interrupt character (ctrl-C)
-    @Deprecated
     public Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> prompt(List<PromptableElementIF> promptableElementList)
             throws IOException, UserInterruptException {
         return prompt(new ArrayList<>(), promptableElementList);
@@ -123,11 +128,11 @@ public Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> prompt(List<PromptableElementIF> promptab
      * @throws IOException  may be thrown by terminal
      * @throws UserInterruptException if user interrupt handling is enabled and the user types the interrupt character (ctrl-C)
-    @Deprecated
     public Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> prompt(
             List<AttributedString> header, List<PromptableElementIF> promptableElementList)
             throws IOException, UserInterruptException {
         try {
+            open();
             Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> resultMap = new HashMap<>();
             prompt(header, promptableElementList, resultMap);
             return removeNoResults(resultMap);
@@ -174,6 +179,7 @@ public Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> prompt(
         Deque<Map<String, PromptResultItemIF>> prevResults = new ArrayDeque<>();
         boolean cancellable = config.cancellableFirstPrompt();
         try {
+            open();
             // Get our first list of prompts
             List<PromptableElementIF> peList = promptableElementLists.apply(new HashMap<>());
             Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> peResult = new HashMap<>();
@@ -205,26 +211,12 @@ public Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> prompt(
             return removeNoResults(resultMap);
         } finally {
+            close();
             // Restore the original state of cancellable
-    /**
-     * Prompt a list of choices (questions). This method takes a list of promptable elements, typically
-     * created with {@link PromptBuilder}. Each of the elements is processed and the user entries and
-     * answers are filled in to the result map. The result map contains the key of each promptable element
-     * and the user entry as an object implementing {@link PromptResultItemIF}.
-     *
-     * @param promptableElementList the list of questions / prompts to ask the user for.
-     * @param resultMap a map containing a result for each element of promptableElementList
-     * @throws IOException  may be thrown by terminal
-     */
-    public void prompt(List<PromptableElementIF> promptableElementList, Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> resultMap)
-            throws IOException {
-        prompt(new ArrayList<>(), promptableElementList, resultMap);
-    }
      * Prompt a list of choices (questions). This method takes a list of promptable elements, typically
      * created with {@link PromptBuilder}. Each of the elements is processed and the user entries and
@@ -236,7 +228,7 @@ public void prompt(List<PromptableElementIF> promptableElementList, Map<String,
      * @param resultMap a map containing a result for each element of promptableElementList
      * @throws IOException  may be thrown by terminal
-    public void prompt(
+    protected void prompt(
             List<AttributedString> headerIn,
             List<PromptableElementIF> promptableElementList,
             Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> resultMap)
diff --git a/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/ b/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/
index 368adf7f2..9c376375d 100644
--- a/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/
+++ b/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -88,109 +87,107 @@ private static void test(Terminal terminal) throws IOException {
         // If you are not using Completers you do not need to create LineReader.
         LineReader reader = LineReaderBuilder.builder().terminal(terminal).build();
-        Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> result = new HashMap<>();
-        try (ConsolePrompt prompt = new ConsolePrompt(reader, terminal, config)) {
-            PromptBuilder promptBuilder = prompt.getPromptBuilder();
-            promptBuilder
-                    .createInputPrompt()
-                    .name("name")
-                    .message("Please enter your name")
-                    .defaultValue("John Doe")
-                    // .mask('*')
-                    .addCompleter(
-                            // new Completers.FilesCompleter(() -> Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"))))
-                            new StringsCompleter("Jim", "Jack", "John", "Donald", "Dock"))
-                    .addPrompt();
-            promptBuilder
-                    .createListPrompt()
-                    .name("pizzatype")
-                    .message("Which pizza do you want?")
-                    .newItem()
-                    .text("Margherita")
-                    .add() // without name (name defaults to text)
-                    .newItem("veneziana")
-                    .text("Veneziana")
-                    .add()
-                    .newItem("hawai")
-                    .text("Hawai")
-                    .add()
-                    .newItem("quattro")
-                    .text("Quattro Stagioni")
-                    .add()
-                    .addPrompt();
-            promptBuilder
-                    .createCheckboxPrompt()
-                    .name("topping")
-                    .message("Please select additional toppings:")
-                    .newSeparator("standard toppings")
-                    .add()
-                    .newItem()
-                    .name("cheese")
-                    .text("Cheese")
-                    .add()
-                    .newItem("bacon")
-                    .text("Bacon")
-                    .add()
-                    .newItem("onions")
-                    .text("Onions")
-                    .disabledText("Sorry. Out of stock.")
-                    .add()
-                    .newSeparator()
-                    .text("special toppings")
-                    .add()
-                    .newItem("salami")
-                    .text("Very hot salami")
-                    .check()
-                    .add()
-                    .newItem("salmon")
-                    .text("Smoked Salmon")
-                    .add()
-                    .newSeparator("and our speciality...")
-                    .add()
-                    .newItem("special")
-                    .text("Anchovies, and olives")
-                    .checked(true)
-                    .add()
-                    .addPrompt();
-            promptBuilder
-                    .createChoicePrompt()
-                    .name("payment")
-                    .message("How do you want to pay?")
-                    .newItem()
-                    .name("cash")
-                    .message("Cash")
-                    .key('c')
-                    .asDefault()
-                    .add()
-                    .newItem("visa")
-                    .message("Visa Card")
-                    .key('v')
-                    .add()
-                    .newItem("master")
-                    .message("Master Card")
-                    .key('m')
-                    .add()
-                    .newSeparator("online payment")
-                    .add()
-                    .newItem("paypal")
-                    .message("Paypal")
-                    .key('p')
-                    .add()
-                    .addPrompt();
-            promptBuilder
-                    .createConfirmPromp()
-                    .name("delivery")
-                    .message("Is this pizza for delivery?")
-                    .defaultValue(ConfirmChoice.ConfirmationValue.YES)
-                    .addPrompt();
-            prompt.prompt(header,, result);
-        }
+        ConsolePrompt prompt = new ConsolePrompt(reader, terminal, config);
+        PromptBuilder promptBuilder = prompt.getPromptBuilder();
+        promptBuilder
+                .createInputPrompt()
+                .name("name")
+                .message("Please enter your name")
+                .defaultValue("John Doe")
+                // .mask('*')
+                .addCompleter(
+                        // new Completers.FilesCompleter(() -> Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"))))
+                        new StringsCompleter("Jim", "Jack", "John", "Donald", "Dock"))
+                .addPrompt();
+        promptBuilder
+                .createListPrompt()
+                .name("pizzatype")
+                .message("Which pizza do you want?")
+                .newItem()
+                .text("Margherita")
+                .add() // without name (name defaults to text)
+                .newItem("veneziana")
+                .text("Veneziana")
+                .add()
+                .newItem("hawai")
+                .text("Hawai")
+                .add()
+                .newItem("quattro")
+                .text("Quattro Stagioni")
+                .add()
+                .addPrompt();
+        promptBuilder
+                .createCheckboxPrompt()
+                .name("topping")
+                .message("Please select additional toppings:")
+                .newSeparator("standard toppings")
+                .add()
+                .newItem()
+                .name("cheese")
+                .text("Cheese")
+                .add()
+                .newItem("bacon")
+                .text("Bacon")
+                .add()
+                .newItem("onions")
+                .text("Onions")
+                .disabledText("Sorry. Out of stock.")
+                .add()
+                .newSeparator()
+                .text("special toppings")
+                .add()
+                .newItem("salami")
+                .text("Very hot salami")
+                .check()
+                .add()
+                .newItem("salmon")
+                .text("Smoked Salmon")
+                .add()
+                .newSeparator("and our speciality...")
+                .add()
+                .newItem("special")
+                .text("Anchovies, and olives")
+                .checked(true)
+                .add()
+                .addPrompt();
+        promptBuilder
+                .createChoicePrompt()
+                .name("payment")
+                .message("How do you want to pay?")
+                .newItem()
+                .name("cash")
+                .message("Cash")
+                .key('c')
+                .asDefault()
+                .add()
+                .newItem("visa")
+                .message("Visa Card")
+                .key('v')
+                .add()
+                .newItem("master")
+                .message("Master Card")
+                .key('m')
+                .add()
+                .newSeparator("online payment")
+                .add()
+                .newItem("paypal")
+                .message("Paypal")
+                .key('p')
+                .add()
+                .addPrompt();
+        promptBuilder
+                .createConfirmPromp()
+                .name("delivery")
+                .message("Is this pizza for delivery?")
+                .defaultValue(ConfirmChoice.ConfirmationValue.YES)
+                .addPrompt();
+        Map<String, ? extends PromptResultItemIF> result = prompt.prompt(header,;
         System.out.println("result = " + result);
         ConfirmResult delivery = (ConfirmResult) result.get("delivery");
diff --git a/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/ b/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/
index 806cd7825..c532b5aa4 100644
--- a/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/
+++ b/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 package org.jline.consoleui.examples;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -67,110 +66,107 @@ public static void main(String[] args) {
             // If you are not using Completers you do not need to create LineReader.
             LineReader reader = LineReaderBuilder.builder().terminal(terminal).build();
-            Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> result = new HashMap<>();
+            ConsolePrompt prompt = new ConsolePrompt(reader, terminal, config);
+            PromptBuilder promptBuilder = prompt.getPromptBuilder();
-            try (ConsolePrompt prompt = new ConsolePrompt(reader, terminal, config)) {
-                PromptBuilder promptBuilder = prompt.getPromptBuilder();
+            promptBuilder
+                    .createInputPrompt()
+                    .name("name")
+                    .message("Please enter your name")
+                    .defaultValue("John Doe")
+                    // .mask('*')
+                    .addCompleter(
+                            // new Completers.FilesCompleter(() -> Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"))))
+                            new StringsCompleter("Jim", "Jack", "John", "Donald", "Dock"))
+                    .addPrompt();
-                promptBuilder
-                        .createInputPrompt()
-                        .name("name")
-                        .message("Please enter your name")
-                        .defaultValue("John Doe")
-                        // .mask('*')
-                        .addCompleter(
-                                // new Completers.FilesCompleter(() -> Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir"))))
-                                new StringsCompleter("Jim", "Jack", "John", "Donald", "Dock"))
-                        .addPrompt();
+            promptBuilder
+                    .createListPrompt()
+                    .name("pizzatype")
+                    .message("Which pizza do you want?")
+                    .newItem()
+                    .text("Margherita")
+                    .add() // without name (name defaults to text)
+                    .newItem("veneziana")
+                    .text("Veneziana")
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem("hawai")
+                    .text("Hawai")
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem("quattro")
+                    .text("Quattro Stagioni")
+                    .add()
+                    .addPrompt();
-                promptBuilder
-                        .createListPrompt()
-                        .name("pizzatype")
-                        .message("Which pizza do you want?")
-                        .newItem()
-                        .text("Margherita")
-                        .add() // without name (name defaults to text)
-                        .newItem("veneziana")
-                        .text("Veneziana")
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem("hawai")
-                        .text("Hawai")
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem("quattro")
-                        .text("Quattro Stagioni")
-                        .add()
-                        .addPrompt();
+            promptBuilder
+                    .createCheckboxPrompt()
+                    .name("topping")
+                    .message("Please select additional toppings:")
+                    .newSeparator("standard toppings")
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem()
+                    .name("cheese")
+                    .text("Cheese")
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem("bacon")
+                    .text("Bacon")
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem("onions")
+                    .text("Onions")
+                    .disabledText("Sorry. Out of stock.")
+                    .add()
+                    .newSeparator()
+                    .text("special toppings")
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem("salami")
+                    .text("Very hot salami")
+                    .check()
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem("salmon")
+                    .text("Smoked Salmon")
+                    .add()
+                    .newSeparator("and our speciality...")
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem("special")
+                    .text("Anchovies, and olives")
+                    .checked(true)
+                    .add()
+                    .addPrompt();
-                promptBuilder
-                        .createCheckboxPrompt()
-                        .name("topping")
-                        .message("Please select additional toppings:")
-                        .newSeparator("standard toppings")
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem()
-                        .name("cheese")
-                        .text("Cheese")
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem("bacon")
-                        .text("Bacon")
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem("onions")
-                        .text("Onions")
-                        .disabledText("Sorry. Out of stock.")
-                        .add()
-                        .newSeparator()
-                        .text("special toppings")
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem("salami")
-                        .text("Very hot salami")
-                        .check()
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem("salmon")
-                        .text("Smoked Salmon")
-                        .add()
-                        .newSeparator("and our speciality...")
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem("special")
-                        .text("Anchovies, and olives")
-                        .checked(true)
-                        .add()
-                        .addPrompt();
+            promptBuilder
+                    .createChoicePrompt()
+                    .name("payment")
+                    .message("How do you want to pay?")
+                    .newItem()
+                    .name("cash")
+                    .message("Cash")
+                    .key('c')
+                    .asDefault()
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem("visa")
+                    .message("Visa Card")
+                    .key('v')
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem("master")
+                    .message("Master Card")
+                    .key('m')
+                    .add()
+                    .newSeparator("online payment")
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem("paypal")
+                    .message("Paypal")
+                    .key('p')
+                    .add()
+                    .addPrompt();
-                promptBuilder
-                        .createChoicePrompt()
-                        .name("payment")
-                        .message("How do you want to pay?")
-                        .newItem()
-                        .name("cash")
-                        .message("Cash")
-                        .key('c')
-                        .asDefault()
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem("visa")
-                        .message("Visa Card")
-                        .key('v')
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem("master")
-                        .message("Master Card")
-                        .key('m')
-                        .add()
-                        .newSeparator("online payment")
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem("paypal")
-                        .message("Paypal")
-                        .key('p')
-                        .add()
-                        .addPrompt();
+            promptBuilder
+                    .createConfirmPromp()
+                    .name("delivery")
+                    .message("Is this pizza for delivery?")
+                    .defaultValue(ConfirmChoice.ConfirmationValue.YES)
+                    .addPrompt();
-                promptBuilder
-                        .createConfirmPromp()
-                        .name("delivery")
-                        .message("Is this pizza for delivery?")
-                        .defaultValue(ConfirmChoice.ConfirmationValue.YES)
-                        .addPrompt();
-                prompt.prompt(header,, result);
-            }
+            Map<String, ? extends PromptResultItemIF> result = prompt.prompt(header,;
             System.out.println("result = " + result);
             ConfirmResult delivery = (ConfirmResult) result.get("delivery");
diff --git a/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/ b/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/
index 2c5ee8615..7e662dac4 100644
--- a/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/
+++ b/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/
@@ -72,36 +72,34 @@ public static void main(String[] args) {
             // LineReader is needed only if you are adding JLine Completers in your prompts.
             // If you are not using Completers you do not need to create LineReader.
-            Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> result;
             LineReader reader = LineReaderBuilder.builder().terminal(terminal).build();
-            try (ConsolePrompt prompt = new ConsolePrompt(reader, terminal, config)) {
-                result = prompt.prompt(header, results -> {
-                    if (results.isEmpty()) {
-                        // No results yet, so we start with the first list of questions
-                        return pizzaOrHamburgerPrompt(prompt);
-                    }
-                    // We have some results, so we know that the user chose a "product",
-                    // so we can return the next list of questions based on that choice
-                    if ("Pizza".equals(results.get("product").getResult())) {
-                        // Check if the pizza questions were already answered
-                        if (!results.containsKey("pizzatype")) {
-                            // No, so let's return the pizza questions
-                            return pizzaPrompt(prompt);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        // Check if the hamburger questions were already answered
-                        if (!results.containsKey("hamburgertype")) {
-                            // No, so let's return the hamburger questions
-                            return hamburgerPrompt(prompt);
-                        }
+            ConsolePrompt prompt = new ConsolePrompt(reader, terminal, config);
+            Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> result = prompt.prompt(header, results -> {
+                if (results.isEmpty()) {
+                    // No results yet, so we start with the first list of questions
+                    return pizzaOrHamburgerPrompt(prompt);
+                }
+                // We have some results, so we know that the user chose a "product",
+                // so we can return the next list of questions based on that choice
+                if ("Pizza".equals(results.get("product").getResult())) {
+                    // Check if the pizza questions were already answered
+                    if (!results.containsKey("pizzatype")) {
+                        // No, so let's return the pizza questions
+                        return pizzaPrompt(prompt);
-                    // Check if the final questions were already answered
-                    if (!results.containsKey("payment")) {
-                        return finalPrompt(prompt);
+                } else {
+                    // Check if the hamburger questions were already answered
+                    if (!results.containsKey("hamburgertype")) {
+                        // No, so let's return the hamburger questions
+                        return hamburgerPrompt(prompt);
-                    return null;
-                });
-            }
+                }
+                // Check if the final questions were already answered
+                if (!results.containsKey("payment")) {
+                    return finalPrompt(prompt);
+                }
+                return null;
+            });
             System.out.println("result = " + result);
             if (result.isEmpty()) {
                 System.out.println("User cancelled order.");
diff --git a/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/ b/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/
index 83f0df223..92ed5a386 100644
--- a/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/
+++ b/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -38,35 +37,29 @@ public static void main(String[] args) {
         try (Terminal terminal = TerminalBuilder.builder().build()) {
             ConsolePrompt.UiConfig config = new ConsolePrompt.UiConfig(">", "( )", "(x)", "( )");
-            Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> result = new HashMap<>();
+            ConsolePrompt prompt = new ConsolePrompt(terminal, config);
+            PromptBuilder promptBuilder = prompt.getPromptBuilder();
-            try (ConsolePrompt prompt = new ConsolePrompt(terminal, config)) {
-                PromptBuilder promptBuilder = prompt.getPromptBuilder();
+            ListPromptBuilder listPrompt = promptBuilder.createListPrompt();
+  "longlist").message("What's your favourite Letter?").relativePageSize(66);
-                ListPromptBuilder listPrompt = promptBuilder.createListPrompt();
-                listPrompt
-                        .name("longlist")
-                        .message("What's your favourite Letter?")
-                        .relativePageSize(66);
+            for (char letter = 'A'; letter <= 'C'; letter++)
+                for (char letter2 = 'A'; letter2 <= 'Z'; letter2++)
+                    listPrompt.newItem().text("" + letter + letter2).add();
+            listPrompt.addPrompt();
-                for (char letter = 'A'; letter <= 'C'; letter++)
-                    for (char letter2 = 'A'; letter2 <= 'Z'; letter2++)
-                        listPrompt.newItem().text("" + letter + letter2).add();
-                listPrompt.addPrompt();
+            CheckboxPromptBuilder checkboxPrompt = promptBuilder.createCheckboxPrompt();
+            checkboxPrompt
+                    .name("longcheckbox")
+                    .message("What's your favourite Letter? Select all you want...")
+                    .relativePageSize(66);
-                CheckboxPromptBuilder checkboxPrompt = promptBuilder.createCheckboxPrompt();
-                checkboxPrompt
-                        .name("longcheckbox")
-                        .message("What's your favourite Letter? Select all you want...")
-                        .relativePageSize(66);
+            for (char letter = 'A'; letter <= 'C'; letter++)
+                for (char letter2 = 'A'; letter2 <= 'Z'; letter2++)
+                    checkboxPrompt.newItem().text("" + letter + letter2).add();
+            checkboxPrompt.addPrompt();
-                for (char letter = 'A'; letter <= 'C'; letter++)
-                    for (char letter2 = 'A'; letter2 <= 'Z'; letter2++)
-                        checkboxPrompt.newItem().text("" + letter + letter2).add();
-                checkboxPrompt.addPrompt();
-                prompt.prompt(header,, result);
-            }
+            Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> result = prompt.prompt(header,;
             System.out.println("result = " + result);
         } catch (IOException e) {
diff --git a/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/ b/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/
index 827afd50b..6d9ef0dc7 100644
--- a/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/
+++ b/console-ui/src/test/java/org/jline/consoleui/examples/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -29,30 +28,28 @@ public static void main(String[] args) {
         header.add(new AttributedStringBuilder().append("Simple list example:").toAttributedString());
         try (Terminal terminal = TerminalBuilder.builder().build()) {
-            Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> result = new HashMap<>();
-            try (ConsolePrompt prompt = new ConsolePrompt(terminal)) {
-                PromptBuilder promptBuilder = prompt.getPromptBuilder();
+            ConsolePrompt prompt = new ConsolePrompt(terminal);
+            PromptBuilder promptBuilder = prompt.getPromptBuilder();
-                promptBuilder
-                        .createListPrompt()
-                        .name("pizzatype")
-                        .message("Which pizza do you want?")
-                        .newItem()
-                        .text("Margherita")
-                        .add() // without name (name defaults to text)
-                        .newItem("veneziana")
-                        .text("Veneziana")
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem("hawai")
-                        .text("Hawai")
-                        .add()
-                        .newItem("quattro")
-                        .text("Quattro Stagioni")
-                        .add()
-                        .addPrompt();
+            promptBuilder
+                    .createListPrompt()
+                    .name("pizzatype")
+                    .message("Which pizza do you want?")
+                    .newItem()
+                    .text("Margherita")
+                    .add() // without name (name defaults to text)
+                    .newItem("veneziana")
+                    .text("Veneziana")
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem("hawai")
+                    .text("Hawai")
+                    .add()
+                    .newItem("quattro")
+                    .text("Quattro Stagioni")
+                    .add()
+                    .addPrompt();
-                prompt.prompt(header,, result);
-            }
+            Map<String, PromptResultItemIF> result = prompt.prompt(header,;
             System.out.println("result = " + result);
         } catch (IOException e) {