You can run this as a webapp.
To spin up a local server
python3 -m http.server 8000
Copy fil to GCS
# Copy a file to GCS
gsutil cp -r .build/web/* gs://bsctl/
- Define a terraform policy to make the bucket bsctl public
# 1. Append the Terraform policy to the iac/ file to make the GCS bucket public
echo 'resource "google_storage_bucket_iam_member" "public_access" {
bucket = "bsctl"
role = "roles/storage.objectViewer"
member = "allUsers"
}' >> iac/
# 1. Apply the Terraform configuration to make the GCS bucket public
cd iac
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve
I can load index.html by going to
But this gives me a 404 trying to fetch
The URL should be
to add a prefix to it -
Reupload the paths to gcs
gsutil cp -r .build/web/* gs://bsctl/
Now I'm getting a 404 hitting
gsutil ls gs://bsctl/
- Ya so its missing
- So to build it I need to build the PWA and run it static
make pwa
BUILD_STATIC=true .build/pwa-server
gsutil cp -r .build/web/* gs://bsctl/
gsutil ls gs://bsctl
- So its still not there did it get deleted when I ran .build/pwa-server
To investigate whether the app.wasm
file was deleted or if it never existed, you can recheck the contents of the web
directory where the build output is stored. Here’s how to do that:
- Check the local .build/web directory
ls -la .build/
I see there our build script is putting app.wasm into the web directory
rm -rf .build/*
# Rebuild the PWA to regenerate app.wasm
make pwa
BUILD_STATIC=true .build/pwa-server
# After rebuilding, check the contents of the web directory again to confirm that app.wasm is present
ls -la .build/web
make static
- Recopy to GCS
# Copy the newly built app.wasm file to GCS
gsutil cp -r .build/web gs://bsctl/
The page shows me a 404 error in the GoApp but I don't see any errors in the chrome console
I wonder if the problem is when I setup my route handler
app.Route("/", &CommandApp{})
I'm not accounting for the path prefix
make static
gsutil cp -r .build/web gs://bsctl/
My logging statements are getting hit so it found my entry point
When I run it locally it works
So I know from the logging statements it is hitting "main.go"
If I look at app.js that gets loaded I see
"const goappEnv = {"GOAPP_INTERNAL_URLS":"null","GOAPP_ROOT_PREFIX":"/bsctl","GOAPP_STATIC_RESOURCES_URL":"/bsctl","GOAPP_VERSION":"9b4d7c591a4770be3729e56a8001c1b49f3612a2"};
Maybe my layout is incorrect
I don't have app.wasm inside the web subdirectory
gsutil ls -r gs://bsctl/
gsutil cp .build/web/app.wasm gs://bsctl/web/app.wasm
The command to remove the old app.wasm
file from the GCS bucket was executed successfully. Now the next step is to check again if the newly copied app.wasm
file is present in the GCS bucket.
Here's the command to verify that:
gsutil rm -rf gs://bsctl/
gsutil ls -r gs://bsctl/
So bucket is empty now
gsutil cp -r .build/web gs://bsctl/
- Looks like that deleted the bucket
It seems that the error indicates that the destination bucket gs://bsctl
does not exist. To resolve this issue, let's first check if the bucket exists, and if it doesn’t, we can create the bucket. Here are the commands you should execute next:
- Check if the bucket exists:
gsutil mb -p foyle-public gs://bsctl
# 1. Check if the bucket exists
gsutil ls gs://bsctl/
gsutil cp -r .build/web gs://bsctl/
gsutil ls -r gs://bsctl/
So the layout isn't what I want
gsutil mv "gs://bsctl/web/*" gs://bsctl/
gsutil ls -r gs://bsctl/
gsutil mv gs://bsctl/app.wasm gs://bsctl/web/app.wasm
gsutil ls -r gs://bsctl/
# Since the files are now confirmed to be in the bucket, the next step can be to set appropriate permissions for the files if necessary.
gsutil -m acl ch -R -u AllUsers:Reader gs://bsctl/
gsutil ls -r gs://bsctl/
cd iac
terraform apply
I think I know what the problem is
The URL is ""
So GoApp ends up treating "index.html" as the route path and we don't have a route handler for it
If we add a router for index.html does that fix it?
rm -rf .build/*
make static
gsutil cp ".build/static/*" gs://bsctl
gsutil cp ".build/static/web/*" gs://bsctl/web/
gsutil ls -r gs://bsctl/
gsutil ls -r gs://bsctl
- Success that did it!
# Confirm the deployment of your application by checking the App Engine services
gcloud app services list
# You can also view the logs to ensure there are no errors during deployment
gcloud app logs tail -s default