diff --git a/reana_job_controller/job_monitor.py b/reana_job_controller/job_monitor.py
index 4308a806..925a58e1 100644
--- a/reana_job_controller/job_monitor.py
+++ b/reana_job_controller/job_monitor.py
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ def get_job_status(self, job_pod) -> Optional[str]:
                         f"Kubernetes job {backend_job_id}, assuming successful."
                 elif reason != "Completed":
-                    logging.info(
+                    logging.warn(
                         f"Kubernetes job id: {backend_job_id} failed, phase 'Succeeded' but "
                         f"container '{container.name}' was terminated because of '{reason}'."
@@ -199,19 +199,19 @@ def get_job_status(self, job_pod) -> Optional[str]:
                 if "ErrImagePull" in reason:
-                    logging.info(
+                    logging.warn(
                         f"Container {container.name} in Kubernetes job {backend_job_id} "
                         "failed to fetch image."
                     status = JobStatus.failed.name
                 elif "InvalidImageName" in reason:
-                    logging.info(
+                    logging.warn(
                         f"Container {container.name} in Kubernetes job {backend_job_id} "
                         "failed due to invalid image name."
                     status = JobStatus.failed.name
                 elif "CreateContainerConfigError" in reason:
-                    logging.info(
+                    logging.warn(
                         f"Container {container.name} in Kubernetes job {backend_job_id} "
                         f"failed due to container configuration error: {message}"
@@ -247,6 +247,11 @@ def watch_jobs(self, job_db, app=None):
                             backend_job_id, job_pod=job_pod
+                        if job_status == JobStatus.failed.name:
+                            self.log_disruption(
+                                event["object"].status.conditions, backend_job_id
+                            )
                         store_job_logs(reana_job_id, logs)
                         update_job_status(reana_job_id, job_status)
@@ -260,6 +265,23 @@ def watch_jobs(self, job_db, app=None):
                 logging.error("Unexpected error: {}".format(e))
+    def log_disruption(self, conditions, backend_job_id):
+        """Log disruption message from Kubernetes event conditions.
+        Usually it is pod eviction but can be any of https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/disruptions/#pod-disruption-conditions.
+        :param conditions: List of Kubernetes event conditions.
+        :param backend_job_id: Backend job ID.
+        """
+        disruption_target = next(
+            (item for item in conditions if item.type == "DisruptionTarget"),
+            None,
+        )
+        if disruption_target:
+            logging.warn(
+                f"{disruption_target.reason}: Job {backend_job_id} was disrupted: {disruption_target.message}"
+            )
 condorJobStatus = {
     "Unexpanded": 0,
diff --git a/tests/test_job_monitor.py b/tests/test_job_monitor.py
index 34e84e90..4eb8323e 100644
--- a/tests/test_job_monitor.py
+++ b/tests/test_job_monitor.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 import mock
 import pytest
+from kubernetes.client.models import V1PodCondition
 from reana_job_controller.job_monitor import (
@@ -107,3 +108,61 @@ def test_kubernetes_should_process_job(
         assert bool(job_monitor_k8s.should_process_job(job_pod_event)) == should_process
+    "conditions,is_call_expected,expected_message",
+    [
+        (
+            [
+                V1PodCondition(
+                    type="PodScheduled",
+                    status="True",
+                ),
+                V1PodCondition(
+                    type="DisruptionTarget",
+                    status="True",
+                    reason="EvictionByEvictionAPI",
+                    message="Eviction API: evicting",
+                ),
+                V1PodCondition(
+                    type="Initialized",
+                    status="True",
+                ),
+            ],
+            True,
+            "EvictionByEvictionAPI: Job backend_job_id was disrupted: Eviction API: evicting",
+        ),
+        (
+            [
+                V1PodCondition(
+                    type="PodScheduled",
+                    status="True",
+                ),
+                V1PodCondition(
+                    type="Initialized",
+                    status="True",
+                ),
+            ],
+            False,
+            "",
+        ),
+        (
+            [],
+            False,
+            "",
+        ),
+    ],
+def test_log_disruption_evicted(conditions, is_call_expected, expected_message):
+    """Test logging of disruption target condition."""
+    with (
+        mock.patch("reana_job_controller.job_monitor.threading"),
+        mock.patch("reana_job_controller.job_monitor.logging.warn") as log_mock,
+    ):
+        job_monitor_k8s = JobMonitorKubernetes(app=None)
+        job_monitor_k8s.log_disruption(conditions, "backend_job_id")
+        if is_call_expected:
+            log_mock.assert_called_with(expected_message)
+        else:
+            log_mock.assert_not_called()