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Klipper macros

These macros are based on the great Annex magprobe dockable probe macros "#Originally developed by Mental, modified for better use on K-series printers by RyanG and Trails", kudos to them. That macro as since evolved into a klipper plugin that currently is pending inclusion in klipper, more information here

Would alse like to thank the Voron discord community and VoronDesign for all the work, suggestions and support that they have given to improve on the macros.

Klipper change 20240313

Klipper ACCEL_TO_DECEL parameter of the SET_VELOCITY_LIMIT command has been deprecated, klicky macros used it on one location, that is now fixed on the versions going forward.

New installation

The macros are currently separated by function, there is klicky-probe.cfg that should include the remaining files, this both keeps klipper's printer.cfg cleaner and allow for backward compatibility.

The remaining files are the klicky-macros.cfg that stores all the general macros (like the dock and attach macros, this file is required on all the printers), the klicky-variables.cfg where it's necessary to configure the dock location and do other printer specific configurations and the klipper helper files for specific functions.

The helper files work by expanding the standard klipper function with a attach and dock command, so that you can use all the klipper commands without the need to manually attach and dock the printer.

Right now the macros are divided in multiple files, that way it is much easier to upgrade, configure and maintain

File v2.4 v1.8 Legacy Trident Switchwire v0 Tiny-M V-core3 MercuryOne
klicky-probe.cfg ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
klick-variables.cfg ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
klicky-bed-mesh-calibrate.cfg ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Klicky-quad-gantry-level.cfg ✔️
Klicky-screws-tilt-calculate.cfg ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
klicky-z-tilt-adjust.cfg ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
  • klicky-probe.cfg (includes all the necessary files in klipper)
  • klick-variables.cfg, stores all the Klicky variables, printer specific, should not be necessary to update very often
  • klicky-bed-mesh-calibrate.cfg, bed mesh helper scripts, assumes bed mesh is already configured, includes a commented example, further help on setup here
  • Klicky-quad-gantry-level.cfg, Quad Gantry Level helper script, allows on machines with four Z independent motors to level the bed automatically, assumes QGL is already configured (it's used on a V2.4 to level the gantry relative to the bed), further help here
  • Klicky-screws-tilt-calculate.cfg, screws tilt adjust helper script, knowing where the bed screws are, it will assist in leveling the bed by calculating on the number of times each screw should be rotated, assumes that the configuration is already defined, further help on setup here
  • klicky-z-tilt-adjust.cfg, Z tilt adjust helper script, allows on machines with two or three Z independent motors to level the bed automatically, assumes that the configuration is already defined, further help on setup here
  • klicky-specific.cfg, place to put other configurations specific to your printer, like probe or bed mesh klipper configuration

Some printers, like the Voron v0 or Tiny-M don't have the probe as a standard configuration, so in those printers documentation there are extra klipper configurations that you need to use in order to configure the actual probe.

printer.cfg configuration

Download the appropriate files (or the zip containing them all and delete the ones that are not relevant) and upload it to your klipper Config folder.

cd ~/printer_data/config

Check the klicky-probe.cfg, remove or comment the macros that are not required for your printer or that you do not want to implement. Edit klicky-variables.cfg (there are printers specific recommendations on the printer configuration page) for klicky to operate properly.

There are some configurations that need to be checked, otherwise your will run into out of range problems, that is by design.

Open your printer.cfg file, comment out safe_z_home or homing_override, if you have them (the macros will take care of homing) and add the following line before the "Macros" Section.

[include klicky-probe.cfg]

It should look like this:

# 	Macros
[include klicky-probe.cfg]

You now need to configure the probe pin, that is printer specific, and the details are on your printer configuration guide.

Regarding you print start and end macros, with the helper scripts implemented, they do not need to be changed.

If however you would like to reduce the times that the toolhead attaches and docks the probe, you can use Attach_Probe_Lock that prevents the probe to be docked after an operation that normally would dock the probe.

BEWARE that the probe may hit the bed depending on what you are doing.

When you don't need the probe attached anymore, run Dock_Probe_Unlock to dock and unlock the probe.

Pre and Post macros for dock operations

If your setup requires a custom move, a macro to be called before attaching and docking, there are two macros _DeployDock and _RetractDock that are executed (if they are configured) when it's required for the dock to be ready for docking and attachment operations.

Currently, thanks to Kyleisah there is also support to use a simple servo setup, when a certain angle deploys the dock and another retracts it, you can find the following variables on klicky-variables.cfg.

#The following variables are used if the dock is deployed and retracted via a servo motor
variable_enable_dock_servo:  False    # Set to true if your klicky dock is servo-controlled
variable_servo_name:        'NAME'    # The name of the dock servo defined in printer.cfg under [servo]
variable_servo_deploy:          10    # This EXAMPLE is the value used to deploy the servo fully
variable_servo_retract:         11    # This EXAMPLE is the value used to retract the servo fully (initial_angle in [servo] config)
variable_servo_delay:         1000    # This is a delay to wait the servo to reach the requested position, be carefull with high values

On printer.cfg to add servo support, you need to add the following:

[servo klicky_servo]
pin: PC12
#   PWM output pin controlling the servo. This parameter must be
#   provided.
maximum_servo_angle: 180
#   The maximum angle (in degrees) that this servo can be set to. The
#   default is 180 degrees.
minimum_pulse_width: 0.00025
#   The minimum pulse width time (in seconds). This should correspond
#   with an angle of 0 degrees. The default is 0.001 seconds.
maximum_pulse_width: 0.0024
#   The maximum pulse width time (in seconds). This should correspond
#   with an angle of maximum_servo_angle. The default is 0.002
#   seconds.

To increase the servo strength, you should connect the servo 5v to a PSU instead of to the MCU.

Status leds

Thanks to foonietunes we now have status leds support (specially useful for SB leds).

You can read how to implement it here.

XY Sensorless homing

If you are using sensorless homing, and have your own X and/or Y homing macros, you can use override the klicky macros behavior with your very own _HOME_X and _HOME_Y macros.

If they exist on your klipper configuration, klicky macro will use them instead of the default G28 commands.

Euclid support

To support euclid side dock and undock, try these values

#Attach move. final toolhead movement to attach the probe on the mount
#it's a relative move
Variable_attachmove_x:          -70
Variable_attachmove_y:            0
Variable_attachmove_z:            0

#Attach move2
Variable_attachmove2_x:          0
Variable_attachmove2_y:         40
Variable_attachmove2_z:          0

#Dock move, final toolhead movement to release the probe on the dock
#it's a relative move
Variable_dockmove_x:              0
Variable_dockmove_y:            -40
Variable_dockmove_z:              0

you need to check what is the Z height of the Euclid Dock to possibly update the z moves above

Advanced users

Beware going forward, you will leave the safety that the macros provide

I recognize that some users are very technical and may want to write custom macros, so here are the only commands that you need to attach and dock the probe, without any fail safes or checks.

Probe attach commands

# Probe entry location
G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int - attachmove2_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int - attachmove2_y} F{travel_feedrate}
# Attach probe
G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove2_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove2_y} F{travel_feedrate}
G0 X{docklocation_x} Y{docklocation_y} F{dock_feedrate}
# Probe exit location
G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate}

Probe dock commands

# Probe entry location
G0 X{docklocation_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{travel_feedrate}
# Drop Probe to Probe location
G0 X{docklocation_x} Y{docklocation_y} F{dock_feedrate}
# Probe decoupling
G0 X{docklocation_x|int + dockmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int + dockmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate}
G0 X{docklocation_x|int + dockmove_x|int - attachmove_x|int} Y{docklocation_y|int + dockmove_y|int - attachmove_y|int} F{release_feedrate}

The typical variables values are:

variable_travel_speed:          100    # how fast all other travel moves will be performed when running these macros
variable_dock_speed:             50    # how fast should the toolhead move when docking the probe for the final movement
variable_release_speed:          75    # how fast should the toolhead move to release the hold of the magnets after docking
#Dock move (if the dock is mounted on the back extrusion, these values can be left untouched)
Variable_dockmove_x:              0    # Final toolhead movement to release
Variable_dockmove_y:             40    # the probe on the dock
Variable_dockmove_z:              0    # (can be negative)
#Attach move (if the dock is mounted on the back extrusion, these values can be left untouched)
Variable_attachmove_x:           30    # Final toolhead movement to Dock
Variable_attachmove_y:            0    # the probe on the dock
Variable_attachmove_z:            0    # (can be negative)

Variable_attachmove2_x:           0    # intermediate toolhead movement to attach
Variable_attachmove2_y:           0    # the probe on the dock (can be negative)
Variable_attachmove2_z:           0    # (to be used as a last move before attaching the probe, suitable for Euclid)

Again, be advised that these will not raize the bed to avoid hitting it, won't check if the probe is docked or attached. USE EXTREME CAUTION