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A generic unit-testing runner for front-end.➰


  • 🚀 Blazing fast: Tupe use the great Parcel as bundler, and Puppeteer as runtime environment under the hook, making it fast on both bundle-time and runtime.
  • 🌓 Isolation & 🎎 Concurrency: Each test file is bundled and run as a isolated new tab on puppeteer concurrently.
  • 🎨 Descriptive assertion: bonus with Power-Assert builtin.
  • 🐦 Configuration-Free: almost no configuration, except for some basic babel setup, which might agrees to your project setup already
  • ❄️ Simplicity. use the standard assert interface.


There are already tons of unit-testing runner/framework for JavaScript.

  • some requires a bit configuration, like karma, not simple enough.
  • when it comes to front-end code testing that requires a browser environment, many of them utilize jsdom, which is a subset emulation of a web browser for use in nodejs environment. That's awesome, but would it be great and more reliable if our code runs in a real-world browser?
  • features like concurrency and isolation are great. You should definitely try out AVA and Jest, they are awesome. But again, they don't seems to bundle for a real-world browser? Correct me if I'm wrong, thanks~
  • Puppeteer is born, which seems to be a perfect fit for browser-side JavaScript testing. Maybe we can try it out and learn how to build a unit test runner, And have all the fun along the way, that's the whole point..


yarn add --dev tupe


tupe <files...>

Run Tests

  files  path or glob for test files                                    [string]

  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]
  -v, --verbose                                                 [default: false]
  --watch        watch mode                                     [default: false]
  --port         server port                                     [default: 1234]
  --tmpdir       temporary directory                           [default: ".tmp"]
  --fail-fast    exit on first fail                    [boolean] [default: true]


You can configure Tupe by specifying a tupe field at your project's package.json

  • files: file or glob for test files
  • tmpdir: this is a temporary folder used by Parcel for compiled files
  • fail-fast: in a test file, global before or after hooks failure will always terminate the runner as failure; For each individual case, if a beforeEach hook failed, this case itself and its afterEach hooks will not be executed, a case-failure event will araise and the runner will continue to the next case. However, by setting this option to true, any case failure will terminate the runner of that test file.
  • coverage: options for istanbul, defaults to this
    "tupe": {
        "files": [
        "tmpdir": ".tmp",
        "fail-fast": false,
        "coverage": {
            "dir": "test/.coverage",
            "reporters": ["text"],
            "check": {


  • to enable power-assert feature, add power-assert preset and set patterns for babel-plugin-espower
  • to enable code coverage, add istanbul plugin, recommend only set for a test env
    "presets": ["@babel/env", "power-assert"],
    "plugins": [
        ["babel-plugin-espower", {
            "patterns": [
                "t(value, [message])",
                "t.ok(value, [message])",
                "t.equal(actual, expected, [message])",
                "t.deepEqual(actual, expected, [message])",
                "t.notEqual(actual, expected, [message])",
                "t.strictEqual(actual, expected, [message])",
                "t.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message])",
                "t.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, [message])",
                "t.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message])",
                "t.notDeepStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message])",
                "t.throws(block, [error], [message])"
    "env": {
        "test": {
            "plugins": [
                ["istanbul", {
                    "include": [


  • test.before([title], fn(t, [callback]))
  • test.beforeEach([title], fn(t, [callback]))
  • test.afterEach([title], fn(t, [callback]))
  • test.after([title], fn(t, [callback]))
  • test(title, fn(t, [callback]))
  • t is a enhenced assert function, added with a additional t.context abject as a isolated context for each case, live through beforeEach due afterEach hook


import test from 'tupe';

test('hello tupe!', t => {
    const who = { name: 'Tupe!' };
    t( === 'Tupe!');

test('async waiting...', async t => {
    const answer = true;
    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1500));
    t(answer === true);

test('misspell my name ?', t => {
    const who = { name: 'Hello Tupe!' };
    t( === 'Hel' + 'o Tupe~');

test('use callback ?', (t, done) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
        t('dump' === 'dump');
    }, 1500);

test('array assert', t => {
    const runners = ['AVA', 'Tupe'];
    t(runners.indexOf('Tupe') === 0);
