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SystemProfile resource

The SystemProfile custom resource is used to configure the Learning Center Operator. The default system profile can be used to set defaults for ingress and image pull secrets, with specific deployments able to select an alternate profile if required.

Note: Changes made to the SystemProfile custom resource, or changes made by means of environment variables, won't take effect on already deployed TrainingPortals. Those must be recreated for the changes to be applied. Only the TrainingPortal resources must be recreated, because this resource takes care of recreating the WorkshopEnvironments with the new values.

Operator default system profile

The Learning Center Operator, by default, uses an instance of the SystemProfile custom resource if it exists, named default-system-profile. You can override the name of the resource used by the Learning Center Operator as the default, by setting the SYSTEM_PROFILE environment variable on the deployment for the Learning Center Operator.

kubectl set env deployment/learningcenter-operator -e SYSTEM_PROFILE=default-system-profile -n learningcenter

Any changes to an instance of the SystemProfile custom are automatically detected and used by the Learning Center Operator. There is no need to redeploy the operator when changes are made.

Defining configuration for ingress

The SystemProfile custom resource replaces the use of environment variables to configure details such as the ingress domain, secret, and class.

Instead of setting INGRESS_DOMAIN, INGRESS_SECRET and INGRESS_CLASS environment variables, create an instance of the SystemProfile custom resource named default-system-profile.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
    class: nginx

If HTTPS connections are being terminated using an external load balancer and not by specifying a secret for ingresses managed by the Kubernetes ingress controller, then routing traffic into the Kubernetes cluster as HTTP connections, you can override the ingress protocol without specifying an ingress secret.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
    protocol: https
    class: nginx

Defining image registry pull secrets

If needing to work with custom workshop images stored in a private image registry, the system profile can define a list of image pull secrets that should be added to the service accounts used to deploy and run the workshop images. The environment.secrets.pull property should be set to the list of secret names.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
      - private-image-registry-pull

The secrets containing the image registry credentials must exist within the learningcenter namespace or the namespace where the Learning Center Operator is deployed. The secret resources must be of type

This doesn't result in any secrets being added to the namespace created for each workshop session. The secrets are only added to the workshop namespace and are not visible to a user.

For container images used as part of Learning Center itself, such as the container image for the training portal web interface and the builtin base workshop images, if you have copied these from the public image registries and stored them in a local private registry, use the registry section instead of the above setting as follows.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
    secret: learningcenter-image-registry-pull

The registry.secret is the name of the secret containing the image registry credentials. This must be present in the learningcenter namespace or the namespace where the Learning Center Operator is deployed.

Defining storage class for volumes

Deployments of the training portal web interface and the workshop sessions make use of persistent volumes. By default the persistent volume claims do not specify a storage class for the volume and instead rely on the Kubernetes cluster to specify a default storage class that works. If the Kubernetes cluster doesn't define a suitable default storage class or you need to override it, you can set the storage.class property.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
    class: default

This only applies to persistent volume claims setup by the Learning Center Operator. If the steps in a workshop which a user executes include making persistent volume claims, these are not automatically adjusted.

Defining storage group for volumes

Where persistent volumes are used by Learning Center for the training portal web interface and workshop environments, the application of pod security policies by the cluster is needed. These security policies ensure that the permissions of persistent volumes are set correctly so that they can be accessed by containers mounting the persistent volume. For instances where the pod security policy admission controller is not enabled, the cluster institutes a fallback to enable access to volumes by enabling group access using the group ID of 0.

In situations where the only class of persistent storage available is NFS or similar, it might be necessary to override the group ID applied and set it to an alternate ID dictated by the file system storage provider. If this is required, you can set the property.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
    group: 1

Overriding the group ID to match the persistent storage relies on the group having write permission to the volume. If only the owner of the volume has permission this does not work.

In this case, change the owner/group and permissions of the persistent volume such that the owner matches the user ID a container runs at, or the group is set to a known ID which is added as a supplemental group for the container and the persistent volume updated to be writable to this group. This must be done by an init container running in the pod mounting the persistent volume.

To trigger this change of ownership and permissions, set the storage.user property. For example:

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
    user: 1
    group: 1

This results in the init container being run as the root user, with the owner of the mount directory of the persistent volume being set to storage.user, the group being set to, and the directory being made group-writable. The group is then added as the supplemental group to containers using the persistent volume so they can write to it, regardless of what user ID the container runs as. To that end, the specific value of storage.user doesn't matter, but you might need to set it to a specific user ID based on requirements of the storage provider.

Both these variations on the settings only apply to the persistent volumes used by Learning Center itself. If a workshop asks users to create persistent volumes, those instructions or the resource definitions used might need to be modified to work where the storage class available requires access as a specific user or group ID.

Further, the second method using the init container to fix permissions does not work if pod security policies are enforced, as the ability to run a container as the root user is blocked in that case due to the restricted PSP which is applied to workshop instances.

Restricting network access

Any processes run from the workshop container and any applications deployed to the session namespaces associated with a workshop instance can contact any network IP addresses accessible from the cluster. If you need to add restrictions on what IP addresses or IP subnets can be accessed, you can set network.blockCIDRs. This must be a CIDR block range corresponding to the subnet or a portion of a subnet you want to block. A Kubernetes NetworkPolicy will be used to enforce the restriction so the Kubernetes cluster must use a network layer supporting network policies and the necessary Kubernetes controllers supporting network policies enabled when the cluster was installed.

If deploying to AWS, it is important to block access to the AWS endpoint for querying EC2 metadata as it can expose sensitive information that workshop users should not haves access to; by default, Learning Center will block the AWS endpoint on the TAP SystemProfile. If you need to replicate this block to other SystemProfiles, the configuration is:

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
    - fd00:ec2::254/128

Running Docker daemon rootless

If docker is enabled for workshops, docker-in-docker is run using a sidecar container. Because of the current state of running docker-in-docker and portability across Kubernetes environments, the docker daemon by default runs as root. Because a privileged container is also being used, this represents a security risk. Only run workshops requiring docker in disposable Kubernetes clusters or for users whom you trust.

You can partly mediate the risks of running docker in the Kubernetes cluster by running the docker daemon in rootless mode. However, not all Kubernetes clusters can support this due to the Linux kernel configuration or other incompatibilities.

To enable rootless mode, you can set the dockerd.rootless property to true.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
    rootless: true

Use of docker can be made even more secure by avoiding the use of a privileged container for the docker daemon. This requires specific configuration to be set up for nodes in the Kubernetes cluster. If this configuration has been done, you can disable the use of a privileged container by setting dockerd.privileged to false.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
    rootless: true
    privileged: false

For further details about the requirements for running rootless docker-in-docker and using an non-privileged container, see the Docker documentation.

Overriding network packet size

When you enable support for building container images using docker for workshops, because of network layering that occurs when doing docker build or docker run, You must adjust the network packet size (mtu) used for containers run from dockerd hosted inside the workshop container.

The default mtu size for networks is 1500, but, when containers are run in Kubernetes, the size available to containers is often reduced. To deal with this possibility, the mtu size used when dockerd is run for a workshop is set as 1400 instead of 1500.

If you experience problems building or running images with the docker support, including errors or timeouts in pulling images or when pulling software packages, such as PyPi, npm, and so on, you might need to override this value to an even lower value.

If this is required, you can set the dockerd.mtu property:

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
    mtu: 1400

You can discover what size may need to be by accessing the docker container run with a workshop and run ifconfig eth0. This will yield something similar to:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:42:AC:11:00:07
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:270018 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:283882 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:86363656 (82.3 MiB)  TX bytes:65183730 (62.1 MiB)

If the MTU size is less than 1400, then use the value given, or a smaller value, for the dockerd.mtu setting.

Image registry pull through cache

When running or building container images with docker, if the container image is hosted on Docker Hub, it is pulled down directly from the Docker Hub for each separate workshop session of that workshop.

Because the image is pulled from Docker Hub, this can be slow for all users, especially for large images. With Docker Hub introducing limits on how many images can be pulled anonymously from an IP address within a set period, this also might result in the cap on image pulls being reached, preventing the workshop from being used until the period expires.

Docker Hub has a higher limit when pulling images as an authenticated user, but with the limit being applied to the user rather than by IP address. For authenticated users with a paid plan on Docker Hub, there is no limit.

To try and avoid the impact of the limit, the first thing you can do is enable an image registry mirror with image pull-through. This is enabled globally and results in an instance of an image registry mirror being created in the workshop environment of workshops which enable docker support. This mirror will be used for all workshops sessions created against that workshop environment. When the first user attempts to pull an image, it will be pulled down from Docker Hub and cached in the mirror. Subsequent users will be served up from the image registry mirror, avoiding the need to pull the image from Docker Hub again. The subsequent users will also see a speed up in pulling the image because the mirror is deployed to the same cluster.

For enabling the use of an image registry mirror against Docker Hub, use:

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile

For authenticated access to Docker Hub, create an access token under your Docker Hub account. Then set the username and password, using the access token as the password. Do not use the password for the account itself. Using an access token makes it easier to revoke the token if necessary.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
      username: username
      password: access-token

An access token provides write access to Docker Hub. It is therefore also recommended you use a separate robot account in Docker Hub which is not used to host images and doesn't have write access to any other organizations. In other words, use it purely for reading images from Docker Hub.

If this is a free account, the higher limit on image pulls then applies. If the account is paid, there might be higher limits or no limit all all.

The image registry mirror is only used when running or building images using the support for running docker. The mirror does not come into play when creating deployments in Kubernetes which make use of images hosted on Docker Hub. Use of images from Docker Hub in deployments is still subject to the limit for anonymous access unless you supply image registry credentials for the deployment so an authenticated user was used.

Setting default access credentials

When deploying a training portal using the TrainingPortal custom resource, the credentials for accessing the portal are unique for each instance. Find the details of the credentials by viewing status information added to the custom resources using kubectl describe.

To override the credentials for the portals so the same set of credentials are used for each, you can override them by adding the desired values to the system profile.

To override the user name and password for the admin and robot accounts, use portal.credentials.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
        username: learningcenter
        password: admin-password
        username: robot@learningcenter
        password: robot-password

To override the client ID and secret used for OAuth access by the robot account, use portal.clients.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
        id: robot-id
        secret: robot-secret

If the TrainingPortal has specified credentials or client information, they still take precedence over the values specified in the system profile.

Overriding the workshop images

When a workshop does not define a workshop image to use and instead downloads workshop content from GitHub or a web server, it uses the base-environment workshop image. The workshop content is then added to the container, overlaid on this image.

The version of the base-environment workshop image used is what was the most up-to-date compatible version of the image available for that version of the Learning Center Operator when it was released.

If necessary you can override what version of the base-environment workshop image is used by defining a mapping under workshop.images. For workshop images supplied as part of the Learning Center project, you can override the short names used to refer to them.

The short versions of the names which are recognized are:

  • base-environment:* is a tagged version of the base-environment workshop image which was matched with the current version of the Learning Center Operator.
  • jdk8-environment:* is a tagged version of the jdk8-environment workshop image which was matched with the current version of the Learning Center Operator.
  • jdk11-environment:* is a tagged version of the jdk11-environment workshop image which was matched with the current version of the Learning Center Operator.
  • conda-environment:* is a tagged version of the conda-environment workshop image which was matched with the current version of the Learning Center Operator.

If you wanted to override the version of the base-environment workshop image mapped to by the * tag, you would use:

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
      "base-environment:*": ""

It is also possible to override where images are pulled from for any arbitrary image. This could be used where you want to cache the images for a workshop in a local image registry and avoid going outside of your network, or the cluster, to get them. This means you wouldn't need to override the workshop definitions for a specific workshop to change it.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
      "": "registry.test/lab-k8s-fundamentals:master"

Tracking using Google Analytics

If you want to record analytics data on usage of workshops using Google Analytics, you can enable tracking by supplying a tracking ID for Google Analytics.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
      trackingId: UA-XXXXXXX-1

Custom dimensions are used in Google Analytics to record details about the workshop a user is doing and through which training portal and cluster it was accessed. You can therefore use the same Google Analytics tracking ID with Learning Center running on multiple clusters.

To support use of custom dimensions in Google Analytics you must configure the Google Analytics property with the following custom dimensions. They must be added in the order shown as Google Analytics doesn't allow you to specify the index position for a custom dimension and will allocate them for you. You can't already have defined custom dimensions for the property, as the new custom dimensions must start at index of 1.

Custom Dimension Name Index
workshop_name 1
session_namespace 2
workshop_namespace 3
training_portal 4
ingress_domain 5
ingress_protocol 6

In addition to custom dimensions against page accesses, events are also generated. These include:

  • Workshop/Start
  • Workshop/Finish
  • Workshop/Expired

Google Analytics is not a reliable way to collect data. This is because individuals or corporate firewalls can block the reporting of Google Analytics data. For more precise statistics, use the webhook URL for collecting analytics with a custom data collection platform. Configuration of a webhook URL for analytics can only be specified on the TrainingPortal definition and cannot be specified globally on the SystemProfile configuration.

Overriding styling of the workshop

If using the REST API to create/manage workshop sessions and the workshop dashboard is then embedded into an iframe of a separate site, you can perform minor styling changes of the dashboard, workshop content, and portal to match the separate site. To do this, provide CSS styles under, and For dynamic styling or for adding hooks to report on progress through a workshop to a separate service, supply JavaScript as part of the theme under theme.dashboard.script, theme.workshop.script and theme.portal.script.

kind: SystemProfile
  name: default-system-profile
      script: |
        console.log("Dashboard theme overrides.");
      style: |
        body {
          font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive, sans-serif;
      script: |
        console.log("Workshop theme overrides.");
      style: |
        body {
          font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive, sans-serif;
      script: |
        console.log("Portal theme overrides.");
      style: |
        body {
          font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive, sans-serif;

Additional custom system profiles

If the default system profile is specified, it is used by all deployments managed by the Learning Center Operator unless it was overridden by the system profile to use for a specific deployment. You can set the name of the system profile for deployments by setting the system.profile property of TrainingPortal, WorkshopEnvironment, and WorkshopSession custom resources.

kind: TrainingPortal
  name: lab-markdown-sample
    profile: learningcenter-tanzu-vmware-com-profile
  - name: lab-markdown-sample
    capacity: 1