Releases: jjrom/resto
resto v2.4.2
Upgrade to iTag v3.0.18
resto v2.4.1
IMPORTANT Upgrade to iTag v3.0.17 - this upgrade correct an issue with invalid computation of seasons for Southern hemisphere features
resto v2.4
Minor changes and bug fixes
See v2.3...v2.4
resto v2.3
resto v2.3
Main upgrade - allows several and independents resto projects under the same database instance
For other changes, see v2.2...v2.3
To upgrade from an existing resto v2.2 database, runs the following scripts
psql -d resto -U postgres < _install/migration/from220To230.sql
resto v2.2
resto v2.2
The main feature of resto v2.2 is the full support of geometries crossing the -180/180 degrees date line (see #203)
For other changes, see v2.1...v2.2
Warning The GeoJSON output interface slightly differs from resto v2.1 : the keywords property is now an array of objects instead of an object of objects (see eb64040)
To upgrade from an existing resto v2.1 database, runs the following scripts
psql -d resto -U postgres < _install/migration/from210To220.sql
_install/migration/updateKeywords.php -u resto -p resto > update_keywords.sql
psql -d resto -U postgres < update_keywords.sql
resto v2.1
resto v2.1 adds new functionalities, bug fixes and security enhancement over resto v2.0.
Major enhancement includes:
- Simplification of REST routes - separation between user and administration routes
- Rewrite of rights management
- Support for multi-groups (i.e. a user can be in one or several groups)
- Separate licenses from collection
- Add licences endpoints - GET/POST/DELETE
- Support for license per collection and per feature
- Constrain download to grant properties per license
- Add validation mechanism - a user shoud be validated to be able to download/view product
- Add support for WMS proxying - i.e. WMS endpoint should be authorize like download endpoint
- Analysis property splitted into What, When, Where, Errors blocks for better readability and handling client side
- etc.
IMPORTANT : to upgrade from an existing v2.0.x instance, launch the migration script i.e.
psql -d resto -U postgres < _install/migration/from204To210.sql
resto v2.1 Release Candidate 1
resto v2.1 Release Candidate 1 includes :
- Simplification of routes
- Complete rewrite of rights management
- Support for multi-groups (i.e. a user can be in one or several groups)
- Advances license support based on user profile
- Support for license both per collection and per feature
- Add validation mechanism - only validated user can download/view product
- Add support for WMS proxying - i.e. WMS endpoint is accessible only if user has visualize right
resto v2.0.4
Support of conditional search on feature based on user grant
resto v2.0.3
- Major security issue corrected (see issue #142)
- Significant upgrades in French query analyzer
resto v2.0.2
resto v2.0.2 used by PEPS v1.1.1 (