- Made Align ZLP output the measured shifts in addition to the aligned spectra.
- Changed shift method in ZLP subpixel align to scipy.ndimage.shift with linear interpolation to get rid of artifacts.
- Added checks to avoid applying live ZLP and thickness to 2D data items.
- Moved ZLP analysis functions to nion.eels_analysis module for better reuse.
- Make Align ZLP support sequences AND 1D collections.
- Added menu items for center-of-mass and gaussian fit for ZLP alignment (both do sub-pixel alignment but much faster than cross-correlation)
- Improve data type handling (do not auto-promote to float64).
- Improve menu item layout.
- Add menu items for live thickness, thickness mapping, align zlp.
- Nion Swift 0.14 compatibility.
- Use composite line plot display for display again.
- Update original background subtraction to not use deprecated composite library item.
- Add simplified background subtraction.
- Add live ZLP tracking.
- Initial version online.