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Streaming Whisper Module

Performs live transcriptions using Faster Whisper via a websocket connection.

Enable the module by setting the ENABLED_MODULES env var to streaming_whisper.

Here the JWT (see Authorization) needs to be provided as a GET parameter. Please make sure to make it very short-lived.


  • Poetry
  • ffmpeg < 7 (required by pytorch)

If you have multiple versions of ffmpeg installed, make sure to update the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH with the path to the ffmpeg libraries, e.g. export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/MyUser/ffmpeg/6.1.2/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.


mkdir -p "$HOME/my-models-folder/streaming-whisper"
export WHISPER_MODEL_NAME="tiny.en"
export ENABLED_MODULES="streaming_whisper"
export WHISPER_MODEL_PATH="$HOME/my-models-folder/streaming-whisper"

poetry install

Go to demos/streaming-whisper/ and start a Python http server.

python3 -m http.server 8080


Websocket connection string

wss|ws://{DOMAIN}:8000/streaming-whisper/ws/{UNIQUE_MEETING_ID}?auth_token={short-lived JWT}

Omit the auth_token parameter if authorization is disabled.


We pass the JWT as part of the connection string, so please make it as short lived as possible. Refer to Authorization for more details regarding the generation of JWTs.

Data format

The payload sent by the client should be a binary blob. Where the first 60 bytes must be a header composed by a unique speaker id plus the language in short ISO format separated by a pipe |.

E.G. some_unique_speaker_id|en

If the header is not fully filled, it must be padded with nulls. The rest of the payload must be a raw, single-channel, 16khz, WAV array of bytes. The audio chunk must not contain a WAV header. Each audio chunk should be at least 1 second long.

Building the payload

Javascript client implementation

ws = new WebSocket('wss://' + host + '/streaming-whisper/ws/' + MEETINGID + '?auth_token=' + jwt.value)
ws.binaryType = 'blob'

function preparePayload(data) {
    let lang = "ro"
    let str = CLIENTID + "|" + lang
    if (str.length < 60) {
        str = str.padEnd(60, " ")
    let utf8Encode = new TextEncoder()
    let buffer = utf8Encode.encode(str)

    let headerArr = new Uint16Array(buffer.buffer)

    const payload = []

    headerArr.forEach(i => payload.push(i))
    data.forEach(i => payload.push(i))

    return Uint16Array.from(payload)

recorder.port.onmessage = (e) => {
    const audio = convertFloat32To16BitPCM(
    const payload = preparePayload(audio)

Java client implementation

private ByteBuffer buildPayload(Participant participant, ByteBuffer audio) {
    ByteBuffer header = ByteBuffer.allocate(60);
    int lenAudio = audio.remaining();
    ByteBuffer fullPayload = ByteBuffer.allocate(lenAudio + 60);
    String headerStr = participant.getDebugName() + "|" + this.getLanguage(participant);
    return fullPayload;

public void sendAudio(Participant participant, ByteBuffer audio) {
    String participantId = participant.getDebugName();
        logger.debug("Sending audio for " + participantId);
        session.getRemote().sendBytes(buildPayload(participant, audio));
    catch (NullPointerException e)
        logger.error("Failed sending audio for " + participantId + ". " + e);
        if (!session.isOpen())
            catch (Exception ex)
    catch (IOException e)
        logger.error("Failed sending audio for " + participantId + ". " + e);

Build image

make build

When running the resulting image, make sure to mount a faster-whisper model under /models on the container fs and reference it in the WHISPER_MODEL_PATH environment variable.

Download models

git clone [email protected]:guillaumekln/faster-whisper-base.en "$HOME/my-models-folder/streaming-whisper"

or download any other whisper model with huggingface-cli

pip install huggingface_hub
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/home/$(whoami)/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
huggingface-cli login
huggingface-cli download openai/whisper-tiny.en --repo-type model --cache-dir $HOME/my-models-folder/streaming-whisper


docker run -p 8000:8000 \
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-e "BEAM_SIZE=1" \
-e "WHISPER_MODEL_PATH=/models/streaming-whisper" \
-e "ENABLED_MODULES=streaming_whisper" \
-v "$HOME/my-models-folder":"/models" \

Using GPU

In order to allow docker access GPU, install nvidia container toolkit from Restart docker with systemctl restart docker.service When running the resulting image, pass --gpus all and look for CUDA device found. in log.


Check /demos/streaming-whisper for a client implementation in Javascript. Only works in Chrome-based browsers.