This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough of setting up a Node Consensus Network (NCN) with Jito Restaking, with detailed explanations for each step.
Before Hello World NCN can function, you need to register three main component types: the NCN itself, Operators who perform working, and Vaults that provide economic security through asset delegation.
The NCN (Node Consensus Network) is the core application that defines the consensus rules and coordinates the work operators.
solana-keygen grind --starts-with ncn:1
mkdir -p credentials/ncn
mv ncnnteNRPccbg5mpwuJbzmBvVexHcoDWmZnLKybr8XA.json ./credentials/ncn/
This step creates a new keypair for the NCN admin with a vannity address that starts with "ncn:1" for easier identification. The keypair is then stored in a dedicated credentials directory.
You'll need SOL tokens to pay for transaction fees. Use the Solana Faucet to get some tokens for testing.
./jito-restaking-cli restaking ncn initialize \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/ncn/ncnnteNRPccbg5mpwuJbzmBvVexHcoDWmZnLKybr8XA.json
This command initializes Hello World NCN on the Solana blockchain using the Jito Restaking CLI. It creates the necessary on-chain state to represent Hello World NCN in the Jito Restaking ecosystem.
After successful initialization, you'll receive Hello World NCN's address:
Ex: zSy3NQbg13YaKVNu2zh6cZ15VtQyMeQWXc1dzzxx6LM
Operators are the entities that perform working and participate in the consensus process within Hello World NCN.
solana-keygen grind --starts-with ope:1
mkdir -p credentials/operator
mv opeKDrPSPhLYFFRpsPTLU6o86f4AFcFvNMRvbdifhvq.json ./credentials/ope/
Similar to the NCN keypair, this creates a vanity address starting with "opt:1" for Hello World operator admin, making it easier to identify in transaction and logs.
Remember to fund this address with SOL using the Solana Faucet
./jito-restaking-cli restaking operator initialize 1000 \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/operator/opeKDrPSPhLYFFRpsPTLU6o86f4AFcFvNMRvbdifhvq.json
This command initializes an Operator account with a capacity of 1000 OPERATOR FEE BPS. The capacity represents the maximum amount of stake this operator can accept from vaults. After initialization, three operator accounts are created:
- Operator 1: 6BeXz72E9yn8JgkfzjiPdsnaE8PppbdpKTGDi7H7bsZj
- Operator 2: DqwU1gHAN55PJWX25Kvopkny2ENddCjWdqX68VEWPLQg
- Operator 3: 9sMvk2pvMnPusPZWuEim5dp6JPvfM5KKmLjgRV4uw61z
Vaults hold and delegate assets to operators, providing economic security to the network.
spl-token create-token
This creates a new SPL token that will be used by Hello World vault. In a production environment, this might be an exsting token with real economic value.
Ex SPL-Token created: 5Xk7TaAWWxCTiW1TsM4JVJkxqzFwbTAG1SBMWPfwMwT
solana-keygen grind --starts-with vau:1
mkdir -p credentials/vault
mv vauBPs8vKk3tdqYkTji15xvLvDrkdowFvS4F3RapmBN.json ./credentials/vault/
This creates a vanity address starting with "vau:1" for Hello World vault admin, making it easier to identify in transactions and logs.
Remember to fund this address with SOL using the Solana Faucet
./jito-restaking-cli \
--keypair ./credentials/vault/vauBPs8vKk3tdqYkTji15xvLvDrkdowFvS4F3RapmBN.json \
--rpc-url ''
vault vault initialize '5Xk7TaAWWxCTiW1TsM4JVJkxqzFwbTAG1SBMWPfwMwT' 1000 1000 1000 9
This command initializes a vault with the following parameters:
- It uses SPL token (5Xk7TaAWWxCTiW1TsM4JVJkxqzFwbTAG1SBMWPfwMwT) as the supported token
- Sets DEPOSIT_FEE_BPS of 1000
- Sets REWARD_FEE_BPS 1000
After initialization, the following addresses are created:
VRT Token: 7Xe8hbtYDh1H4NeLDoG23gvcyeGnJCbmwobvbCwbsjtp
Vault: 4wmTjgjB4SDgh4mxUtmpYhoGqFi9ECNZmdmuEH7K99JA
After registering components, they need to opt into relationships with each other. This creates the necessary connections between NCN, Operators, and Vaults.
First, we need to initialize the state that connects the NCN with each Operator.
./jito-restaking-cli \
restaking ncn initialize-ncn-operator-state \
'zSy3NQbg13YaKVNu2zh6cZ15VtQyMeQWXc1dzzxx6LM' \
'6BeXz72E9yn8JgkfzjiPdsnaE8PppbdpKTGDi7H7bsZj' \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/ncn/ncnnteNRPccbg5mpwuJbzmBvVexHcoDWmZnLKybr8XA.json
This command creates the initial state connecting your NCN with Operator 1. The NCN admin account is used to sign this transaction, establishing a relationship between the NCN and the operator.
Similar commands are run for Operators 2 and 3, creating connections between your NCN and all three operators.
After initialization, the connections need to be "warmed up" or activated.
./jito-restaking-cli \
restaking ncn ncn-warmup-operator \
'zSy3NQbg13YaKVNu2zh6cZ15VtQyMeQWXc1dzzxx6LM' \
'6BeXz72E9yn8JgkfzjiPdsnaE8PppbdpKTGDi7H7bsZj' \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/ncn/ncnnteNRPccbg5mpwuJbzmBvVexHcoDWmZnLKybr8XA.json
This command activates the connection between the NCN and Operator 1, allowing the operator to participate in the NCN's consensus process. The NCN admin signs this transaction.
Similar commands are run for Operators 2 and 3, activating all three connections.
The NCN also needs to establish a connection with the Vault that will be delegating assets to the Operators.
./jito-restaking-cli \
restaking ncn initialize-ncn-vault-ticket \
'zSy3NQbg13YaKVNu2zh6cZ15VtQyMeQWXc1dzzxx6LM' \
'4wmTjgjB4SDgh4mxUtmpYhoGqFi9ECNZmdmuEH7K99JA' \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/ncn/ncnnteNRPccbg5mpwuJbzmBvVexHcoDWmZnLKybr8XA.json
This command initializes the connection between your NCN and the Vault, creating the necessary on-chain state for the relationship. The NCN admin signs this transaction.
./jito-restaking-cli \
restaking ncn warmup-ncn-vault-ticket \
'zSy3NQbg13YaKVNu2zh6cZ15VtQyMeQWXc1dzzxx6LM' \
'4wmTjgjB4SDgh4mxUtmpYhoGqFi9ECNZmdmuEH7K99JA' \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/ncn/ncnnteNRPccbg5mpwuJbzmBvVexHcoDWmZnLKybr8XA.json
This command activates the connection between the NCN and the Vault, allowing the Vault to delegate assets to Operators participating in this NCN. The NCN admin signs this transaction.
Operators also needs to establish connections with both the NCN and the Vault.
./jito-restaking-cli \
restaking operator operator-warmup-ncn \
'6BeXz72E9yn8JgkfzjiPdsnaE8PppbdpKTGDi7H7bsZj' \
'zSy3NQbg13YaKVNu2zh6cZ15VtQyMeQWXc1dzzxx6LM' \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/operator/opeKDrPSPhLYFFRpsPTLU6o86f4AFcFvNMRvbdifhvq.json
This command activates the connection from the Operator's side, confirming that Operator 1 is willing to participate in your NCN's consensus process. The operator admin signs this transaction.
Similar commands are run for Operators 2 and 3, confirming all three operators' participation.
Operators also need to establish connections with the Vault to receive delegated assets.
./jito-restaking-cli \
restaking operator initialize-operator-vault-ticket \
'6BeXz72E9yn8JgkfzjiPdsnaE8PppbdpKTGDi7H7bsZj' \
'4wmTjgjB4SDgh4mxUtmpYhoGqFi9ECNZmdmuEH7K99JA' \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/operator/opeKDrPSPhLYFFRpsPTLU6o86f4AFcFvNMRvbdifhvq.json
This command initializes the connection between Operator 1 and the Vault, creating the necessary on-chain state for the relationship. The operator admin signs this transaction. Similar commands are run for Operators 2 and 3, initializing connections between all three operators and the Vault.
./jito-restaking-cli \
restaking operator warmup-operator-vault-ticket \
'6BeXz72E9yn8JgkfzjiPdsnaE8PppbdpKTGDi7H7bsZj' \
'4wmTjgjB4SDgh4mxUtmpYhoGqFi9ECNZmdmuEH7K99JA' \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/operator/opeKDrPSPhLYFFRpsPTLU6o86f4AFcFvNMRvbdifhvq.json
This command activates the connection between Operator 1 and the Vault, allowing the operator to receive delegated assets from the Vault. The operator admin signs this transaction. Similar commands are run for Operators 2 and 3, activating connections between all three operators and the Vault.
Finally, the Vault needs to establish connections with both the NCN and the Operators.
./jito-restaking-cli \
vault vault initialize-vault-ncn-ticket \
'4wmTjgjB4SDgh4mxUtmpYhoGqFi9ECNZmdmuEH7K99JA' \
'zSy3NQbg13YaKVNu2zh6cZ15VtQyMeQWXc1dzzxx6LM' \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/vault/vauBPs8vKk3tdqYkTji15xvLvDrkdowFvS4F3RapmBN.json
This command initializes the connection between the Vault and the NCN, creating the necessary on-chain state for the relationship. The vault admin signs this transaction.
./jito-restaking-cli \
vault vault warmup-vault-ncn-ticket \
'4wmTjgjB4SDgh4mxUtmpYhoGqFi9ECNZmdmuEH7K99JA' \
'zSy3NQbg13YaKVNu2zh6cZ15VtQyMeQWXc1dzzxx6LM' \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/vault/vauBPs8vKk3tdqYkTji15xvLvDrkdowFvS4F3RapmBN.json
This command activates the connection between the Vault and the NCN, allowing the Vault to delegate assets to Operators participating in this NCN. The vault admin signs this transaction.
Before delegating assets, the Vault needs to prepare the token infrastructure.
spl-token create-account 5Xk7TaAWWxCTiW1TsM4JVJkxqzFwbTAG1SBMWPfwMwT
This creates an associated token account for your SPL token, which will be used to hold tokens before they are delegated.
spl-token mint 5Xk7TaAWWxCTiW1TsM4JVJkxqzFwbTAG1SBMWPfwMwT 3000
This mints 3000 tokens to your associated token account. In a production environment, you would already have these tokens from another source.
./jito-restaking-cli vault vault mint-vrt 4wmTjgjB4SDgh4mxUtmpYhoGqFi9ECNZmdmuEH7K99JA 3000 0
This command mints Vault Restaking Tokens (VRTs), which represent the tokens being delegated to the Vault.
./jito-restaking-cli \
vault vault initialize-operator-delegation \
'4wmTjgjB4SDgh4mxUtmpYhoGqFi9ECNZmdmuEH7K99JA' \
'6BeXz72E9yn8JgkfzjiPdsnaE8PppbdpKTGDi7H7bsZj' \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/vault/vauBPs8vKk3tdqYkTji15xvLvDrkdowFvS4F3RapmBN.json
This command initializes the delegation from the Vault to Operator 1, creating the necessary on-chain state for the delegation. The vault admin signs this transaction.
Similar commands are run for Operators 2 and 3, initializing delegations to all three operators.
./jito-restaking-cli \
vault vault delegate-to-operator \
'4wmTjgjB4SDgh4mxUtmpYhoGqFi9ECNZmdmuEH7K99JA' \
'6BeXz72E9yn8JgkfzjiPdsnaE8PppbdpKTGDi7H7bsZj' \
100 \
--rpc-url '' \
--keypair ./credentials/vault/vauBPs8vKk3tdqYkTji15xvLvDrkdowFvS4F3RapmBN.json
This command actually delegates 100 tokens from the Vault to Operator 1. This delegation provides economic security to the network and allows the operator to participate in the consensus process. The vault admin signs this transaction.
Similar commands are run for Operators 2 and 3, delegating 100 tokens to each operator.