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PEP: 9999 Title: Tag Strings For Writing Domain-Specific Languages Author: Jim Baker <[email protected]>, Guido van Rossum <[email protected]>, Paul Everitt <[email protected]> Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 01-Jun-2024 Python-Version: 3.14 Sponsor: Lysandros Nikolaou <[email protected]>


This PEP introduces tag strings for custom, repeatable string processing. Tag strings are an extension to f-strings, with a custom function -- the "tag" -- in place of the f prefix. This function can then provide rich features such as safety checks, lazy evaluation, domain-specific languages (DSLs) for web templating, and more.

Tag strings are similar to JavaScript tagged template literals and related ideas in other languages. The following tag string usage shows how similar it is to an f string, albeit with the ability to process the literal string and embedded values:

name = "World"
greeting = greet"hello {name}"
assert greeting == "Hello WORLD!"

Tag functions accept prepared arguments and return a string:

def greet(*args):
    salutation, recipient, *_ = args
    _, getvalue = recipient
    return f"{salutation.title().strip()} {getvalue().upper()}!"

Below you can find richer examples. As a note, an implementation based on CPython 3.12 exists, as discussed in this document.

Relationship With Other PEPs

Python introduced f-strings in Python 3.6 with PEP 498. The grammar was then formalized in PEP 701 which also lifted some restrictions. This PEP is based off of PEP 701.

At nearly the same time PEP 498 arrived, PEP 501 was written to provide "i-strings" -- that is, "interpolation template strings". The PEP was deferred pending further experience with f-strings. Work on this PEP was resumed by a different author in March 2023, introducing "t-strings" as template literal strings, and built atop PEP 701.

The authors of this PEP consider tag strings as a generalization of the updated work in PEP 501.


Python f-strings became very popular, very fast. The syntax was simple, convenient, and interpolated expressions had access to regular scoping rules. However, f-strings have two main limitations - expressions are eagerly evaluated, and interpolated values cannot be intercepted. The former means that f-strings cannot be re-used like templates, and the latter means that how values are interpolated cannot be customized.

Templating in Python is currently achieved using packages like Jinja2 which bring their own templating languages for generating dynamic content. In addition to being one more thing to learn, these languages are not nearly as expressive as Python itself. This means that business logic, which cannot be expressed in the templating language, must be written in Python instead, spreading the logic across different languages and files.

Likewise, the inability to intercept interpolated values means that they cannot be sanitized or otherwise transformed before being integrated into the final string. Here, the convenience of f-strings could be considered a liability. For example, a user executing a query with sqlite3 may be tempted to use an f-string to embed values into their SQL expression instead of using the ? placeholder and passing the values as a tuple to avoid an SQL injection attack.

Tag strings address both these problems by extending the f-string syntax to provide developers access to the string and its interpolated values before they are combined. In doing so, tag strings may be interpreted in many different ways, opening up the possibility for DSLs and other custom string processing.


This PEP proposes customizable prefixes for f-strings. These f-strings then become a "tag string": an f-string with a "tag function." The tag function is a callable which is given a sequence of arguments for the parsed tokens in the string.

Here's a very simple example. Imagine we want a certain kind of string with some custom business policies: uppercase the value and add an exclamation point.

Let's start with a tag string which simply returns a static greeting:

def greet():
    """Give a static greeting."""
    return "Hello!"

assert greet"Hello" == "Hello!"  # Use the custom "tag" on the string

As you can see, greet is just a callable, in the place that the f prefix would go. Let's look at the args:

def greet(*args):
    """Uppercase and add exclamation."""
    salutation = args[0].upper()
    return f"{salutation}!"

greeting = greet"Hello"  # Use the custom "tag" on the string
assert greeting == "HELLO!"

The tag function is passed a sequence of arguments. Since our tag string is simply "Hello", the args sequence only contains a string-like value of 'Hello'.

With this in place, let's introduce an interpolation. That is, a place where a value should be inserted:

def greet(*args):
    """Handle an interpolation."""
    # The first arg is the string-like value "Hello " with a space
    salutation = args[0].strip()
    # The second arg is an "interpolation"
    interpolation = args[1]
    # Interpolations are tuples, the first item is a lambda
    getvalue = interpolation[0]
    # It gets called in the scope where it was defined, so
    # the interpolation returns "World"
    result = getvalue()
    recipient = result.upper()
    return f"{salutation} {recipient}!"

name = "World"
greeting = greet"Hello {name}"
assert greeting == "Hello WORLD!"

The f-string interpolation of {name} leads to the new machinery in tag strings:

  • args[0] is still the string-like 'Hello ', this time with a trailing space
  • args[1] is an expression -- the {name} part
  • Tag strings represent this part as an interpolation object
  • An interpolation is a tuple whose first item is a lambda
  • Calling this lambda evaluates the expression in the original scope where the tag string was defined

The *args list is a sequence of Decoded and Interpolation values. A "decoded" object is a string-like object with extra powers, as described below. An "interpolation" object is a tuple-like value representing how Python processed the interpolation into a form useful for your tag function. Both are fully described below in Specification.

Here is a more generalized version using structural pattern matching and type hints:

from typing import Decoded, Interpolation  # Get the new protocols

def greet(*args: Decoded | Interpolation) -> str:
    """Handle arbitrary args using structural pattern matching."""
    result = []
    for arg in args:
        match arg:
            case Decoded() as decoded:
            case Interpolation() as interpolation:
                value = interpolation.getvalue()

    return f"{''.join(result)}!"

name = "World"
greeting = greet"Hello {name} nice to meet you"
assert greeting == "Hello WORLD nice to meet you!"

Tag strings extract more than just a callable from the Interpolation. They also provide Python string formatting info, as well as the original text:

def greet(*args: Decoded | Interpolation) -> str:
    """Interpolations can have string formatting specs and conversions."""
    result = []
    for arg in args:
        match arg:
            case Decoded() as decoded:
            case getvalue, raw, conversion, format_spec:  # Unpack
                gv = f"gv: {getvalue()}"
                r = f"r: {raw}"
                c = f"c: {conversion}"
                f = f"f: {format_spec}"
                result.append(", ".join([gv, r, c, f]))

    return f"{''.join(result)}!"

name = "World"
assert greet"Hello {name!r:s}" == "Hello gv: World, r: name, c: r, f: s!"

You can see each of the Interpolation parts getting extracted:

  • The lambda expression to call and get the value in the scope it was defined
  • The raw string of the interpolation (name)
  • The Python "conversion" field (s)
  • Any format specification (r)


In the rest of this specification, mytag will be used for an arbitrary tag. For example:

def mytag(*args):
    return args

trade = 'shrubberies'
mytag'Did you say "{trade}"?'

Valid Tag Names

The tag name can be any undotted name that isn't already an existing valid string or bytes prefix, as seen in the lexical analysis specification, Therefore these prefixes can't be used as a tag:

stringprefix: "r" | "u" | "R" | "U" | "f" | "F"
            : | "fr" | "Fr" | "fR" | "FR" | "rf" | "rF" | "Rf" | "RF"

bytesprefix: "b" | "B" | "br" | "Br" | "bR" | "BR" | "rb" | "rB" | "Rb" | "RB"

Python restricts certain keywords from being used as identifiers. This restriction also applies to tag names. Usage of keywords should trigger a helpful error, as done in recent CPython releases.

Tags Must Immediately Precede the Quote Mark

As with other string literal prefixes, no whitespace can be between the tag and the quote mark.

PEP 701

Tag strings support the full syntax of PEP 701 in that any string literal, with any quote mark, can be nested in the interpolation. This nesting includes of course tag strings.

Evaluating Tag Strings

When the tag string is evaluated, the tag must have a binding, or a NameError is raised; and it must be a callable, or a TypeError is raised. This behavior follows from the de-sugaring of:

trade = 'shrubberies'
mytag'Did you say "{trade}"?'


mytag(DecodedConcrete(r'Did you say "'), InterpolationConcrete(lambda: trade, 'trade', None, None), DecodedConcrete(r'"?'))


DecodedConcrete and InterpolationConcrete are just example implementations. If approved, tag strings will have concrete types in builtins.

Decoded Strings

In the mytag'Did you say "{trade}"?' example, there are two strings: r'Did you say "' and r'"?'.

Strings are internally stored as objects with a Decoded structure, meaning: conforming to a protocol Decoded:

class Decoded(Protocol):
    def __str__(self) -> str:

    raw: str

These Decoded objects have access to raw strings. Raw strings are used because tag strings are meant to target a variety of DSLs, such as the shell and regexes. Such DSLs have their own specific treatment of metacharacters, namely the backslash.

However, often the "cooked" string is what is needed, by decoding the string as if it were a standard Python string. In the proposed implementation, the decoded object's __new__ will store the raw string and store and return the "cooked" string.

The protocol is marked as @runtime_checkable to allow structural pattern matching to test against the protocol instead of a type. This can incur a small performance penalty. Since the case tests are in user-code tag functions, authors can choose to optimize by testing for the implementation type discussed next.

The Decoded protocol will be available from typing. In CPython, Decoded will be implemented in C, but for discussion of this PEP, the following is a compatible implementation:

class DecodedConcrete(str):
    _raw: str

    def __new__(cls, raw: str):
        decoded = raw.encode("utf-8").decode("unicode-escape")
        if decoded == raw:
            decoded = raw
        chunk = super().__new__(cls, decoded)
        chunk._raw = raw
        return chunk

    def raw(self):
        return self._raw


An Interpolation is the data structure representing an expression inside the tag string. Interpolations enable a delayed evaluation model, where the interpolation expression is computed, transformed, memoized, or processed in any way.

In addition, the original text of the interpolation expression is made available to the tag function. This can be useful for debugging or metaprogramming.

Interpolation is a Protocol which will be made available from typing. It has the following definition:

class Interpolation(Protocol):
    def __len__(self):

    def __getitem__(self, index: int):

    def getvalue(self) -> Callable[[], Any]:

    expr: str
    conv: Literal["a", "r", "s"] | None
    format_spec: str | None

Given this example interpolation:


these attributes are as follows:

  • getvalue is a zero argument closure for the interpolation. In this case, lambda: trade.
  • expr is the expression text of the interpolation. Example: 'trade'.
  • conv is the optional conversion to be used by the tag function, one of r, s, and a, corresponding to repr, str, and ascii conversions. Note that as with f-strings, no other conversions are supported. Example: 'r'.
  • format_spec is the optional format_spec string. A format_spec is eagerly evaluated if it contains any expressions before being passed to the tag function. Example: 'some-formatspec'.

In all cases, the tag function determines what to do with valid Interpolation attributes.

In the CPython reference implementation, implementing Interpolation in C would use the equivalent Struct Sequence Objects (see such code as os.stat_result). For purposes of this PEP, here is an example of a pure Python implementation:

class InterpolationConcrete(NamedTuple):
    getvalue: Callable[[], Any]
    expr: str
    conv: Literal['a', 'r', 's'] | None = None
    format_spec: str | None = None

Interpolation Expression Evaluation

Expression evaluation for interpolations is the same as in :pep:`498#expression-evaluation`, except that all expressions are always implicitly wrapped with a lambda:

The expressions that are extracted from the string are evaluated in the context where the tag string appeared. This means the expression has full access to its lexical scope, including local and global variables. Any valid Python expression can be used, including function and method calls.

This means that the lambda wrapping here uses the usual lexical scoping. As with f-strings, there's no need to use locals(), globals(), or frame introspection with sys._getframe to evaluate the interpolation. Stated differently, the code of each expression is available and does not have to be looked up with inspect.getsource or some other means.

Format Specification

The format_spec is by default None if it is not specified in the tag string's corresponding interpolation.

Because the tag function is completely responsible for processing Decoded and Interpolation values, there is no required interpretation for the format spec and conversion in an interpolation. For example, this is a valid usage:

html'<div id={id:int}>{content:HTML|str}</div>'

In this case the format_spec for the second interpolation is the string 'HTML|str'; it is up to the html tag to do something with the "format spec" here, if anything.

f-string-style = Evaluation

mytag'{expr=}' is parsed to being the same as mytag'expr={expr}', as implemented in the issue Add = to f-strings for easier debugging.

Tag Function Arguments

The tag function has the following signature:

def mytag(*args: Decoded | Interpolation) -> Any:

This corresponds to the following protocol:

class TagFunction(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, *args: Decoded | Interpolation) -> Any:

Because of subclassing, the signature for mytag can of course be widened to the following, at the cost of losing some type specificity:

def mytag(*args: str | tuple) -> Any:

A user might write a tag string as a split string:

def tag(*args):
    return args


Tag strings will represent this as exactly one Decoded argument. In this case, Decoded.raw would be '\\N{GRINNING FACE}'. The "cooked" representation via encode and decode would be:

'\\N{GRINNING FACE}'.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode-escape')

Return Value

Tag functions can return any type. Often they will return a string, but richer systems can be built by returning richer objects. See below for a motivating example.

Function Application

Tag strings desugar as follows:

mytag'Hi, {name!s:format_spec}!'

This is equivalent to:

mytag(DecodedConcrete(r'Hi, '), InterpolationConcrete(lambda: name, 'name', 's', 'format_spec'), DecodedConcrete(r'!'))

No Empty Decoded String

Alternation between decodeds and interpolations is commonly seen, but it depends on the tag string. Decoded strings will never have a value that is the empty string:


...which results in this desugaring:

mytag(InterpolationConcrete(lambda: a, 'a', None, None), InterpolationConcrete(lambda: b, 'b', None, None), InterpolationConcrete(lambda: c, 'c', None, None))



...results in this desugaring:


HTML Example of Rich Return Types

Tag functions can be a powerful part of larger processing chains by returning richer objects. JavaScript tagged template literals, for example, are not constrained by a requirement to return a string. As an example, let's look at an HTML generation system, with a usage and "subcomponent":

def Menu(*, logo: str, class_: str) -> HTML:
    return html'<img alt="Site Logo" src={logo} class={class_} />'

icon = 'acme.png'
result = html'<header><{Menu} logo={icon} class="my-menu"/></header>'
img = result.children[0]
assert img.tag == "img"
assert img.attrs == {"src": "acme.png", "class": "my-menu", "alt": "Site Logo"}
# We can also treat the return type as a string of specially-serialized HTML
assert str(result) = '<header>' # etc.

This html tag function might have the following signature:

def html(*args: Decoded | Interpolation) -> HTML:

The HTML return class might have the following shape as a Protocol:

class HTML(Protocol):
    tag: str
    attrs: dict[str, Any]
    children: Sequence[str | HTML]

In summary, the returned instance can be used as:

  • A string, for serializing to the final output
  • An iterable, for working with WSGI/ASGI for output streamed and evaluated interpolations in the order they are written out
  • A DOM (data) structure of nested Python data

In each case, the result can be lazily and recursively composed in a safe fashion, because the return value isn't required to be a string. Recommended practice is that return values are "passive" objects.

What benefits might come from returning rich objects instead of strings? A DSL for a domain such as HTML templating can provide a toolchain of post-processing, as Babel does for JavaScript with AST-based transformation plugins. Similarly, systems that provide middleware processing can operate on richer, standard objects with more capabilities. Tag string results can be tested as nested Python objects, rather than string manipulation. Finally, the intermediate results can be cached/persisted in useful ways.

Tool Support

Python Semantics in Tag Strings

Python template languages and other DSLs have semantics quite apart from Python. Different scope rules, different calling semantics e.g. for macros, their own grammar for loops, and the like.

This means all tools need to write special support for each language. Even then, it is usually difficult to find all the possible scopes, for example to autocomplete values.

f-strings of course do not have this issue. An f-string is considered part of Python. Expressions in curly braces behave as expected and values should resolve based on regular scoping rules. Tools such as mypy can see inside f-string expressions, but will likely never look inside a Jinja2 template.

DSLs written with tag strings will inherit much of this value. While we can't expect standard tooling to understand the "domain" in the DSL, they can still inspect anything expressible in an f-string.

Backwards Compatibility

Like f-strings, usage of tag strings will be a syntactic backwards incompatibility with previous versions.

Security Implications

The security implications of working with interpolations, with respect to interpolations, are as follows:

  1. Scope lookup is the same as f-strings (lexical scope). This model has been shown to work well in practice.
  2. Tag functions can ensure that any interpolations are done in a safe fashion, including respecting the context in the target DSL.

How To Teach This

Tag strings have several audiences: consumers of tag functions, authors of tag functions, and framework authors who provide interesting machinery for tag functions.

All three groups can start from an important framing:

  • Existing solutions (such as template engines) can do parts of tag strings
  • But tag strings move everything closer to "normal Python"

Consumers can look at tag strings as starting from f-strings:

  • They look familiar.
  • Scoping and syntax rules are the same.
  • You just need to import the tag function.

They first thing they need to absorb: unlike f-strings, the string isn't immediately evaluated "in-place". Something else (the tag function) happens. That's the second thing to teach: the tag functions do something particular. Thus the concept of "domain specific languages" (DSL.)

Tag function authors therefore think in terms of making a DSL. They have business policies they want to provide in a Python-familiar way. With tag functions, Python is going to do much of the pre-processing. This lowers the bar for making a DSL.

Tag authors can start with simple uses. Tag strings can then open to larger patterns: lazy evaluation, intermediate representations, registries, and more.

Finally, framework authors can provide contact points with their lifecycles. For example, decorators which tag function authors can use to memoize interpolations in the function args.

Each of these points also match the teaching of decorators. In that case, a learner consumes something which applies to the code just after it. They don't need to know too much about decorator theory to take advantage of the utility.

Common Patterns Seen In Writing Tag Functions

Structural Pattern Matching

Iterating over the arguments with structural pattern matching is the expected best practice for many tag function implementations:

def tag(*args: Decoded | Interpolation) -> Any:
    for arg in args:
        match arg:
            case Decoded() as decoded:
                ... # handle each decoded string
            case Interpolation() as interpolation:
                ... # handle each interpolation

Lazy Evaluation

The example tag functions above each call the interpolation's getvalue lambda immediately. Python developers have frequently wished that f-strings could be deferred, or lazily evaluated. It would be straightforward to write a wrapper that, for example, defers calling the lambda until an __str__ was invoked.


Tag function authors have control of processing the static string parts and the dynamic interpolation parts. For higher performance, they can deploy approaches for memoizing processing, for example by generating keys.

Order of Evaluation

Imagine a tag that generates a number of sections in HTML. The tag needs inputs for each section. But what if the last input argument takes a while? You can't return the HTML for the first section until all the arguments are available.

You'd prefer to emit markup as the inputs are available. Some templating tools support this approach, as does tag strings.

Reference Implementation

At the time of this PEP's announcement, a fully-working implementation is [available](

This implementation is not final, as the PEP discussion will likely provide changes.

Rejected Ideas

Enable Exact Round-Tripping of conv and format_spec

There are two limitations with respect to exactly round-tripping to the original source text.

First, the format_spec can be arbitrarily nested:


In this PEP and corresponding reference implementation, the format_spec is eagerly evaluated to set the format_spec in the interpolation, thereby losing the original expressions.

While it would be feasible to preserve round-tripping in every usage, this would require an extra flag equals to support, for example, {x=}, and a recursive Interpolation definition for format_spec. The following is roughly the pure Python equivalent of this type, including preserving the sequence unpacking (as used in case statements):

class InterpolationConcrete(NamedTuple):
    getvalue: Callable[[], Any]
    raw: str
    conv: str | None = None
    format_spec: str | None | tuple[Decoded | Interpolation, ...] = None
    equals: bool = False

    def __len__(self):
        return 4

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter((self.getvalue, self.raw, self.conv, self.format_spec))

However, the additional complexity to support exact round-tripping seems unnecessary and is thus rejected.

No Implicit String Concatenation

Implicit tag string concatenation isn't supported, which is unlike other string literals.

The expectation is that triple quoting is sufficient. If implicit string concatenation is supported, results from tag evaluations would need to support the + operator with __add__ and __radd__.

Because tag strings target embedded DSLs, this complexity introduces other issues, such as determining appropriate separators. This seems unnecessarily complicated and is thus rejected.

Arbitrary Conversion Values

Python allows only r, s, or a as possible conversion type values. Trying to assign a different value results in SyntaxError.

In theory, tag functions could choose to handle other conversion types. But this PEP adheres closely to PEP 701. Any changes to allowed values should be in a separate PEP.


Thanks to Ryan Morshead for contributions during development of the ideas leading to tag strings. Thanks also to Koudai Aono for infrastructure work on contributing materials. Special mention also to Dropbox's pyxl as tackling similar ideas years ago.


This document is placed in the public domain or under the CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive.