Modification of Wechat Explorer 微信聊天记录导出、分析工具 For iOS
pip install wechat-exporter
You may use the free iPhone Backup Extractor or iExplorer. Export the folder named
. There is an folder named Documents
in your exports.
wexp list_chatrooms ../Documents user_id
wexp list_friends ../Documents user_id
wexp get_chatroom_stats ../Documents user_id chatroom_id@chatroom 2015-08-01 2015-09-01
wexp export_chatroom_records ../Documents user_id chatroom_id@chatroom 2015-10-01 2015-10-07 ../
wexp get_friend_label_stats ../Documents user_id
HTML chatroom records to PDF
wkhtmltopdf --dpi 300 records.html records.pdf
由于 iOS 本身的限制,是拿不到任何数据的。我们只能从 iTunes 的备份中,导出微信 App 的数据,然后通过分析数据,实现一系列的功能(比如导出聊天记录,数据计算等等)。
- support non-text record type
- add avatars group members