All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of
Fix bad git push command that send a git push --tags
that was inappropriate and can mess up the git repo. Now issue a git push for the commit and only push the correct annotated tag of the release instead of all tags.
Fix silent error when failure while tagging during release
Bump to latest version to fix bug during reading deps.edn in user project
Add explicit behavior for spit See (Issue 14)[#14]
Refactor to provide a clean api to facilitate using metav within code and REPL, spec for options of operations.
Add some documentation (docs/
See (Pull Request 9)[#9]
Bumping edge case when bumping a dirty version (see #7)
Fix Issue : #6 Fix sanity check of the repo state before release when language is different than english
Fix Issue: #4 Take the first line of a multi line where.exe output to find git
[1.5.0, 1.5.1] Adding option to skip signing git tag Patch for doc of the previous feature in 1.5.1
Add a template rendering option for spit and release task using the mustache templating format EADe )
Add an option to avoid pushing at the end of the release task
Add the module-name override CLI options to overide the module-name instead of the automatic deduction given the directory tree.
- Release Task (see metav.release ns)
- Display Task (see metav.display ns)