Spaces - a Vue component and/or directive used to define variables and functions directly in your markup, without adding creating a component. The spaces are fully reactive, so they can be used in computed attributes and templates.
If you have ever needed some javascript to hide/show elements or store a local state, but didn't want to create an entire component, this will do the trick.
This was largely inspired by alpine.js.
npm install --save vue-spaces
Install the plugin:
import Vue from 'vue';
import Space from 'vue-spaces';
The installation provides you with a component and directive that can be used interchangeably.
Using the directive, define a space and its data and methods. The space ID is required to identify the space.
message: 'hello world',
updateMessage(newMessage) {
this.message = newMessage;
{{ $space('messageSpace').message }}
<button @click="$space('messageSpace').updateMessage('Foo Bar')">Update message</button>
The same functionality with the component. When using the component, you can use v-slot to get the space without the $space helper.
message: 'hello world',
updateMessage(newMessage) {
this.message = newMessage;
{{ space.message }}
<button @click="space.updateMessage('Foo Bar')">Update message</button>
Both component and directive have "init" methods that trigger when the component or directive is mounted. For example:
// call a function defined in your space
init="updateMessage('Foo Bar')"
// or
init="this.updateMessage('Foo Bar')"
// or initiate any other code
init="this.popper = new Popper()"
Directive - when using a directive, you must pass a string or the expression will be evaluated immediately.
// call a function defined in your space
v-space:mySpace.init="'updateMessage(\'Foo Bar\')'"
// or
v-space:mySpace.init="'this.updateMessage(\'Foo Bar\')'"
// or initiate any other code
v-space:mySpace.init="'this.popper = new Popper()'"
The "$space" helper function can be used to access your spaces anywhere in your app.
export default {
computed: {
return this.$space('spaceId').someProperty;
template: `
{{ someProperty }}
is the same as
{{ $space('spaceId').someProperty }}
Spaces have some built in helpers to make them easier to work with.
// Get - get with dot notation
// Set - set with dot notation
$space('spaceId').$set('', 'baz')
// Has - has with dot notation.
// Toggle (boolean) - toggle a boolean.
// Toggle (array) - toggle an item in an array.
// Space: { selection: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] }
$space('spaceId').$toggle('selection', 'foo') // { selection: ['bar', 'baz'] }
$space('spaceId').$toggle('selection', 'foo') // and back: { selection: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] }
// Includes (array) - check if item in array.
// Space: { selection: ['foo', 'bar'] }
$space('spaceId').$includes('selection', 'foo') // true
$space('spaceId').$includes('selection', 'baz') // false
// Includes (string) - check if string has substring
// Space: { someString: 'abcde' }
$space('spaceId').$includes('someString', 'abc') // true
$space('spaceId').$includes('selection', 'ace') // false
// Call - call function defined in your space.
// someFunction(prop, propTwo)
$space('spaceId').$call('someFunction', propertyOne, propertyTwo)
npm run test:unit
npm run lint
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
If you discover any security related issues, please contact John Gile.