diff --git a/stagedReleaseTester.sh b/stagedReleaseTester.sh
index 6e2981cc..ce09bcaa 100755
--- a/stagedReleaseTester.sh
+++ b/stagedReleaseTester.sh
@@ -1,99 +1,4 @@
-greaterThanOrEqualTo9.4 ()
- # If version is not numerical it cannot be compared properly.
- if [[ ! $1 =~ ^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*$ ]]; then
- echo "Invalid version $1"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Compare version numerically using awk.
- if awk 'BEGIN{exit ARGV[1]>=ARGV[2]}' "$1" "9.4"; then
- return 1
- else
- return 0
- fi
-if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
- echo "Error: provide a list of staging numbers as arguments"
- exit 1
-stagingNumbers=( $@ )
-declare -A jettyHomeFromPartialVersion
-declare -A fullVersionFromPartialVersion
-for stagingNumber in "${stagingNumbers[@]}"; do
- stagingRepo="https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/jetty-$stagingNumber/org/eclipse/jetty"
- jettyVersion=$( curl -s $stagingRepo/jetty-home/maven-metadata.xml | egrep '.*' | sed -e 's/.*\(.*\)<\/version>.*/\1/g' )
- if [ -z "$jettyVersion" ]; then
- echo "Error: No Jetty Version for staging number $stagingNumber"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Index in hashmap by the partial version.
- partialVersion=$(echo "$jettyVersion" | sed -e 's/^\([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\).*$/\1/g')
- fullVersionFromPartialVersion["$partialVersion"]="$jettyVersion"
- jettyHomeFromPartialVersion["$partialVersion"]="$stagingRepo/jetty-home/$jettyVersion/jetty-home-$jettyVersion.tar.gz"
-# Update the docker files and scripts for every directory in paths.
-paths=( $(find -mindepth 4 -maxdepth 5 -name "Dockerfile" | sed -e 's/\.\///' | sed -e 's/\/Dockerfile//' | sort -nr) )
-paths=( "${paths[@]%/}" )
-for path in "${paths[@]}"; do
- imageTag="${path##*/}"
- remainingPath="${path%/*}"
- jettyVersion="${remainingPath##*/}" # "9.2"
- baseImage="${remainingPath%/*}"
- jettyHomeUrl="${jettyHomeFromPartialVersion[$jettyVersion]}"
- if [ -z "$jettyHomeUrl" ]; then
- echo "Did not Update: $path"
- continue
- fi
- fullVersion="${fullVersionFromPartialVersion[$jettyVersion]}"
- if [ -z "$jettyHomeUrl" ]; then
- echo "Did not Update: $path"
- continue
- fi
- # Select the variant of the baseDockerfile to use.
- if [[ $imageTag == *"alpine"* ]]; then
- variant="alpine"
- elif [[ $imageTag == *"slim"* ]]; then
- variant="slim"
- elif [[ $baseImage == "eclipse-temurin" ]]; then
- variant="slim"
- elif [[ $baseImage == "amazoncorretto" ]]; then
- variant="amazoncorretto"
- elif [[ $baseImage == "azul/zulu-openjdk" ]]; then
- variant="slim"
- elif [[ $baseImage == *"alpine"* ]]; then
- variant="alpine"
- else
- variant=""
- fi
- if greaterThanOrEqualTo9.4 "${jettyVersion}"; then
- # Maintain the existing base image tag.
- prevTag=$(cat "$path"/Dockerfile | egrep "FROM $baseImage" | sed "s|.*FROM $baseImage:\([^ ]\+\)|\1|")
- # Generate the Dockerfile in the directory for this jettyVersion.
- echo "# DO NOT EDIT. Edit baseDockerfile${variant:+-$variant} and use update.sh" >"$path"/Dockerfile
- cat "baseDockerfile${variant:+-$variant}" >>"$path"/Dockerfile
- # Set the Jetty and JDK/JRE versions in the generated Dockerfile.
- sed -ri 's/^(ENV JETTY_VERSION) .*/\1 '"$fullVersion"'/; ' "$path/Dockerfile"
- sed -ri 's|^FROM IMAGE:TAG|'"FROM $baseImage:$prevTag"'|; ' "$path/Dockerfile"
- # Set the URL of jetty-home.
- sed -ri 's|^(ENV JETTY_TGZ_URL) .*|\1 '"$jettyHomeUrl"'|; ' "$path/Dockerfile"
- echo "Successfully Updated: $path to $fullVersion"
- else
- echo "Did not Update: $path"
- fi
+export REPOSITORY_URL="https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/jetty-with-staging/org/eclipse/jetty"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/update.sh b/update.sh
index 6d3e1d7b..42b697ce 100755
--- a/update.sh
+++ b/update.sh
@@ -63,7 +63,10 @@ if [ ${#paths[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
paths=( "${paths[@]%/}" )
available=( $( curl -sSL "$MAVEN_METADATA_URL" | grep -Eo '<(version)>[^<]*\1>' | awk -F'[<>]' '{ print $3 }' | sort -Vr ) )
for path in "${paths[@]}"; do
@@ -115,8 +118,16 @@ for path in "${paths[@]}"; do
# Set the Jetty and JDK/JRE jettyVersions in the generated Dockerfile.
sed -ri 's/^(ENV JETTY_VERSION) .*/\1 '"$fullVersion"'/; ' "$path/Dockerfile"
sed -ri 's|^FROM IMAGE:TAG|'"FROM $baseImage:$prevTag"'|; ' "$path/Dockerfile"
+ # Update repository URL.
+ sed -ri 's|^(ENV JETTY_TGZ_URL) .*|\1 '"$JETTY_HOME_URL"'|; ' "$path/Dockerfile"
+ # Update Jetty Version.
sed -ri 's/^(ENV JETTY_VERSION) .*/\1 '"$fullVersion"'/; ' "$path/Dockerfile"
+ # Update repository URL.
+ sed -ri 's|^(ENV JETTY_TGZ_URL) .*|\1 '"$JETTY_HOME_URL"'|; ' "$path/Dockerfile"