Matteo Bottacini, [email protected]
In this report are show the results obtained for the Time-Series Derivatives Analysis.
The codes described are in ../deliverables/
which is the only script you need to run to perform the analysis. The images and the tables are in ../reports/
Note: all the images in this GitHub repo are .png
instead of .pdf
. The reason is to make it easier for GitHub to render the results.
- Main Variables
- Create the Environment: directories and sub-directories
- Load data and data pre-processing
- Underlying analytics
- Implied volatility historical distribution
- Model calibratio
The first step is to declare the main variables. Feel free to change this setting.
# main variables
local_folder = 'deliverables' # folder where this script is run
min_time_interval = 5 # first model to be calibrated
max_time_interval = 1440 # last model to be calibrated
step = 5 # step between a model and the following one
atm_skew = 1 # Skew of an ATM option
itm_skew = 1.75 # Skew of an ITM option, this will be used for modelling the volatility skew
otm_skew = 0.25 # Skew of an OTM option, this will be used for modelling the volatility skew
The second step is to create the environment to store the results using the self-function create_env()
# import modules
from TimeSeriesAnalysis.src.utils import *
# create environment
min_time_interval=min_time_interval, max_time_interval=max_time_interval, step=step)
The third step is to load the data into the working environment and to pre-process them using the function load_data()
for both BTC
and ETH
# import modules
from TimeSeriesAnalysis.src.utils import *
# load data
btc_data = load_data(coin='btc', cwd='TimeSeriesAnalysis/desliverables')
eth_data = load_data(coin='eth', cwd='TimeSeriesAnalysis/deliverables')
The fourth step is to analyze the underlying time-series and dynamics for both BTC
and ETH
using the function underlying_analytics()
# import modules
from TimeSeriesAnalysis.src.utils import *
# index price analytics
index = underlying_analytics(local_folder=local_folder, btc_data=btc_data, eth_data=eth_data)
Thus, these are the price dynamics for BTCUSD
Then, the histogram of the 5-minutes log-returns and Daily log-returns, while the descriptive summary statistics of the returns are in this table: summary.csv
Finally, the cumulative returns, 30 rolling correlation and realized volatility:
The fifth step is to analyze the historical distribution of the market implied volatiltiy, and it is done by the function iv_distribution()
for both BTC
and ETH
# import modules
from TimeSeriesAnalysis.src.utils import *
# iVol distribution analytics
iv_distribution(coin_df=btc_data, coin='BTC', local_folder=local_folder)
iv_distribution(coin_df=eth_data, coin='ETH', local_folder=local_folder)
The histograms of the observations are below, while the descriptive summary statistics of the distribution are: BTC_iv_summary.csv and ETH_iv_summary.csv.
The last step is to calibrate the model to estimate the implied volatility for both BTC
and ETH
. The function used is model_calibration()
# import modules
from TimeSeriesAnalysis.src.utils import *
# model calibration
model_calibration(coin_df=btc_data, min_time_interval=min_time_interval, max_time_interval=max_time_interval,
step=step, atm_skew=atm_skew, itm_skew=itm_skew, otm_skew=otm_skew,
local_folder='deliverables', coin='BTC')
model_calibration(coin_df=eth_data, min_time_interval=min_time_interval, max_time_interval=max_time_interval,
step=step, atm_skew=atm_skew, itm_skew=itm_skew, otm_skew=otm_skew,
local_folder='deliverables', coin='ETH')
For the purpose of this GitHub only the results from the model calibrated each 720 minutes are shown.
results for this model are in BTC/720_min_calibration.
results for this model are in ETH/720_min_calibration.
The model parameters' dynamics data are for BTC
: BTC/720_min_calibration/data/BTC_parameters.parquet
and for ETH
: ETH/720_min_calibration/data/ETH_parameters.parquet.
The summary of the descriptive statistics are for BTC
: BTC/720_min_calibration/tables/BTC_parameters.parquet,
and for ETH
: ETH/720_min_calibration/tables/ETH_parameters.parquet.
Then, the plots are:
The ATM implied volatility data for BTC
are: BTC/720_min_calibration/data/BTC_atm_iv.parquet
and for ETH
: ETH/720_min_calibration/data/ETH_atm_iv.parquet.
The summary of the descriptive statistics are for BTC
: BTC/720_min_calibration/tables/BTC_atm_iv.parquet
and for ETH
: ETH/720_min_calibration/tables/ETH_atm_iv.parquet.
Then, the plots are:
The implied Volatility Term-structure:
And the Volatility Skew data for BTC
are: BTC/720_min_calibration/data/BTC_skew.parquet
and for ETH
: ETH/720_min_calibration/data/ETH_skew.parquet.
The summary of the descriptive statistics are for BTC
and for ETH
: ETH/720_min_calibration/tables/ETH_skew.parquet.
Then, the plots are:
This procedure has been applied to all the different calibrations.