Uses PySide / PyQt4 (will add support) for creating PDF's using Jinja2 templating
The package is designed so that Jinja2 should not be a dependency if the library will only be used for creating PDFs from raw HTML files. However, neither the command line version nor the templating functionality will work or without Jinja2 installed, raising an ImportError.
Raw HTML file (no templating)
import qtpdfprinter.converter as converter
converter.convert_html_to_pdf(sourc_path, destination_path)
Jinja2 template
import qtpdfprinter.templating as templating
templating.convert_template_to_pdf(sourc_path, destination_path, context={})
From the command line:
python <html_source> <pdf_destination>
PySide / PyQt4 Jinja2 (might make optional if only needing raw HTML rendering)