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62 lines (50 loc) · 3.1 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (50 loc) · 3.1 KB

The ComposeBatchEvent builds the email messages. Each message is represented as a FlexMailerTask with a list of MailParams.

Some listeners are "under the hood" -- they define less visible parts of the message, e.g.

  • BasicHeaders defines Message-Id, Precedence, From, Reply-To, and others.
  • BounceTracker defines various headers for bounce-tracking.
  • OpenTracker appends an HTML tracking code to any HTML messages.

The heavy-lifting of composing the message content is also handled by a listener, such as DefaultComposer. DefaultComposer replicates traditional CiviMail functionality:

  • Reads email content from $mailing->body_text and $mailing->body_html.
  • Interprets tokens like {contact.display_name} and {mailing.viewUrl}.
  • Loads data in batches.
  • Post-processes the message with Smarty (if CIVICRM_SMARTY is enabled).

The traditional CiviMail semantics have some problems -- e.g. the Smarty post-processing is incompatible with Smarty's template cache, and it is difficult to securely post-process the message with Smarty. However, changing the behavior would break existing templates.

A major goal of FlexMailer is to facilitate a migration toward different template semantics. For example, an extension might (naively) implement support for Mustache templates using:

function mustache_civicrm_container($container) {
  $container->addResource(new \Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\FileResource(__FILE__));
    array(\Civi\FlexMailer\FlexMailer::EVENT_COMPOSE, '_mustache_compose_batch')

function _mustache_compose_batch(\Civi\FlexMailer\Event\ComposeBatchEvent $event) {
  if ($event->getMailing()->template_type !== 'mustache') return;

  $m = new Mustache_Engine();
  foreach ($event->getTasks() as $task) {
    if ($task->hasContent()) continue;
    $contact = civicrm_api3('Contact', 'getsingle', array(
      'id' => $task->getContactId(),
    $task->setMailParam('text', $m->render($event->getMailing()->body_text, $contact));
    $task->setMailParam('html', $m->render($event->getMailing()->body_html, $contact));

This implementation is naive in a few ways -- it performs separate SQL queries for each recipient; it doesn't optimize the template compilation; it has a very limited range of tokens; and it doesn't handle click-through tracking. For more ideas about these issues, review DefaultComposer.

FIXME: Core's TokenProcessor is useful for batch-loading token data. However, you currently have to use addMessage() and render() to kick it off -- but those are based on CiviMail template notation. We should provide another function that doesn't depend on the template notation -- so that other templates can leverage our token library.

Tip: When you register a listener for EVENT_COMPOSE, note the weight. The default weight puts your listener in the middle of pipeline -- right before the DefaultComposer. However, you might want to position relative to other places -- e.g. WEIGHT_PREPARE, WEIGHT_MAIN, WEIGHT_ALTER, or WEIGHT_END.