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RAMLfications Roadmap

Lynn Root edited this page Jan 27, 2016 · 16 revisions

RAMLfications Roadmaps

Want to know what's going on? Want to help out? Please dive in!

Dev resources

  • "Agile" task board - see what's being worked on actively, the progress of such tasks, and anything that's available to be picked up and worked on
  • Contributors' guidelines - how to contribute to RAMLfications as well as what the labels on issues and the task board mean.

Upcoming Versions

For any issues that are not assigned to one of the above versions, one can assume they will be a part of future releases. Of course, feel free to argue (on the issue themselves) to get them into one of the above releases :).

RAMLfications v0.2.0 Roadmap

Timeline: Release date goal: 12/27/2015 (super optimistic!)

Issues to fix

Milestone view

  • Issue 14: Top level schemas are not resolved when assigned to resources
  • Issue 43: Support optional properties in resource types (not just methods) and traits
  • Issue 51: Errors aren't collected for multiple of the same item being validated (e.g. multiple protocols)
  • Fix "preserve URI parameter order" that I b0rk3d with the reorg of parsing logic on the new branch
  • Fix "URI parameters missing if not listed in uriParameters property" that I b0rk3d with the reorg of parsing logic on the new branch


  • Issue 2: Parsing & filling in of << parameters >> into individual resources
  • Issue 3: Handle !pluralize and !singularize functions to << parameters >>
  • [DOING] Issue 54: Support for RAML spec version 1.0 - see RAML v1.0 Roadmap for more detail
  • [DOING] PR 52: Add class Node List
  • PR 65: Raise descriptive LoadRAMLError when invalid JSON data is loaded

RAMLfications v0.2.x Roadmap

Basically all outstanding issues that haven't been slated for v0.1.9 or v0.2.0:


  • Issue 49 - Tree prints out multiple of the same endpoint when verbose = 0
  • Issue 50 - with tree, nested resources still contain parent path as opposed to the shell tree command


  • Issue 5 - Construct RAML via Python objects then dump/dumps them to file/string output
  • Issue 15 - Return json & lxml schema objects rather than Python objects


  • Outstanding question/discussion: Issue 67 - Should ResourceNodes include methods?