Thanks to Jeff Ramnani (jramnani) for finding a problem with with the --excludes tag and providing a patch.
- Fix error when using '--exclude' option.
Thanks to Rajit Singh (rajit) for finding a problem with quoting in tag comments that were causing issues with svn2git's internal quoting and providing a patch.
- Deal cleanly with any single quotes found in tag comments so that the 'git tag' commands run correctly.
Thanks to KUBO Atsuhiro (iteman) for finding a problem with the tagging process and providing a patch.
- Fixed a problem with creating actual git tags when the SVN tags path was named anything other than 'tags.'
Many thanks to Malte S. Stretz (mss) for the patches making up most of this release.
- Fixed a problem where tags didn't get the original date and time.
- New switch --exclude which can be used to specify a PCRE pattern to exclude paths from the import.
- New switches --no{trunk,branches,tags} to skip import of those.
- Improved docs.
- No changes. I ran the jeweler command twice inadvertently. Tearing down the release would be more harmful than helpful.
- Yanked out the code referencing the gem by name. This shouldn't be necessary at all.
- Updated the reference gem in the binary to use this one and not the one on RubyForge.
- Fixed a problem with the svn2git binary not loading command-line args properly.
- Reworked command-line options so they work similarly to every other app in the world.
- Better error messaging when no URL provided.
- Improved docs.
- Started using Jeweler for gem management.
- Fixed issue with not loading up RubyGems appropriately.
First release since nirvdrum fork.
Fixed issues with handling of tags and branches.
Added better logging of output from git-svn.
Wrap external command processing to capture failures.
- Forked version from jcoglan.