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Andrej Podhradsky edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 15 revisions
  1. check Pull Requests page on GitHub for open requests

Important: pull requests with dev_ prefix are not ready to merge - developers still work on them. A developer remove the mentioned prefix, when a pull request is ready to merge.

  1. pick a request
  2. check jbtis.verification.test job
  • the job is run after a pull request is created
  • the job runs smoke tests of all modules
  • the pull request can be merged only if relevant build was successful
  • the job can be rerun on a pull request (in case of the request was changed), just comment the request on GitHub with text: retest this please or test this
  1. open terminal and navigate to your local jbosstools-integration-stack-tests repository
  2. ensure you have ${developer’s remote}, if not add it as follows

git remote add ${developer’s name}${developer’s name}/jbosstools-integration-stack-tests.git

Note: To list all remotes use git remote -v

  1. execute following commands:

git checkout master

git pull upstream master

git fetch ${developer’s remote}

Note: before you can do it, ${developer’s remote} must be added. For example:

  • git remote add tsedmik [email protected]:tsedmik/jbosstools-integration-stack-tests.git
  • git fetch tsedmik

git checkout ${developer’s remote}/JBTISTEST-${request number}

git checkout -b tmp

git rebase master

Important: if some conflict during rebasing are emerged, reject the pull request and ask creator of the request to solve conflicts first. After that continue from 3.


Important: review commits in the pull request. No binary files are allowed. If you need to clarify something, contact creator of the request via conversation on GitHub. Once you are satisfied, proceed with the next command.

git checkout master

git merge tmp

git push origin master

git push upstream master

git branch -D tmp

  1. check the pull request on GitHub. If the status of request is not Merged, comment and close the request with text: pushed to master

Questions? Ask apodhrad (Andrej Podhradský) or tsedmik (Tomáš Sedmík) for help.

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