Please follow the [monitoring guide](../monitoring/] guide for information on using Fuse with Prometheus and Grafana.
Monitor your Fuse applications and take advantage of the built-in instrumentation with the prometheus-operator.
You can run the following instructions to deploy the prometheus-operator in your Fuse namespace:
First, install the CustomResourceDefinitions necessary for running the prometheus-operator. Note that you will need to be logged in as a user with cluster admin permissions.
$ oc login -u system:admin
$ oc create -f fuse-prometheus-crd.yml
Then, install the prometheus-operator to your namespace:
$ oc process -f fuse-prometheus-operator.yml -p NAMESPACE=<YOUR NAMESPACE> | oc create -f -
Finally, tell it to monitor your fuse application:
$ oc process -f fuse-servicemonitor.yml -p NAMESPACE=<YOUR NAMESPACE> -p FUSE_SERVICE_NAME=<YOUR FUSE SERVICE> | oc create -f -
Note that the NAMESPACE
parameters must be specified.