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Terraform Meta Argument: provider

provider Meta Argument

  • provider helps you to Use Multiple Providers in Terraform

  • You can use multiple providers within the same configuration to manage resources in different cloud regions or service providers.

  • Each provider definition specifies a different set of configuration parameters, enabling you to interact with multiple environments.

  • Scenario: Suppose a you want to create 2 VPC in 2 different regions, or may be you want to launch EC2 instance in 2 different regions.

  • Example:

    terraform {
    required_version = "~> 1.0"
    required_providers {
        aws = {
        source  = "hashicorp/aws"
        version = "~> 5.0"
    # Define First AWS Provider (us-east-1)
    provider "aws" {
    region = "us-east-1"
    alias  = "us-east-nv"
    default_tags {
        tags = {
        Terraform = "yes"
        Region    = "N.Virginia"
    # Defining Second AWS Provider (ap-south-1)
    provider "aws" {
    region = "ap-south-1"
    alias  = "ap-south-mumbai"
    default_tags {
        tags = {
        Terraform = "yes"
        Region    = "Mumbai"

    # Create VPC in different regions using different providers
    # Create VPC in North-Virginia Region
    resource "aws_vpc" "nv-vpc" {
    # meta argument provider is used to specify which provider to be used
    provider   =
    cidr_block = ""
    tags = {
        Name = "North-Virginia-VPC"
    # Create VPC in Mumbai Region
    resource "aws_vpc" "mum-vpc" {
    # meta argument provider is used to specify which provider to be used
    provider   = aws.ap-south-mumbai
    cidr_block = ""
    tags = {
        Name = "Mumbai-VPC"
  • Lets Execute Terraform commands to understand resource behavior

    1. terraform init : Initialize terraform
    2. terraform validate : Validate terraform code
    3. terraform fmt : format terraform code
    4. terraform plan : Review the terraform plan
    5. terraform apply : Create Resources by terraform
      • Example of terraform apply terraform apply terraform apply

      • After you type yes to terraform apply prompt, terraform will start creating resources. terraform apply

      • Once terraform completes the execution you should be able to check on your AWS Console four S3 buckets created successfully

      • VPC in us-east-1 terraform aws

      • VPC in ap-south-1 terraform aws


    1. terraform destroy : destroy or delete Resources, Cleanup the resources we created
      • After you type yes to terraform destroy prompt, terraform will start destroying resources

      • Once terraform completes the execution you should be able to check on your AWS Console

References :

The Resource provider Meta-Argument