The for_each Meta Argument is used to create multiple instances of a resource based on the elements of a
. -
for_each provides flexibility for managing resources with different configurations.
When you define a resource block with the for_each Meta Argument, you can provide a
that describes the configuration for each resource instance. -
Terraform will then create a separate resource for each element in the map or set
- A map is a data structure that stores
key-value pairs
. - Each key in the map is unique, and it's associated with a specific value
- Example:
{ Amar : "98869-12345", Akbar : "98450-56789", Anthony : "94480-54321" }
- You have names (keys) and phone numbers (values). Each name (key) is associated with a specific phone number (value).
- Keys in a map are unique, You can't have two entries with the same key.
- A map is a data structure that stores
- A set is data structure that stores a collection of distinct elements.
- In a set, there are no duplicates, and the order of elements doesn't matter.
- Sets automatically ensure uniqueness. If you add an element that already exists, it won't be duplicated.
- Example:
{"Amar", "Akbar", "Anthony", "Amar"}
- Though "Amar" is defined 2 times , set considers it to be only one , it wont be duplicated.
Note : A given resource or module block cannot use both count and for_each .
terraform { required_providers { aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = "~> 5.0" } } } provider "aws" { region = "us-east-1" default_tags { tags = { Terraform = "yes" Project = "terraform-learning" } } }
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "mys3bucket" { for_each = { dev = "venkat-app-log" uat = "venkat-app-log" pre = "venkat-app-log" prd = "venkat-app-log" } bucket = "${each.key}-${each.value}" tags = { Name = "${each.key}-${each.value}" Env = each.key } }
Lets Execute Terraform commands to understand resource behavior
terraform init
: Initialize terraform -
terraform validate
: Validate terraform code -
terraform fmt
: format terraform code -
terraform plan
: Review the terraform plan -
terraform apply
: Create Resources by terraform -
terraform destroy
: destroy or delete Resources, Cleanup the resources we created- After you type yes to
terraform destroy
prompt, terraform will start destroying resources
- After you type yes to