layout |
header |
excerpt |
feature_row |
feature_row2 |
splash |
overlay_image |
actions |
/assets/images/slider/bg-1.jpg |
label |
url |
<i class='fas fa-download'></i> Download |
/download |
Lets Students, Educators and Professional Developers create, edit and run self-contained source-only Java programs with unprecedented ease. |
image_path |
title |
excerpt |
/assets/images/carbon-deps.png |
Embedded Dependencies |
Automatic fetching of any dependency using `//DEPS group:artifact:version` or `@Grab` annotations directly from the source code. |
image_path |
title |
excerpt |
url |
btn_label |
btn_class |
/assets/images/carbon-install.png |
Install & Run Anywhere |
JBang installs and run on Windows, Linux, macOS, Docker and Github Actions as well as usable from Maven and Gradle plugins |
/download |
Download |
btn--primary |
image_path |
title |
excerpt |
/assets/images/carbon-java.png |
No Java ? No Problem! |
Java will automatically be downloaded when needed. |
image_path |
title |
excerpt |
/assets/images/feature-version-juggle.svg |
Java 8 and higher |
You can use any Java, from version 8 and up |
image_path |
title |
excerpt |
url |
btn_label |
btn_class |
/assets/images/feature-appstore.png |
JBang AppStore |
Use the JBang AppStore to find others application or publish your own from a git backed `jbang-catalog.json` |
/appstore |
AppStore |
btn--primary |
image_path |
title |
excerpt |
/assets/images/feature-ide.png |
Works in your IDE |
Easy editing in Intellij, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, Apache Netbeans, vim and emacs. All with proper content assist and debug |
{% include feature_row id="intro" type="center" %}
<script id="asciicast-bBAkVa2IBrS6G8urxPZLR7fdr" src="" async data-autoplay="true" data-size="medium" data-rows=25></script>
{% include feature_row %}
{% assign rdtestimonials | sample: 1 %}
{% for tweet in rdtestimonials %}
{% twitter tweet hide_thread=true align=center width=350 %}
{% endfor %}
All Testimonials
{% include feature_row id="feature_row2" %}
Below is latest talk about JBang: "jbang - Unleash the power of Java"
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>