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Create settings/constants for your Rails 3 app using a YAML file


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YAML settings for your Rails 3 app.

What does it do?

Yettings allows you to add a yml file to your “config” directory and you can access the values defined in the YAML in your Rails app. You can use this to store API keys, constants, and other key/value pairs. This plugin was heavily inspired by settingslogic, with a few differences… You don’t have to add a class and point to the YML file. The Yetting class will be created dynamically and will be available to your Rails app. This plugin is also more basic than settingslogic. It does not have support for dynamic setting creation… only the values in the yetting.yml will be available.

This project only supports Rails 3 and Ruby >= 1.9.2

There is a branch for 1.8.7, but it has not been merged into master. If you want to use it, you can reference the github location and branch in your Gemfile. See the issue tracker for more details

Known bug in YAML psych parser (Ruby < 1.9.2-p271)

This bug can cause issues loading the YAML keys when using Yettings. The workaround is to set your YAML parser to sych if your environment is currently using psych:

YAML::ENGINE.yamler = "syck"

More info here:

This issue is fixed in ruby-1.9.2-p271.


Install the gem

Add this to your Gemfile

gem "yettings"

Install with Bundler

bundle install

Adding the YAML file with your key/value pairs

  1. Create a YAML file inside /your_rails_app/config called yetting.yml

  2. If you want to namespace your Yettings, create a YAML file inside /your_rails_app/config/yettings/ and call it whatever you want.

YAML file content

You can define key/value pairs in the YAML file and these will be available in your app. You can set the defaults and any environment specific values.

The file must contain each environment that you will use in your Rails app. Here is a sample:

defaults: &defaults
  api_key: asdf12345lkj
  some_number: 999
  an_erb_yetting: <%= "erb stuff works" %>
    - element1
    - element2

  <<: *defaults
  api_key: api key for dev

  <<: *defaults

  <<: *defaults

In the above example, you can define the key/value pair using strings, numbers, erb code, or arrays. Notice that the “api_key” in the development environment will override the “api_key” from defaults.

Accessing the values in your Rails app

You simply call the Yetting class or the namespaced class and the key as a class method. For namespaced yml files, Yettings will convert the filename in /your_rails_app/config/yettings/ to a class name and append Yetting. So if you have main.yml, then it will use MainYetting as the class name.

Then you can call the key that you put in the YAML as a class method. Here are 2 examples:

#/your_rails_app/config/yetting.yml in production
Yetting.some_number #=> 999
Yetting.api_key #=> "asdf12345lkj"

MainYetting.some_number #=> 999
MainYetting.some_array #=> ["element1","element2"]

Default settings

The above YAML content explicitly specifies settings for each environment using YAML splats. In case you’d rather not write all those out, settings in the ‘defaults’ section will be used to populate each environment. So, the above file could be written as

  api_key: asdf12345lkj
  some_number: 999
  an_erb_yetting: <%= "erb stuff works" %>
    - element1
    - element2

  api_key: api key for dev


You may be tempted to store sensitive information in your settings files. For example, you may have places in your app where you use secret API keys, passwords or other credentials that are a liability to keep in revision control.

With version 0.2.0, Yettings supports encrypted values. To use this feature, you’ll need to generate a public/private keypair:

rake yettings:gen_keys

Now you’ll find the following files and directories in your project:


You’ll also automatically have the private key and private directory added to the .gitignore file to avoid checking these into git. Now create a file in the .private directory, let’s call it secret.yml, and put something in there you don’t ever want anyone else to know about:

# config/yettings/.private/secret.yml
  guilty_pleasure: singing into hairbrush

Whenever you run rails, you’ll see a warning like this:

$ ./bin/rails c
WARNING: overwriting config/yettings/ with contents of config/yettings/.private/secret.yml

Take a look at the file in that location and you’ll see the contents are now encrypted:

# config/yettings/
  guilty_pleasure: !binary |-

Check this into git, then edit your private file again:

# config/yettings/.private/secret.yml
  guilty_pleasure: singing into hairbrush
  specifically: '"Only in My Dreams" by Debbie Gibson'

Next time you run rails, your public file will be appended to, and you’ll see which key was updated when you commit to git again. This will help you if you ever need to roll back your credentials.

diff --git a/test_app/config/yettings/ b/test_app/config/yettings/
index 3c0e462..8d9555d 100644
--- a/test_app/config/yettings/
+++ b/test_app/config/yettings/
@@ -7,3 +7,10 @@ defaults:
+  specifically: !binary |-
+    A5M0/A3AbzkJaIXP3Ehtx0jPQtq2p8Y4SOqWN6OobkStjwSB6t9oHPDxA/jB
+    mnzkyH6Hwsq0MMQjvJrRoDDNU7lTPnVSxGkwkHBD37I09X9JEim0qTC4M1Q3
+    /VQEHtdEF8NfG9ZJs1b3iQNzu1CA2KNzUywmVpMJuwDNx4mSGdqpE37EeWMZ
+    iuY/F+nfi6pJYktlmuis2uy8IDrAdEQ7k0x2i3dGs9KotiNAmCkRvq5jwH9a
+    FXf30fXLX2cjWHQd3Ru3XurSOiN4LoYvAQBdgLyfX2ipapY8W+vcP8RmDBQR
+    vu9miVub5T1xndclETuL97JTO6Yg8PU98Pv42289GQ==

Contributing to yettings

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet

  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it

  • Fork the project

  • Start a feature/bugfix branch

  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution

  • Make sure to add tests for it. I will not even look at patches without a test included.

  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.

Copyright © 2011 cowboycoded. See LICENSE.txt for further details.


Create settings/constants for your Rails 3 app using a YAML file







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