SJK's dump format may include arbutrary data records besides thread sampling information. This ablity could be exposed via API.
command can be used to export arbitrary data from binary dump format into text or csv format.
> java -jar sjk.jar --help dexp
[Dump Export] Extract metrics from compressed dump into tabular format
Usage: dexp [options]
-cl, --columns
List of columns (tags) to be exported
Default: []
Default: false
Include additional information into std out
Default: false
Export all columns
Default: false
* -f, --file
Input files
Default: []
Default: false
-o, --outfile
Out data into a file instead of std out
Print parsers available in classpath
Default: false
Output statistics for tags
Default: false
-tr, --time-range
Time range filter
-tz, --timezone
Set time zone to be used for date formating
-X, --verbose
Enable detailed diagnostics
Default: false
Format output as CSV
Default: false